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Food & Drink
Healthy Eating
Public Health
Special & Restricted Diets

The Plant-Based Diet Explained. And why you should care.

1K views · Sep 8, 2022
For my first video, I'd like to just briefly introduce what a Plant-Based Diet is. Essentially the Plant-Based Diet consists of eating predominantly plant-based foods while eliminating or minimizing meat, dairy and other animal products. This is followed 100% in the Vegan diet. Plant-based foods include beans, nuts, legumes, fruits, vegetables and grains, as the main staples. Eating a plant-based diet has numerous benefits which we will cover in future videos. Benefits range from better health, help with weight loss (if something you are trying to achieve), lowered cancer and disease rates, better athletic performance, more energy, better for the environment and planet, it's a more sustainable food source, and it's better for the treatment of animals. Veganism and vegetarianism are types of the plant-based diet as well.
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