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7 Actions Steps To Good Mental Health

5 views · Aug 28, 2022
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Open Up One of the most valuable steps in supporting good mental health is opening up and talking about your feelings. It's a great way to get things off your chest and process troubling emotions with someone you trust. Stay Active Exercising helps trigger the release of feel-good chemicals in your brain. Those chemicals make you feel great. Nurture Valuable Relationships When you're nurturing relationships, you should find value in the relationships that allow you to be imperfect and loved. Those are relationships you should cultivate. Seek Help When things go wrong or it feels like everything is too much, you should ask for help. Take Breaks Never underestimate the power of a good break. Regular breaks throughout the day are an important part of boosting your brain and maintaining productivity. Self-Acceptance Everyone is different and you should accept yourself exactly as you are. It's a much healthier way to live than trying to compete and compare yourself to others. Compassion For Others There is value in caring for others and being a compassionate person. It's an excellent way to nurture relationships, to bring people together, and it makes you feel good too. Manage Stress Stress is a normal part of life, which is why learning how to manage it with good coping skills is necessary. Laughter is a great way to beat stress so make time for fun and funny entertainment. Quiet Your Mind Mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or prayer can be excellent mind quieting exercises. These exercises can calm you, enhance the positive effects of therapy, and help you get connected to yourself. There is power in knowing yourself and to do that, you need to quiet your mind. Embrace Your Strengths The better you are at something, the more enjoyable it can be. More importantly, it's an incredible way to build your confidence and shake off some of the insecurities that often come with poor mental health. Seek Knowledge Exercising your brain is just as important as exercising your body, so do yourself a favor and seek knowledge. You can enroll in a class at the local community college. Or read a book on a topic you're interested in, but don't know much about. Forgive And Move On Ultimately, it doesn't matter if they ask and it doesn't matter what they did. They might not deserve your forgiveness, but it isn't for them. Forgiveness is for you. By forgiving someone you let go of the hurt you've been holding onto and it's only then that you can move forward.
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