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What do Pandas Eat - In the Wild and In Captivity - Pandas Diet

7K views · Sep 23, 2021
Visit Channel:publisher-humix
What do Pandas Eat? The diet of Giant Pan da is almost entirely vegetarian, however, naturally they are carnivores. They have a digestive system of a carnivore, yet they have evolved to depend almost entirely on a plant based diet. A simple answer tåo the question, What do Pandas eat, is Bamboo. This is because more than 99% of their diet is bamboo. They sometimes hunt for pikas and other small rodents. In this video, we are going to discuss, "What do Pandas Eat", both in the wild and in captivity. You are going to learn about all the food items that are part of its diet. Further more you will learn: How much do pandas eat? What do pandas eat besides bamboo? and why do pandas eat so much bamboo? #panda #pandabear #china For more information on Pandas visit the link below: Kidz Feed : Infotainment at its Best
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