A Trick To Get More Candy In A Russell Stover Build-A-Box!

658 views May 20, 2024

See how to fit the most individual candies inside a Build-it-Yourself Russell Stover candy box -- where you get to pick your own candy flavors. At random times throughout the year, Russell Stover outlet stores let you fill your own box of chocolates for as little as $10. It's a flat fee, and you're allowed to stuff inside the box as many chocolates as you can fit! (They provide several different boxes with various messages on them for you to choose from.) Using these tips, you can pack the most individual candies into a single box! SUBSCRIBE to get more LIFE HACKS: https://bit.ly/FunTimesGuideYOUTUBE 馃敂 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: https://bit.ly/HouseholdTIps Twitter: https://twitter.com/FunHouseHome Facebook: https://bit.ly/FunHouseholdTips Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/FunHouseholdTips/ #russellstover #russellstovercandy #russellstoveroutlets #householdtips #hometips #househacks #homehacks #housediy #homediy #lifehacks #householdhacks #diy #familyfun #traveltips #candy #travelhacks #thingstodo #funwithfood ============================ Related QUESTIONS I've been asked: What chocolates are in Russell Stover? Where is Russell Stover candy manufactured? Is Russell Stover chocolate good?

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