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5 Coping Skills To Face Your Fears

0 views · Aug 29, 2022
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Welcome to this presentation of 5 key coping skills for facing your fears. Fear is an emotion that stems from the perception of impending danger, whether the threat is real or imagined. We have to learn constructive and effective ways to cope with fear since it is a part of life. Let’s review five ways to do just that. Gain Understanding. Many of our fears are rooted in a lack of knowledge. When we don’t know something, it causes us to exaggerate potential negative outcomes and fixate on worst-case scenarios. Knowledge, on the other hand, is power. When we take the time to research and get informed about a particular situation, it takes a lot of the mystery away and helps us understand the scenario in a manner that allows us to feel more informed and empowered. With increased logic and reasoning gained as a result of increased information, we can often dismantle the fear and become more courageous. Get support. The idea is simply to rally the resources of others in a way that helps you feel less alone. When you know you can rely on other people and fall back on other people, going into uncertain territory loses some of its footing. Your perception will often determine your outcome. If you go into a scenario expecting something to be especially scary and terrible, chances are the situation will meet your expectations. However, if you are intentional about having a positive outlook and choosing not to let fear define you or the situation, you can overcome it much better. Fear is a negative emotion that we can learn to control. It is about taking a moment to pause and implement techniques that will help us calm down, refocus, and reassess the situation. Such techniques can include meditation, breathing exercises, going for a walk, journaling, or anything else that allows us to break from the stress response fear causes long enough to reason through the situation and regain control. A final way to cope with fear is to model after someone who has already overcome it. Finding a person who has held the same fear as you and has overcome it can encourage you and give you tools and resources to work through it.
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