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Dance Pole Ceiling Damage: Should You Be Concerned?

168 views · Jan 20, 2022
Dance Pole Ceiling Damage? Is This Something You Should Be Concerned About? - Pole Model So, a very frequent question asked about installing a dance pole in your home is dance pole ceiling damage, "will it damage my ceiling?" The answer is, no. Unless however, your ceiling is made from plaster or if it was already weak or made from a material that could potentially be damaged by the weight of someone dancing on a dance pole or anything of the sort, then of course. But generally, and, in most cases, the answer will be no. Most home poles and the dance poles we recommend are portable, multi-piece, pressure-mounted poles. They simply go between your floor and ceiling and lock into place! Some professional and removable studio poles, such as the Lupit Pro pole have a ceiling mount that screws into the ceiling and floor. Even with these poles which do require some DIY (four screws), as long as the screw is going into a wall plug, it should not really cause any damage to your ceiling. Unless you’re one of the lucky few with a concrete ceiling, you’ll need to find a ceiling joist in the room where you want to put up the pole. Most ceilings are made of plasterboard, which is weak, but the plasterboard is supported by strong wooden joists. Ceiling joists are typically 30-60cm apart and usually run parallel to one wall of the room. You may find you can get more accurate results using a stud detector, which cost about $10-15 from DIY shops. If you’re planning to take your pole down, it’s a good idea to mark the ceiling so you don’t have to play ‘hunt the joist’ all over again.
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