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Dog training tricks : Teach your dog to Give paw

647 views · Oct 7, 2021
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Dog training tricks : Give paw more tricks here : Give paw "Give Paw is a classic and is also the basis for many other tricks. But even though this trick is relatively easy to learn, it will take some patience (and a few treats) until your dog reacts with both paws when you give the command. How to do it: Give your dog the command "sit" and kneel down next to him. With your hand flat, lift your dog's paw from underneath and distinctly say the command "give paw". Repeat until your dog lifts his paw on his own when you give the command. Reward him immediately with a treat. You can also hide a treat in your hand and place it near your dog's head right away. Your dog will try to access the treat and will probably use his paw at some point. If he then puts his paw on your hand with the treat, give him the reward he wants and say "give me your paw" again. Over time, your dog will learn this exercise and will lift both paws as soon as you put your hand flat in front of him. ************************************************* Blog : Pinterest : Facebook : Instagram : Twitter :
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