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Tomato sweet pachadi - Thakkali sweet pachadi recipe - Kalyana sweet pachadi - Tomato jam

3K views · Sep 7, 2023
Tomato sweet pachadi - Thakkali sweet pachadi recipe - Kalyana sweet pachadi - Tomato jam Full recipe - Thakkali sweet pachadi is mom’s signature dish and amma makes it quite often during our childhood days. It is a very easy recipe and with few ingredients. If you have attended any Tamil Brahmin weddings, next to payasam and thayir pachadi, this sweet pachadi will be served. Instead of this, we make fruit pachadi or sweet kosumalli too. I am not a big fan of this thakkali jam, as we call it, but later after marriage started liking it. Though I have posted this in Jeyashri’s Kitchen many years back, recently I made this pachadi for an ayush homam function of a friend’s daughter here. I felt sweet pachadi was missing from the menu and so made it as a surprise to the host. It was a super hit among all our friends. Since everyone asked for the recipe I thought I will make it again and update this post with a full video. Even while making for the festival I thought I will take a video but since it was the bulk quantity I know it would be time-consuming and so didn’t attempt to do it. Ingredients A popular Tamil brahmin wedding style sweet pachadi recipe 3 cups tomato finely chopped 1 cup sugar ¼ cup water ¼ tsp cardamom powder 2 tsp ghee Few cashew nuts 4 dates chopped 2 tsp raisins | dry grapes Fruit sweet pachadi - Sweet kosumalli -
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