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Email & Messaging

Here’s is a quick way to send email text messages from the PLC

32K views · Oct 16, 2022
Visit Channel:publisher-humix
We will now look at email and text (SMS) messages sent from the PLC. Sending email messages from the PLC sounds like an easy task. However, very few applications do this on the production floor. This is probably due to the networks involved and using authentication can be complicated. In our example, we will use a restricted Gmail SMTP server so no authentication will be required. We will walk through sending email and text messages from the PLC to Google Gmail. Once in your Gmail account, the message can be automatically forwarded to another verified email or SMS text message address. More information can be obtained at our website. Note: Google is removing "Less Secured Apps" in the mail app. (Gmail) If you are using this to send email from your controller, you must enable 2-step verification. This will then give you the option to generate an "App Password" for your controller or program. Gmail Less Secure App Access - App Passwords
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