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Travel & Transportation

Cheap flight from Warsaw to Kiev

33K views · Dec 17, 2021
Starting at $64 on Skyscanner ‌ with direct flight and no luggage, there are plenty of flights to Kiev for less than a hundred dollars on this route from Warsaw. Most of these Cheap Flights ‌ to Kiev necessitate an extra $50 per piece of baggage, but for airline members, it is possible to get it for free with airlines such as LOT with their direct flights and free extra luggage policy for StarAlliance silver and gold members, or with Aegean for gold members. Skyscanner cheap flights Warsaw Kiev The cheapest flights found were on Skyscanner, starting at $64 with Ukraine International Airlines, which costs an additional $50 to check a bag in. The competition is strong on this route, with 3 airlines, UIA, Wizzair, RyanAir, and LOT, offering several direct flights per day. Skyscanner ‌ offers the best prices on this route for all kind of flights, from direct to connecting flights. WhereCanIFLY cheap flights to Kiev from Warsaw With direct flights starting at $70, the prices on WhereCanIFLY ‌ aren't bad either, being pretty close to the ones offered at Skyscanner, and without any hidden additional cost for credit card payment, or risk that the partner travel agency will at the end not offer the flight for the advertised price. Kayak cheap flights from Warsaw to Kiev All airlines offers are available on Kayak, including the low cost airlines RyanAir and WizzAir, with flights more expensive than UIA. GoogleFlights cheap flights to Kiev from Warsaw Google Flights offers prices even higher than on Kayak, for the same flights. Expedia cheap flights from Warsaw to Kiev The situation on Expedia is incredible, without any flight below $100, but starting at $182, as they do not have the UIA, RyanAir, or WizzAir flights available.
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