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Cargo Trucks & Trailers
Vans & SUVs


3K views · Jun 21, 2022
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Doing the proper research before purchasing a vehicle like the Grumman LLV is key if you don’t want to end up with something that you don’t really want. Since this is a postal truck it has some ups and downs and you need to be properly aware of them if you don’t want something to keep in your backyard and not be able to drive. And, oh boy, oh boy, the Grumman LLV has some drawbacks that you need to be aware of. Since this is a government fleet vehicle, the chances of registering it are extremely slim. But this doesn’t mean that you cannot register one or turn it into a dragster. You don’t need a license for the track. But more on these topics, we will discuss in detail later in this article. First, we will learn what is the USPS truck and its specs. Then we will see what are the things that you need to consider before purchasing one of these trucks. Later we will see if you can register one and if you can drive one without a CDL. Lastly, we are going to discuss where you can get a USPS truck for sale. So, without further ado, let’s get into the topic.
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