'Video thumbnail for Valuable Pennies: How To Tell If You Have A Penny Worth A Lot Of Money'
Valuable Pennies: How To Tell If You Have A Penny Worth A Lo...
Valuable Pennies: How To Tell If You Have A Penny Worth A Lot Of Money

286K views · Feb 20, 2021

Are you curious what makes a penny valuable? Here are the 3 things that make a penny valuable. Also, how you can tell which pennies to keep and which ones to spend.

'Video thumbnail for Cleaning Coins With Baking Soda & Vinegar — See How Well This Method Works'
Cleaning Coins With Baking Soda & Vinegar — See How We...
Cleaning Coins With Baking Soda & Vinegar — See How Well This Method Works

44K views · Feb 19, 2021

Curious if baking soda and vinegar works on cleaning pennies, nickels, and quarters? See in real-time how well this classic method of cleaning coins works on some old coins. WARNING: all DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins! This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value.

'Video thumbnail for Lots Of Rare Pennies ...And How Much They’re Worth Today (Most Are Worth $500+)'
Lots Of Rare Pennies ...And How Much They’re Worth Today (...
Lots Of Rare Pennies ...And How Much They’re Worth Today (Most Are Worth $500+)

690K views · Feb 20, 2021

These are some of the most valuable old pennies (including Wheat pennies and Indian Head pennies) -- most of them are worth $500 or more! See exactly what they’re worth and why they’re worth so much money: 1909 pennies 1914 pennies 1922 pennies 1931 pennies 1943 pennies Doubled Die pennies from 1955, 1972, 1983, and 1984 How to tell steel pennies from valuable bronze pennies.

'Video thumbnail for Coin Roll Hunting Tips: How To Search Through Rolls Of Coins + Coins You Should Look For'
Coin Roll Hunting Tips: How To Search Through Rolls Of Coins...
Coin Roll Hunting Tips: How To Search Through Rolls Of Coins + Coins You Should Look For

82K views · Feb 22, 2021

See what it’s like looking through rolls of coins. It’s easy -- but is it profitable? I got these coin rolls from a grocery store last night... let's see what we find!

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Coins That Have Been In A Fire (Burned or Burnt Coins)'
How To Clean Coins That Have Been In A Fire (Burned or Burnt...
How To Clean Coins That Have Been In A Fire (Burned or Burnt Coins)

86 views · May 20, 2024

How To Clean Burnt Coins That Have Been In A Fire - Wondering how to clean burnt coins? Fire damaged coins can be challenging, but there are a few methods for potentially saving them -- as discussed here. In this video, I'm showing you how baking soda and toothpaste are both effective methods for cleaning fire damaged coins. You will see how to clean burnt quarters using these methods. See how to clean coins with baking soda and how to clean coins with toothpaste IF you have burnt coins that have survived a fire! Because that's the best way to clean coins that have been damaged in a fire. How do you clean a burnt quarter, nickel, dime, or penny? This video shows you exactly how to do it yourself! See how to clean fire coins + Tips for cleaning burnt coins yourself. ►Does your coin have bubbles on it? If so, it has most likely been in a fire. Here's more info with pictures: ►And here are some more photos of damaged coins: ►Keep in mind, damaged coins are not valuable: ►But if you have some damaged coins, you can actually get money for them! Here's how: ►And finally, here's everything you want to know about damaged coins: WARNING: all DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins! This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value. So, is there a SAFE way to clean coins? ►All of our tips for cleaning coins safely are here: ►These are the reasons you should NOT clean coins (and what you should do instead): ►Here's a list of ALL THE WAYS people are cleaning coins today: ►These are the trustworthy places you can send your coins for professional help with coin cleaning: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Burnt Coins That Have Been In A Fire 01:13 - What Fire Does To Coins 01:50 - Options For Cleaning Fire Damaged Coins 03:08 - How To Use Toothpaste To Clean A Burnt Coin 04:33 - How To Use Baking Soda To Clean A Burned Coin 05:14 - Companies That Professionally Clean Burnt Coins SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coincleaning #coincollecting #coins ============================ Related QUESTIONS I've been asked: How do you clean burnt silver coins? Can you use baking soda to clean coins? How do you clean coins without damaging them? Does baking soda damage silver coins? How do you clean coins without hurting the value? ►See the ANSWERS to these questions here:

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean A Coin Without Damaging It'
How To Clean A Coin Without Damaging It
How To Clean A Coin Without Damaging It

1K views · May 20, 2024

Can you clean coins without losing value? Yes - but there are only a few expert ways to clean coins without damaging them! See the SAFEST coin cleaning methods + Why you should be extra careful when cleaning coins. In this video, you will learn how to clean coins at home YOURSELF... safely. Before you start cleaning coins, read this FIRST: All the reasons you should NOT clean coins: A list of all the ways people are cleaning coins today: This is how to tell if a coin has been cleaned: ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Coins Without Damaging Them At Home 00:09 - Supplies Needed 01:23 - Tips For Cleaning A Burnt U.S. Quarter Coin 02:03 - How To Clean Coins Using Water 03:06 - How To Clean Coins Using Acetone Nail Polish Remover 06:12 - How To Clean Coins Professionally 07:54 - RESULT: What A Cleaned Coin Looks Like SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #cleaningcoins #coincollecting #coins ============================ Related QUESTIONS I've been asked: Q: What is the meaning of “verdigris” that is mentioned in this video? ►A: Verdigris is that bright blue-green formation (or patina) that sometimes forms on bronze and copper coins. Verdigris is caused by atmospheric oxidation – the result of oxygen, moisture, and other pollutants coming in contact with the metal. Q: Where to send coins to get them professionally cleaned? ►A: Q: How do you clean oxidized coins? Q: Is it bad to clean a coin? Q: How do professionals clean coins? ►A: See the ANSWERS here:

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Buried Coins Found In The Ground (While Metal Detecting, Etc.)'
How To Clean Buried Coins Found In The Ground (While Metal D...
How To Clean Buried Coins Found In The Ground (While Metal Detecting, Etc.)

691 views · May 20, 2024

Wondering how to clean a dirty coin that you've found in the ground? Want to learn how to clean dirty coins WITHOUT vinegar, or baking soda, or any of the other harsh agents that can easily damage a coin's surface? Hoping to see how to clean dirty coins at home yourself, rather than paying a professional? In this video, I'm showing you how water and acetone can be used to clean buried coins that have caked on mud and dirt. Specifically, you will see how to clean old copper coins using these methods safely. Plus, I mention 2 of the top professional coin cleaning agencies that are the best at cleaning buried coins -- if your at-home method doesn't get the coin looking the way you'd like. So... how do you clean dirty coins fast? This video shows you exactly how to do it yourself! What do you soak dirty coins in? What liquid cleans coins the best? I show you exactly how to safely use acetone to clean buried coins that have a lot of mud and dirt on them. See how to clean coins that have been buried + Tips for cleaning buried coins yourself in the safest ways possible. WARNING: All DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins! This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value. ALL of our tips for cleaning coins safely can be found here: These are the reasons you should NOT clean coins and what you should do instead: Here's a list of all the ways people who don't know better are cleaning coins today: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Buried Coins Found In Dirt 00:16 - How To Clean A Dirty Coin Yourself: A U.S. Penny 00:36 - Options For Cleaning Buried Coins 00:53 - How To Use Water To Clean Old Copper Coins 01:54 - What Is Patina On A Coin? 02:10 - How To Use Acetone To Clean Buried Coins 03:11 - How NOT To Clean Dirty Coins Found In The Ground 03:58 - How To Safely Clean Coins Found Buried 05:05 - Companies That Professionally Clean Dirty Coins 06:24 - Results After Cleaning A Dirty Coin Yourself SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coincleaning #coincollecting #uscoins ============================ RELATED QUESTIONS I've Been Asked: Q: What is the meaning of “verdigris” that is mentioned in this video? ►A: Verdigris is a bright blue-green formation (or patina) that forms on bronze and copper coins. Verdigris is caused by atmospheric oxidation – due to oxygen, moisture, and other pollutants coming in contact with the metal. How to clean metal detecting finds with lots of dirt and grime encrusted on them? How to clean dirty coins found in the ground? How to clean coins found buried? How to clean old buried coins? How to clean copper coins found in the ground? ►ANSWERS to the above questions are found here: Cleaning dug up coins (like those found while using a metal detector) can sometimes be challenging, but there are a few methods for cleaning dirty coins without damaging them -- as discussed in this video!

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Coins Without Devaluing Them [DIY Hack]'
How To Clean Coins Without Devaluing Them [DIY Hack]
How To Clean Coins Without Devaluing Them [DIY Hack]

1K views · May 20, 2024

In this video, I'm showing you the 2 safest methods to clean coins without devaluing them. (So before you start using baking soda, vinegar, toothpaste, or ketchup to clean your coins at home... I would encourage you to try these 2 safe methods for cleaning coins yourself FIRST!) If you clean your coins improperly, you could easily remove the coin's outer layer of metal and/or seriously scratch the surface of the coin. (Yes, even hairline scratches can lower the value of a coin! I'm going to show you how to prevent that when cleaning coins at home.) Also in this video, you'll learn where you can take your coins to get them professionally cleaned -- if you don’t achieve the results you’re looking for after cleaning the coins at home. ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Coins Without Devaluing Them 01:01 - How To Clean A Dirty Coin Like This Lincoln Penny 01:25 - How To Make An Old Coin Look New Again 01:56 - How To Clean A Coin Using Just Water 03:11 - How To Prevent Scratching (Adding Hairlines To) A Coin 03:50 - How To Clean A Coin Using Acetone 05:45 - Important Note When Using Your Sink To Clean Coins 07:06 - How To Clean Sticky Coins With Adhesive Residue On Them 08:02 - How To Get Coins Professionally Cleaned 09:15 - What About Using Baking Soda, Vinegar, Toothpaste, Ketchup? SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #cleaningcoins #coincollecting #uscoins ============================ RELATED QUESTIONS I've Been Asked: Q: What are the safest methods for cleaning coins without reducing their value? Can you clean coins without losing value? ►A: Here's what you need to know about the values for cleaned coins vs. non-cleaned coins: Q: What are the reasons you should NOT clean coins? ►A: Here are all of the reasons you should NOT clean your coins: Q: What are some other methods people use to clean coins? ►A: Here's a list of all of the ways people are cleaning coins today: Q: How can you tell if a coin has been cleaned before? ►A: Here's how to tell if a coin has been cleaned:

'Video thumbnail for How To Grade A Coin Yourself To Determine Its Value'
How To Grade A Coin Yourself To Determine Its Value
How To Grade A Coin Yourself To Determine Its Value

8K views · May 20, 2024

►Want to know how to grade a coin yourself at home? In this video I'm showing you how to tell the grade of a coin using official ANA coin grading standards. See how to grade your own coins accurately. You'll need a book on how to grade coins - like the official American Numismatic Association Grading Standards book I'm seen using in the video: BEFORE you start grading coins yourself at home... 1.) Here are the Coin Grading Basics you need to know: 2.) Here's How To Determine The Grade Of Every U.S. Coin In Your Collection: 3.) You'll need a Coin Grading Standards Book similar to this one: NOTE: XF and EF are synonymous -- both refer to "Extremely Fine" or "Extra Fine" ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How to grade coins yourself at home 00:08 - See what professionally graded coins look like 00:50 - ANA Grading Standards book explained 02:29 - See why this 1977 no mintmark penny is graded AU50 05:21 - Follow along as I grade this 1977-D penny AU55 05:50 - See why I graded this 1957-D penny EF45 SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coingrading #coincollecting #coins ============================ ►RELATED QUESTIONS I've been asked: Q: What does it mean to grade a coin? How do you know the grade of a coin? Can I grade my own coins? A: Here's everything you want to know: Q: Where can you send coins to have them professionally graded, appraised, cleaned, etc? A: Here are the top 4 trustworthy places that can help you with your coins:

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Coins With Bleach (Pennies, Nickels, And Silver Coins)'
How To Clean Coins With Bleach (Pennies, Nickels, And Silver...
How To Clean Coins With Bleach (Pennies, Nickels, And Silver Coins)

540 views · May 20, 2024

Want to find out how to clean coins with bleach? Can you use bleach to clean a coin properly? Can coins be cleaned with bleach safely? As this video shows, bleach isn't always the best method for cleaning coins... but wait til you see what happens when cleaning a silver quarter with bleach! WARNING: all DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins! This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value. If you're thinking of cleaning coins with Bleach... you'll want to watch this video FIRST and THEN read our helpful tips for cleaning coins safely at home yourself: All of our tips for CLEANING COINS SAFELY are here: These are the REASONS YOU SHOULD NOT CLEAN COINS (and what you should do instead): Here's a list of ALL THE WAYS people are cleaning coins today: This is HOW YOU CAN TELL if a coin has been cleaned: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Coins With Bleach 00:22 - Warning: Bleach Makes Coins Darker & Corrodes Them 01:05 - Reasons To Avoid Cleaning Coins With Bleach 01:25 - How To Use Bleach With Coins Safely 02:41 - Immediate Results After Using Bleach To Clean Coins 02:54 - Using Bleach To Clean A U.S. Quarter 03:14 - Using Bleach To Clean A U.S. Nickel 03:17 - Using Bleach to Clean A U.S. Penny 03:45 - The Effect Of Bleach On Silver Coins 04:11 - How Effective Is Cleaning Coins With Bleach... Really? 05:31 - Removing The Bleach From Cleaned Coins 06:32 - The Bottom Line SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coincleaning #coins #coincollecting ============================ Related QUESTIONS I've been asked: What is the best way to clean dirty coins? How to clean dirty coins at home? What is the fastest way to clean old coins? How do professionals clean coins? ►ANSWERS to those questions are here:

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Coins With Ketchup (Especially Pennies!)'
How To Clean Coins With Ketchup (Especially Pennies!)
How To Clean Coins With Ketchup (Especially Pennies!)

288 views · May 20, 2024

Did you know you can clean coins with ketchup? Ketchup works best on copper and bronze coins. So... should you clean your coins using ketchup? Does ketchup damage coins? Find out in this video about cleaning coins with ketchup. WARNING: all DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins! This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value. If you're thinking of cleaning coins with Ketchup... you'll want to watch this video FIRST and THEN read our helpful tips for cleaning coins safely at home yourself: All of our tips for CLEANING COINS SAFELY are here: These are the REASONS YOU SHOULD NOT CLEAN COINS (and what you should do instead): Here's a list of ALL THE WAYS people are cleaning coins today: This is HOW YOU CAN TELL if a coin has been cleaned: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Coins With Ketchup 00:33 - Why Ketchup Is Used For Cleaning Coins 00:53 - Which Coins Ketchup Works Best With 01:02 - What Happens When You Clean Copper Pennies With Ketchup 02:39 - Step 1: Squirt Ketchup Onto The Coin & Let Soak 5 Minutes 02:41 - Step 2: Rinse Ketchup Off The Coin Using Cold Water 03:00 - Result #1: A Newer Penny That's Been Cleaned With Ketchup 03:36 - Result #2: An Older Penny That's Been Cleaned With Ketchup 04:11 - How You Can Tell That A Coin Has Been Cleaned 05:33 - Result #3: Another Penny That's Now Brighter In Color 06:41 - The Bottom Line When Cleaning Coins With Ketchup 07:09 - How Cleaning Coins Affects Their Value SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coincleaning #coincollecting #uscoins ============================ Related QUESTIONS I've been asked: What is the best way to clean dirty coins? How to clean dirty coins at home? What is the fastest way to clean old coins? How do professionals clean coins? ►See the ANSWERS to these questions here:

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Coins With Toothpaste (To Make Them Appear Brighter)'
How To Clean Coins With Toothpaste (To Make Them Appear Brig...
How To Clean Coins With Toothpaste (To Make Them Appear Brighter)

50 views · May 20, 2024

Want to see how to clean coins using toothpaste? Watch as I show you how to clean a penny using toothpaste. When you use toothpaste to clean coins, you get immediate results! WARNING: all DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins! This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value. If you're thinking of cleaning coins with Toothpaste... you'll want to watch this video FIRST and THEN read our helpful tips for cleaning coins safely at home yourself: All of our tips for CLEANING COINS SAFELY are here: These are the reasons YOU SHOULD NOT CLEAN COINS (and what you should do instead): Here's a list of ALL THE WAYS people are cleaning coins today: This is HOW YOU CAN TELL if a coin has been cleaned: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Coins With Toothpaste 00:12 - Reasons NOT To Clean Coins With Toothpaste 00:34 - How To Clean A Penny Using Toothpaste 01:02 - Why A Coin's Natural Color (Patina) Is Important 01:25 - Lighten Dark-Colored Coins With Toothpaste 01:34 - First, Apply Toothpaste To A Coin Using Your Fingers 02:00 - Then, Start With A Dry Finger And Some Toothpaste 02:13 - Next, Rub Toothpaste Into The Coin With Your Fingers 02:24 - Cleaning Pennies With Zinc Core & A Copper Outer Layer 02:43 - My Previous Experience Cleaning Pennies With Toothpaste 03:08 - Result #1: After Cleaning FRONT Of Coin With Toothpaste 03:55 - Cleaning Coins With Toothpaste Is Similar To Baking Soda 04:47 - Result #2: After Cleaning BACK Of Coin With Toothpaste 05:07 - Finally, Rinse Coin Using Cold Water (NOT Hot) 05:32 - Coins Cleaned With Toothpaste Appear Lighter In Color 05:44 - Use A Soft, White Cloth To Pat (NOT Rub) The Coin Dry 06:00 - End Result After Cleaning A Penny With Toothpaste SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coincleaning #coincollecting #coins ============================ Related QUESTIONS I've been asked: Q: How do you clean coins at home yourself? A: (video) Q: How to clean dirty coins at home? A: (video) Q: How to clean old coins without damaging them? A: (video) Q: How to clean coins with bleach? A: (video) ►See the ANSWERS to other related questions here:

'Video thumbnail for Reasons To Save All Pre-1983 Pennies That You Find'
Reasons To Save All Pre-1983 Pennies That You Find
Reasons To Save All Pre-1983 Pennies That You Find

6K views · May 20, 2024

I always save pre-1983 copper pennies as I find them in my pocket change and from coin roll hunting. After 3+ years of saving these old pennies in a tin can, I decided to go through my 1,500 pre-1983 Lincoln cents and look for valuable errors, varieties, and other neat pieces. Here are my tips + Reasons you shouldn't spend pennies dated before 1983. ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #pennies #numismatics #valuablecoins

'Video thumbnail for How To Tell Legit Error Coins & Doubled Dies From Altered Coins & Novelty Coins'
How To Tell Legit Error Coins & Doubled Dies From Altere...
How To Tell Legit Error Coins & Doubled Dies From Altered Coins & Novelty Coins

735 views · May 20, 2024

Many people ask me about coins they found in circulation that they think might be errors. Some are -- but many aren’t. Ready to see some real errors next to some altered pieces or fake novelty coins? Watch to see if YOU have any real, valuable error coins! After watching this video, you should be able to tell if you have a legit doubled die coin or not. Plus, see why so many people think that plated coins, colorized coins, miniatures coins (that are super-small in size), and macro coins (that are extra large in size) are valuable coin errors. These are actually novelty coins, and they're valuable to someone who collects them -- but not valuable in the same way that error coins are valuable. ►Here's more about valuable error coins and varieties: SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #errorcoins #rarecoins #valuablecoins #uscoins ============================ ►Related QUESTIONS I've been ssked: Q: What is a novelty coin? A: Q: Are miniature coins worth anything? A: Q: What are fake coins called? A: Q: How do you tell if a coin is an error? A: Q: Are error coins valuable? A: There you go... Now you know how to tell error coins from other types of coins!

'Video thumbnail for 5 Error Coins You Can Find In Pocket Change... And How Much They're Worth!'
5 Error Coins You Can Find In Pocket Change... And How Much ...
5 Error Coins You Can Find In Pocket Change... And How Much They're Worth!

1K views · May 20, 2024

What is an error coin? And how much are error coins worth? Do you have a coin you think may be an error? I’ll show you 5 of the most popular types of error coins you can find in circulation (and a few commonly encountered pieces that are not real errors). Plus, some fun facts about dateless Buffalo nickels! In this video, you'll see how much each of these U.S. Mint mistakes are worth: 1) Doubled Dies - like the 1984 doubled die Lincoln cent seen in this video. There are actually MANY doubled dies out there! 2) Off-Center Coins - like the 20% to 25% off-center bronze Lincoln cent in this video, and the 65% off-center 1969-D Lincoln cent also seen in this video. 3) BIE Cents - like the 1957 BIE cent in this video, which has a die crack that looks like an "I" in between the "B" and the "E" in the word Liberty. 4) Repunched Mintmarks - like the 1957-D Lincoln cent in this video, which has what looks like a second mintmark underneath the date. 5) Die Clash Coins - like the 1987 Lincoln cent in this video, which shows oddities from the obverse die and the reserve die both hitting each other at the same time when the coin was being made. Hopefully you’ve got some real error coins of your own -- because many are quite rare and valuable! ►See how much these and other U.S. coin mistakes are worth: ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #errorcoins #coincollecting #rarecoins ============================ Related QUESTIONS I've been asked: What are messed up coins called? How much are misprinted coins worth? What is an error on a coin? ►See the ANSWERS here:

'Video thumbnail for Saving Pennies In A Jar? (Me Too!) Valuable Pre-1983 Pennies To Look For!'
Saving Pennies In A Jar? (Me Too!) Valuable Pre-1983 Pennies...
Saving Pennies In A Jar? (Me Too!) Valuable Pre-1983 Pennies To Look For!

1K views · May 20, 2024

I've been saving bronze Lincoln cents in a coffee can for 3+ years now. It was definitely worth it... Check out the valuable old pennies I found! Plus, a list of the specific ones you should be looking for among your pre-1983 pennies. ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #pennies #valuablecoins #numismatics

'Video thumbnail for Dime Roll Hunting 101 (What To Look For When Coin Roll Hunting DIMES)'
Dime Roll Hunting 101 (What To Look For When Coin Roll Hunti...
Dime Roll Hunting 101 (What To Look For When Coin Roll Hunting DIMES)

5K views · Nov 11, 2024

Searching dime rolls is a fun hobby! I've been collecting coins for over 30 years, and dime roll hunting is STILL one of my favorite budget-friendly ways to find valuable dimes. In this video, I am showing you which U.S. dimes you should be looking for in dime rolls. ============================ ➜ LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order, actual timestamps below): 1965 silver dime error: Off-center dime errors: Broadstrike dime errors: The best gram scale for weighing coins: Rare dimes by year: No mintmark dimes: ============================ ✅ MY ARTICLES ON THE TOPIC OF DIME ROLL HUNTING: Dime Coin Roll Hunting: What To Look For In Rolls Of Dimes Here's HOW & WHERE TO BUY dime rolls: A list of the coins you’re MOST LIKELY TO FIND in coin rolls + More tips for LOOKING THRU COIN ROLLS for valuable coins: Best magnifier for inspecting coins: ============================ 🚩ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting hobby! I've contributed hundreds of articles for various coin publications, in addition to The Fun Times Guide to U.S. Coins. ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Are you SUBSCRIBED to my COIN TIPS VIDEOS? I really hope so :-D 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! 🚩ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know a specific coin's value or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: The U.S. Coins Guide Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - We’re going to open a roll of dimes together 00:10 - We’re looking for old dimes that are valuable 00:32 - U.S. Mint started copper-nickel clad dimes in 1965 00:42 - Goal is to find pre-1965 dimes (silver dimes) 00:52 - Look for a 1965 error dime that’s made of silver 01:07 - Opening the dime roll 01:36 - Look for dime errors & varieties 01:46 - Off-center dimes & Broadstrike dimes are 2 errors 02:03 - Broadstrike error coins have no edge reeding 02:13 - Broadstrike dimes & regular dimes weigh the same 02:36 - Picture of a dime with verdigris (corrosion) 03:09 - Look for NO mint mark dimes (esp 1982 No P dime) 03:45 - In 1980, Philly Mint started using the P mintmark 04:11 - Dime roll hunting takes time to find valuable coins 04:26 - Be patient, persistent & keep searching dime rolls 04:37 - What dimes do YOU hope to find in coin rolls? 05:01 - What cool dimes have YOU found in dime rolls? 05:11 - Summary of this dime roll search #dimes #coinrollhunting #coinrollhunt

'Video thumbnail for U.S. Coin Mintmarks: Where Are Mint Marks On Coins From The U.S.? And What Do They Mean?'
U.S. Coin Mintmarks: Where Are Mint Marks On Coins From The ...
U.S. Coin Mintmarks: Where Are Mint Marks On Coins From The U.S.? And What Do They Mean?

4K views · May 20, 2024

Mint Marks On U.S. Coins And What They Mean - Wondering where to find mintmarks on common modern US coins? What do coin mint marks look like... and what do they mean? This video answers all of your questions about mint marks on coins. See all of the U.S. branch coin mints and their mintmarks! ►Here's everything you want to know about mintmarks on US coins: ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #uscoins #numismatics #coincollecting ============================ Related QUESTIONS I've been asked: What do the mint marks on coins mean? How do you find the mint mark on a coin? What does it mean if a coin has no mint mark? Are coins without mint marks valuable? Where do you find the mint mark on a coin? What does the P on a coin mean? How do you know if a coin is minted? ►See the ANSWERS to those questions here:

'Video thumbnail for Rare Penny Values: See How Much Your Rare Lincoln Wheat Cents Are Worth'
Rare Penny Values: See How Much Your Rare Lincoln Wheat Cent...
Rare Penny Values: See How Much Your Rare Lincoln Wheat Cents Are Worth

6K views · May 20, 2024

Want to know how much your rare pennies are worth? I'm going to show you some of the rare & valuable wheat pennies in my collection, point out some of the most valuable pennies you can find today, and tell you how to find out what your Lincoln pennies are worth. In my Dansco coin album (seen in this video), I’ve got a complete set of Lincoln cents from 1909 to the present – every hole is filled. There are a lot of coins in this set that are worth more than face value. But the ones that stand out the most are these four “key date” Lincoln pennies: 1909-S VDB Lincoln cent 1914-D Lincoln cent 1931-S Lincoln cent 1922 Plain Lincoln cent ============================ ►To LEARN MORE about valuable Lincoln pennies, you should watch this video FIRST and then read our helpful articles... 43 Pennies You Should Save (Don't Spend These!): The Current Value Of Wheat Penny Key Dates: The Current Value Of ALL Wheat Pennies: Differences Between A 1909 VDB Lincoln Cent vs A 1909-S VDB Lincoln Cent A List Of ALL The Most Valuable Coins To Save By Denomination: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - Most Valuable Lincoln Cents & Rare Wheat Penny Values 00:18 - My Complete Lincoln Cent Collection (...That I Started In 1992) 01:01 - The 1909-S VDB Lincoln Cent ($500) 02:02 - The 1914-D Lincoln Cent ($185) 02:49 - The 1931-S Lincoln Cent ($80) 04:14 - The 1922 Plain Lincoln Cent ($500) 06:20 - How To Find The Value Of Your Lincoln Pennies ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #rarecoins #valuablecoins #errorcoins ============================ ►RELATED QUESTIONS I've been asked: Q: When did the wheat penny start and end? A: Wheat pennies were made from 1909 through 1958. More info here: Q: What years are valuable for wheat pennies? A: See the entire list here: Q: What is the rarest wheat penny? A: It's the 1793 Liberty Cap large cent. More info here: Q: What makes a 1965 penny rare? A: If it's one of these 1965 error coins: Q: Where to sell wheat pennies? A: Here's how to find a reputable coin dealer near you that would buy your wheat pennies: Q: How to appraise & sell coins? A: Here's how to find out how much your coins are worth and professionals who would buy them: Q: What makes a 1944-D wheat penny valuable? A: Relatively few were made. Here's more info:

'Video thumbnail for Dime Roll Hunting 101 (What To Look For When Coin Roll Hunting DIMES)'
Dime Roll Hunting 101 (What To Look For When Coin Roll Hunti...
Dime Roll Hunting 101 (What To Look For When Coin Roll Hunting DIMES)

5K views · Nov 11, 2024

Searching dime rolls is a fun hobby! I've been collecting coins for over 30 years, and dime roll hunting is STILL one of my favorite budget-friendly ways to find valuable dimes. In this video, I am showing you which U.S. dimes you should be looking for in dime rolls. ============================ ➜ LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order, actual timestamps below): 1965 silver dime error: Off-center dime errors: Broadstrike dime errors: The best gram scale for weighing coins: Rare dimes by year: No mintmark dimes: ============================ ✅ MY ARTICLES ON THE TOPIC OF DIME ROLL HUNTING: Dime Coin Roll Hunting: What To Look For In Rolls Of Dimes Here's HOW & WHERE TO BUY dime rolls: A list of the coins you’re MOST LIKELY TO FIND in coin rolls + More tips for LOOKING THRU COIN ROLLS for valuable coins: Best magnifier for inspecting coins: ============================ 🚩ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting hobby! I've contributed hundreds of articles for various coin publications, in addition to The Fun Times Guide to U.S. Coins. ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Are you SUBSCRIBED to my COIN TIPS VIDEOS? I really hope so :-D 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! 🚩ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know a specific coin's value or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: The U.S. Coins Guide Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - We’re going to open a roll of dimes together 00:10 - We’re looking for old dimes that are valuable 00:32 - U.S. Mint started copper-nickel clad dimes in 1965 00:42 - Goal is to find pre-1965 dimes (silver dimes) 00:52 - Look for a 1965 error dime that’s made of silver 01:07 - Opening the dime roll 01:36 - Look for dime errors & varieties 01:46 - Off-center dimes & Broadstrike dimes are 2 errors 02:03 - Broadstrike error coins have no edge reeding 02:13 - Broadstrike dimes & regular dimes weigh the same 02:36 - Picture of a dime with verdigris (corrosion) 03:09 - Look for NO mint mark dimes (esp 1982 No P dime) 03:45 - In 1980, Philly Mint started using the P mintmark 04:11 - Dime roll hunting takes time to find valuable coins 04:26 - Be patient, persistent & keep searching dime rolls 04:37 - What dimes do YOU hope to find in coin rolls? 05:01 - What cool dimes have YOU found in dime rolls? 05:11 - Summary of this dime roll search #dimes #coinrollhunting #coinrollhunt

'Video thumbnail for Coin Roll Hunting Pennies: What To Look For When Searching Penny Rolls'
Coin Roll Hunting Pennies: What To Look For When Searching P...
Coin Roll Hunting Pennies: What To Look For When Searching Penny Rolls

5K views · Nov 11, 2024

Searching penny rolls is a fun hobby! I've been collecting coins for over 30 years, and it's STILL one of my favorite budget-friendly ways to find valuable pennies. (Almost doubled my money searching through this 1 roll of pennies alone!) I Bought: 1 roll of pennies for 50 cents I Found: AT LEAST 45 cents worth of pennies in this 1 roll In this video, I am showing you which old pennies, key date & semi-key date pennies, error pennies, and pennies with varieties you should be looking for in penny rolls. ➜LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order, actual timestamps below): The very first coin I ever found that got me involved in the hobby was a 1941 Lincoln wheat cent: Wheat pennies and their values: Best magnifier for inspecting coins: Why you should keep all pre-1983 pennies: 1981 penny values: Lincoln Shield pennies and their values: 1979 penny values: Damaged coins explained (zinc corrosion issues): 1969 penny values: 1982 penny values: How to tell a copper penny from a zinc penny: 1982 copper pennies to look for: The best gram scale for weighing coins: Post-mint damaged coins explained: 1970 penny values: 1981 penny values: 1999 penny values: 1984 penny values (including the rare 1984 doubled die penny): 1995 penny values (including the rare 1995 doubled die penny): 1977 penny values: 1971 penny values (including the rare 1971 doubled die penny): 1999 penny values (including the rare 1999 Wide AM penny error): 1992 penny values (including the rare 1992 Close AM penny error): 1990 penny values (including the 1990 No S penny with no mintmark): ✅ MY OTHER ARTICLES ON THIS TOPIC: My ARTICLE that corresponds with this video (What To Look For When Searching Rolls Of Pennies): HOW & WHERE TO BUY penny rolls: Another video I made while going through ROLLS OF PENNIES (see the valuable pennies I found): A list of coins you’re MOST LIKELY TO FIND in coin rolls + More tips for LOOKING THRU COIN ROLLS for valuable coins: DOUBLED DIE coins explained: ============================ 🚩ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting hobby! Are you SUBSCRIBED to my COIN TIPS VIDEOS? I really hope so :-D 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - Why We're Doing This Video 00:43 - We Bought 1 Roll Of Pennies For 50 Cents 01:10 - The Pennies We're Looking For 02:50 - 1974 Lincoln Cent 03:07 - Why Pre-1982 Pennies Are Valuable 03:56 - Shield Pennies 04:01 - 1979 Lincoln Cent 04:47 - 1982 Lincoln Cent 05:06 - How To Tell Copper vs. Zinc Pennies 06:24 - Post Mint Damaged Coins 07:00 - 1970 Lincoln Cent 07:32 - 1981 Lincoln Cent 08:12 - 1999 Lincoln Cent 08:45 - 1984 Lincoln Cent 09:58 - 1995 Lincoln Cent 10:31 - 1977 Lincoln Cent 11:32 - 1971 Lincoln Cent 11:54 - Copper Penny Totals (15 x $.03 = $.45!) 12:11 - 1995 Lincoln Cent 12:36 - 1999 Wide AM Penny Error 13:18 - 1992 Close AM Penny Error 13:52 - 1990 No Mintmark Penny 15:49 - Summary Of Our Finds #coinrollhuntingpennies #pennies #coinrollhunting

'Video thumbnail for Answers To Your Questions About Buffalo Nickels (Rare Buffalo Nickels, Type 1 vs. Type 2)'
Answers To Your Questions About Buffalo Nickels (Rare Buffal...
Answers To Your Questions About Buffalo Nickels (Rare Buffalo Nickels, Type 1 vs. Type 2)

5K views · May 20, 2024

Rare Buffalo Nickels: Little-Known Facts! This video answers the following questions: What are the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 Buffalo nickel varieties? What are the rarest Buffalo nickels to look for? Who is the Native American on the obverse of the coin? Which famous buffalo is depicted on the reverse? Who designed the Buffalo nickel? And more. ►See the value of all Buffalo nickels here: ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #buffalonickels #rarecoins #coincollecting ============================ Related QUESTIONS I've been asked: How much is a buffalo head nickel worth? What year buffalo nickels are worth money? Are buffalo nickels silver? What Indian is on the buffalo nickel? How much is a dateless buffalo head nickel worth? How much is a three legged buffalo nickel worth? ►See the ANSWERS to those questions about Buffalo nickels here:

'Video thumbnail for Quarter Roll Hunting 101 (List of QUARTERS to Look For!)'
Quarter Roll Hunting 101 (List of QUARTERS to Look For!)
Quarter Roll Hunting 101 (List of QUARTERS to Look For!)

8K views · Nov 13, 2024

Searching quarter rolls is a fun hobby! I've been collecting coins for over 30 years, and it's STILL one of my favorite budget-friendly ways to find valuable quarters. It’s called quarter roll hunting! In this video, we're searching for rare and valuable quarters in coin rolls. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, I’ve got some great tips for conducting your own quarter roll hunts. Plus, you'll learn about the most valuable and sought-after quarters that you can actually find in quarter rolls today! ============================ ➜ LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order, actual timestamps below): Clad quarters: Silver quarters: Pre-1965 silver quarters: State quarters: 2005-P Minnesota doubled die quarter with the "extra tree": 2005 Oregon quarter: What quarters are worth: 1965 silver quarter error: 1977-D 40% silver quarter: 1982 and 1983 P and D quarters: 2004-D Wisconsin "extra leaf high" and "extra leaf low" quarter: 2009-D doubled die District of Columbia quarter: Best magnifier for inspecting coins: ============================ ✅ MY OTHER ARTICLES ON THE TOPIC OF QUARTER ROLL HUNTING: 👉 Published ARTICLE that corresponds with this video (What To Look For When Searching Rolls Of Quarters): Here's HOW & WHERE TO BUY quarter rolls: A list of the coins you’re MOST LIKELY TO FIND in coin rolls + More tips for LOOKING THRU COIN ROLLS for valuable coins: ============================ 🚩ABOUT Josh: I’m the Senior Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting hobby! I've contributed hundreds of articles for various coin publications, in addition to The Fun Times Guide to U.S. Coins. ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Are you SUBSCRIBED to my COIN TIPS VIDEOS? I really hope so :-D 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! 🚩ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know a specific coin's value or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: The U.S. Coins Guide Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - Quarter roll hunting Intro 00:18 - Meet Josh & Jeanine 00:34 - What it’s like to go through a roll of coins 00:54 - When did The Mint stop making quarters in silver? 01:44 - Most quarters dated after 1964 are clad not silver 02:10 - Yes, you CAN find valuable coins in rolls 02:38 - Some state quarters have doubled dies and errors 02:48 - 2005-P Minnesota quarter errors to look for 03:25 - 1965 quarter error (made of silver, worth $$$) 04:07 - How to tell silver vs clad quarters 04:40 - Check coins more closely using a magnifier 05:27 - State quarter designs 05:54 - What have YOU found while quarter roll hunting? 06:23 - See quarter values in the show notes below 06:55 - List of quarters to look for in rolls 07:49 - Let us know in the comments if YOU have questions #coinrollsearch #quarters #coinrollhunting

'Video thumbnail for Rare Quarters That Can Be Found In Circulation And In Your Pocket Change!'
Rare Quarters That Can Be Found In Circulation And In Your P...
Rare Quarters That Can Be Found In Circulation And In Your Pocket Change!

4K views · May 20, 2024

Can you REALLY find rare quarters in circulation today? YES! See which rare quarters you should be looking for in your spare change... and how much they’re worth! ►Here's the complete list of 25 rare quarters you can find in pocket change: ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #rarequarters #rarecoins #coincollecting #quarters #pocketchange ============================ Related QUESTIONS I've been asked: Which quarters are worth money? What year quarters are most valuable? Are old quarters worth any money? What year of quarters should I keep? Are any U.S. quarters valuable? What Washington quarters are worth money? What is the most valuable U.S. quarter? What is the rarest quarter? ►See the ANSWERS to these questions here:

'Video thumbnail for 43 Most Valuable PENNIES In CIRCULATION Worth Money!'
43 Most Valuable PENNIES In CIRCULATION Worth Money!
43 Most Valuable PENNIES In CIRCULATION Worth Money!

2K views · Nov 21, 2024

See the most valuable pennies in circulation worth money. Top CIRCULATING pennies to look for - each worth $1 to $2,000! 👉All VALUABLE PENNIES playlist: ============================ ➜ LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order, actual timestamps below): Key-date vs Semi-key date date pennies explained: Scarce vs Rare pennies explained: U.S. Mint Marks on pennies explained: 1909-S VDB Penny value: 1931-D Penny value (and Depression-era pennies explained): Uncirculated vs Circulated pennies explained: Over Mintmark errors + Double Mintmark error pennies explained: How to grade pennies yourself to determine their condition: Small Date vs Large Date pennies explained: Slabbed pennies explained: 1955 doubled die penny details: How to tell if a coin has been cleaned: Transitional penny errors explained: Die clash penny errors explained: Dansco penny albums (like the one I'm flipping through in this video): ============================ 🚩ABOUT Josh: I’m the Senior Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting hobby! I've contributed hundreds of articles for various coin publications, in addition to The Fun Times Guide to U.S. Coins. ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author ★ Guide Book of American Silver Eagles (book) - author Are you SUBSCRIBED to my COIN TIPS VIDEOS? I really hope so :-D 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 Intro: 43 most valuable pennies in circulation 01:49 1909 penny with no mint mark worth $3+ 02:21 Why VDB initials on a 1909 penny are so valuable 02:39 Key date pennies explained 03:33 Mint marks on lower-mintage coins explained 03:58 My funny story about the 1909-S VDB penny 04:34 1909 penny Halloween costume pictures 05:21 Great Depression-era pennies explained 06:04 Circulated vs uncirculated penny explained 06:32 Scarce pennies explained 09:15 Boldly doubled mint mark pennies explained 10:10 Over mintmark errors on pennies explained 12:02 How to identify 1955 doubled die penny ($1,000+) 12:40 Small date vs large date penny explained 14:04 How to identify 1972 doubled die penny ($250+) 14:56 How to identify 1983 doubled die penny ($200+) 16:02 How to identify 1984 doubled die penny ($150+) 17:00 Close AM vs Wide AM error pennies explained 17:15 How to identify 1992-D Close AM penny ($2,000+) 18:14 How to identify 1995 doubled die penny ($25+) 18:51 How to identify the 1922-D penny worth $15+ 19:35 How to identify 1999 Wide AM penny error ($500+) 20:17 Transitional penny errors explained 20:42 How to identify 1922 plain penny error ($500+) 21:06 Die clash penny errors explained 22:35 Summary of 43 most valuable pennies in circulation On-screen images pictured outside of my coin album are courtesy of Heritage Auctions, ============================ ✅ MY ARTICLES ON THE TOPIC OF VALUABLE PENNIES: PUBLISHED ARTICLE that corresponds with this video (43 Most Valuable Pennies Worth $1 Or More Apiece): 👉 RARE Lincoln penny VALUES:

'Video thumbnail for Rare Coins You Can Find In Pocket Change - A List Of Valuable Coins To Look For!'
Rare Coins You Can Find In Pocket Change - A List Of Valuabl...
Rare Coins You Can Find In Pocket Change - A List Of Valuable Coins To Look For!

2K views · May 20, 2024

Rare Coins You Can Find In Your Spare Change - Hoping to pick up some free silver? Want to find some valuable coins? See how to spot rare coins when searching through your loose change - exactly what you should be looking for! ►Here's the complete list of rare coins you can find in pocket change: ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #rarecoins #valuablecoins #errorcoins ============================ RELATED QUESTIONS I've been asked: Which U.S. coins are worth money? What are the most rare coins? What coins are valuable? What are the top 10 rarest coins? What old coins are worth money? What coins to look for that are worth money? ►See the ANSWERS to those questions here:

'Video thumbnail for Lots Of Rare Dimes That You Can Find In Your Pocket Change ...And How Much They’re Worth Today!'
Lots Of Rare Dimes That You Can Find In Your Pocket Change ....
Lots Of Rare Dimes That You Can Find In Your Pocket Change ...And How Much They’re Worth Today!

2K views · May 20, 2024

Rare Dimes You Can Find In Your Spare Change - See if you have any of these rare dimes in your loose change or coin jar! Keep your eyes peeled... Some of these rare dimes are worth more than $300,000. ►Here's the entire list of Rare Dimes: SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 Hit the BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #raredimes #coincollecting #valuabledimes ============================ Related QUESTIONS I've been asked: What years of dimes are valuable? Are there any rare dimes? What are the most valuable dimes? What dime is worth millions? What year silver dimes are worth the most? What mercury dimes are worth money? ►See the ANSWERS to those questions here:

'Video thumbnail for Coin Collectors Know… ONLY These 6 PENNIES Matter! (Valuable Pennies)'
Coin Collectors Know… ONLY These 6 PENNIES Matter! (Valuab...
Coin Collectors Know… ONLY These 6 PENNIES Matter! (Valuable Pennies)

266 views · Dec 4, 2024

Discover the 6 different TYPES of PENNIES you can find in CIRCULATION today! 👉 Other RARE, VALUABLE, and ERROR pennies to look for: ============================ ➜ LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order, actual timestamps below): 1943 steel penny value (silver penny): 1944 steel penny value (silver penny): 1982 copper penny value: Find a coin dealer near you: Wheat cent values (1909-1958): Other rare pennies to look for: 1959-1982 copper penny values: Copper vs zinc coin weights explained: Best scale for weighing coins: Penny rolls: Where to buy rolls of pennies: ============================ 🚩ABOUT Josh: I’m the Senior Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting hobby! I've contributed hundreds of articles for various coin publications, in addition to The Fun Times Guide to U.S. Coins. ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author ★ Guide Book of American Silver Eagles (book) - author Are you SUBSCRIBED to my COIN TIPS VIDEOS? I really hope so :-D 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ 🚩ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know a specific coin's value or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: The U.S. Coins Guide Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 The 6 types of pennies to look for in circulation 00:15 Checklist of 6 valuable pennies 00:39 1943 Steel penny value 01:49 1944 Steel penny value 02:35 1982 Copper penny value 04:30 1909 to 1958 Wheat penny value 05:33 1959 to 1982 Lincoln Memorial penny value 07:28 1859 to 1909 Indian Head penny value 08:43 Summary: 6 types of valuable pennies to look for ============================ ✅ PUBLISHED ARTICLE that corresponds with this video (What To Look For When Penny Hunting): 👉 #coinfuntimesguide #joshcoinsguide #uscoinsguide

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Sticky Coins From Car, Sofa, Yard, Etc.'
How To Clean Sticky Coins From Car, Sofa, Yard, Etc.
How To Clean Sticky Coins From Car, Sofa, Yard, Etc.

564 views · May 20, 2024

Trying to figure out how to clean sticky coins? If your coin has glue, tape, or any other adhesive residue on it... you NEED to watch this video! See exactly how to clean coins that are sticky in the safest way possible -- without devaluing or damaging them! WARNING: All DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins. This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value. If you want to know how to clean sticky residue off coins, watch this video FIRST and then read our helpful tips for cleaning coins safely at home yourself... All of our tips for CLEANING COINS SAFELY are here: These are the REASONS YOU SHOULD NOT CLEAN COINS (and what you should do instead): Here's a list of ALL THE WAYS people are cleaning coins today: This is HOW YOU CAN TELL if a coin has been cleaned: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Coins That Are Sticky 00:12 - Examples Of Sticky Coins 00:33 - Water Won't Clean Sticky Residue Off Coins 00:44 - Two Coins With Adhesive Residue On Them 01:11 - Acetone Is The ONLY Safe Way To Clean Sticky Coins 01:39 - #1: Line A Plastic Cup With Tin Foil Inside 02:16 - #2: Pour Acetone Into The Cup 02:28 - #3: Dip Sticky Coins Into Acetone 02:47 - #4: Tape Quickly Comes Off The Coin 03:06 - #5: Why Acetone Works So Well On Sticky Coins 04:51 - #6: Remove Coins From Acetone Bath 05:15 - #7: Pour The Acetone In Cup Down The Sink Drain 05:56 - #8: Place Coins On A Dry Napkin & See If Any Residue Remains 06:42 - #9: If Some Residue Remains, Re-Soak Coin In Acetone 07:12 - #10: Once All Residue Is Gone, Rinse The Coin In Water 08:30 - NOTE: Adhesive Will Be Harder To Remove Once The Coin Is Dry 09:20 - SUMMARY: Best Way To Remove Adhesive From Coins Without Damaging Them ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coincleaning #coins #coincollecting

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Coins With Hydrogen Peroxide'
How To Clean Coins With Hydrogen Peroxide
How To Clean Coins With Hydrogen Peroxide

168 views · May 20, 2024

How do you clean coins with Hydrogen Peroxide? CAN you even clean coins with Hydrogen Peroxide safely? In this video, you'll see the stunning results of what happened when I tried cleaning coins with Hydrogen Peroxide. WARNING: All DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins! This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value. If you're thinking of cleaning coins with Hydrogen Peroxide... you'll want to watch this video FIRST and THEN read our helpful tips for cleaning coins safely at home yourself: All of our tips for CLEANING COINS SAFELY are here: These are the REASONS YOU SHOULD NOT CLEAN COINS (and what you should do instead): Here's a list of ALL THE WAYS people are cleaning coins today: This is HOW YOU CAN TELL if a coin has been cleaned: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Coins With Hydrogen Peroxide 00:09 - I Wanted To See For Myself If Hydrogen Peroxide Cleans Coins 00:44 - Coins Used In this Experiment: 1 Penny And 1 Quarter 00:54 - #1: Submerge Coin In A Bowl Filled With Hydrogen Peroxide 01:16 - #2: Soak Coin In Hydrogen Peroxide For 24 Hours 01:26 - #3: Result After Cleaning A U.S. Quarter With Hydrogen Peroxide 02:04 - #4: Result After Cleaning A U.S. Penny With Hydrogen Peroxide 03:09 - #5: Rinse Coins With Water 03:24 - #6: Dry Coins 03:32 - #7: More Obvious Results After Drying The Coins 04:06 - Bottom Line: Should You Clean Coins With Hydrogen Peroxide? ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coincleaning #coins #coincollecting ============================ ►RELATED QUESTIONS I've been asked: Q: Will hydrogen peroxide damage coins? A: All DIY methods of cleaning coins -- including using hydrogen peroxide -- will damage the surface of the coin in microscopic ways. Coins that you intend to collect should not be handled, let alone "cleaned". Q: What is the easiest way to clean coins? A: (video) Q: How do you clean coins without damaging them? A: (video) Q: How to clean coins at home yourself? (video) A:

'Video thumbnail for 10 Rare & Valuable SILVER EAGLES (Lowest MINTAGE & Key DATES)'
10 Rare & Valuable SILVER EAGLES (Lowest MINTAGE & K...
10 Rare & Valuable SILVER EAGLES (Lowest MINTAGE & Key DATES)

96 views · Dec 10, 2024

Most Valuable Silver Eagles for COLLECTORS & INVESTORS who want to know which American Silver Eagles are worth MOST money! 👉 Other RARE coins and ERROR coins: Thinking of collecting American Silver Eagle coins or buying them for investment purposes? START HERE! ============================ ➜ LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order, actual timestamps below)... "A Guide Book of American Silver Eagles" by Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez: American Silver Eagle Bullion coins explained: Tips for collecting American Silver Eagles: Rare American Silver Eagle coins: Silver Eagle mintage coins explained: 1986 bullion strike American Silver Eagle values (the first year for ASE's): 1994 bullion strike American Silver Eagle value: Scarce American Silver Eagles explained: Semi key date Silver Eagles explained: MS 70 American Silver Eagle coin grade explained: 1995-W Proof Silver Eagle value: 1996 bullion strike American Silver Eagle value: 2006-P Reverse Proof American Silver Eagle value: American Silver Eagle proof coins explained: Parts of a coin explained: 2008-W Burnished Reverse of 2007 Silver Eagle value: Rare 2019-S Enhanced Reverse Proof American Silver Eagle coin: ============================ 🚩ABOUT Josh: I’m the Senior Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting hobby! I've contributed hundreds of articles for various coin publications, in addition to The Fun Times Guide to U.S. Coins. ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author ★ Guide Book of American Silver Eagles (book) - author Are you SUBSCRIBED to my COIN TIPS VIDEOS? I really hope so :-D 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ 🚩ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know a specific coin's value or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: The U.S. Coins Guide Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 Josh author “Guide Book of American Silver Eagles” 00:16 Investing in Silver Eagle Coins 00:26 Collecting Silver Eagles 00:36 Rare Silver Eagle Coins 01:07 1986 Bullion Strike American Silver Eagle Coin 01:38 1994 Bullion Strike American Silver Eagle Coin 02:45 1995-W Proof American Silver Eagle 03:12 1996 Bullion Strike American Silver Eagle Coin 03:31 2006-P Reverse Proof American Silver Eagle 04:21 2008-W Burnished Reverse of 2007 Silver Eagle 05:29 2011-P Reverse Proof American Silver Eagle 05:48 2012-S Reverse Proof Silver Eagle Coin 06:15 2013-W Enhanced Uncirculated Silver Eagle 06:56 2019-S Enhanced Reverse Proof Silver Eagle Coin 07:28 Summary of Valuable Silver Eagles ============================ ✅ MY OTHER ARTICLES ABOUT American Silver Eagles: These American Silver Eagles Are Worth More Than Their Silver Value: Pros & Cons Of Collecting American Silver Eagles: Emergency Silver Eagles Explained: #coinfuntimesguide #joshcoinsguide #uscoinsguide

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Coins With Coke / Pepsi Cola (How Long? And Why It Works?)'
How To Clean Coins With Coke / Pepsi Cola (How Long? And Why...
How To Clean Coins With Coke / Pepsi Cola (How Long? And Why It Works?)

164 views · May 20, 2024

Thinking of cleaning coins with Coke or Pepsi? Watch as I reveal the results of cleaning a coin with dark cola. See the surprising effects this method has on a copper penny! WARNING: All DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins! This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value. If you're thinking of cleaning coins with Coke or Pepsi, you'll want to watch this video FIRST and then read our helpful tips for cleaning coins safely at home yourself... All of our tips for CLEANING COINS SAFELY are here: These are the REASONS YOU SHOULD NOT CLEAN COINS (and what you should do instead): Here's a list of ALL THE WAYS people are cleaning coins today: This is HOW YOU CAN TELL if a coin has been cleaned: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Coins With Soda (Pepsi or Coke) 00:09 - Why I've Avoided This Experiment Until Now 00:36 - How Much Soda To Use 00:50 - How Long Does It Take For Coke or Pepsi To Clean Coins? 01:09 - Tips Before You Do This Experiment Yourself 01:20 - RESULTS: Can Pepsi Clean A Quarter? 02:11 - RESULTS: Can Pepsi Clean A Dime? 02:48 - RESULTS: Can Pepsi Clean A Nickel? 03:43 - RESULTS: Can Pepsi Clean A Penny? 04:13 - What Coin Collectors Look For In Terms Of Cleaned Coins 05:08 - The Bottom Line: Pepsi Cleans Pennies (Copper Coins) Best 05:29 - Rinse The Coins With Water, Then Pat Them Dry ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coincleaning #coins #coincollecting ============================ ►RELATED QUESTIONS I've been asked: Q: Will cleaning a coin with Coke hurt it? A: All DIY methods of cleaning coins -- including using Coke or Pepsi -- will damage the surface of the coin in microscopic ways. Coins that you intend to collect should not be handled, let alone be "cleaned" because it will dramatically lower their value. Q: Why does Coca Cola clean a penny? What does Coke do to coins? A: Dark colas like Coke and Pepsi contain phosphoric acid. When phosphoric acid (the Coca Cola or Pepsi) and copper oxide (the penny) get together, the acid reacts with the copper on the penny and dissolves it. That's why pennies get shiny when they’re cleaned with a dark cola.The acid literally breaks down the copper-oxygen compound chemical bonds, allowing a fresh unoxidized layer of copper to be exposed. The copper which is removed from the surface of the pennies ends up in the cola in the form of copper ions. Q: Will Coca Cola clean old coins? Can you clean coins with soda? A: YES! Both Coke and Pepsi (dark colas) will effectively remove the natural patina from coins. The results are more noticeable with copper coins like pennies, rather than silver-colored coins like nickels, dimes, and quarters.

'Video thumbnail for 5 Tips For Using A Scale To Weigh Coins [Coin Collecting]'
5 Tips For Using A Scale To Weigh Coins [Coin Collecting]
5 Tips For Using A Scale To Weigh Coins [Coin Collecting]

250 views · May 20, 2024

Wondering how to weigh coins yourself? Do you need an official coin scale? How do you most accurately weigh coins? Here's everything you need to know about weighing coins on a scale! Plus 5 things you MUST do when weighing coins for the first time. BEFORE you start weighing coins yourself at home... For coin weights and tolerances, you'll NEED A DETAILED COIN GUIDE like the Guide Book Of United States Coins book that I'm seen using in the video: Here's MY FAVORITE COIN SCALE and more details about why you need to weigh coins in the first place: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - 5 Things You Need To Know Before Weighing Coins 00:10 - TIP #1: A Scale That Measures 1/10th Of A Gram (see why) 01:54 - TIP #2: Weight Tolerances For U.S. Coins (where to find this info) 03:47 - TIP #3: What Your Coin Should Weigh (where to find this info) 04:51 - TIP #4: A Very Small, Lightweight Coin Scale Is Best (see why) 05:55 - TIP #5: Don't Spend Too Much On A Coin Scale (see why) 06:13 - SUMMARY: Best Features To Look For In A Coin Scale SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coincollecting #uscoins #numismatics ============================ ►RELATED QUESTIONS I've been asked: Q: Can you use a food scale to weigh coins? A: Yes, but make sure that it measures in 10th of a gram increments. Q: How to count coins by weight? A: Here's how: Q: How to weigh a coin without a scale? A: Here's how: Q: Where can I find a scale for weighing coins? What is the best scale to weigh coins? A: This is my favorite scale for weighing coins. I've had it for years, and I found it on Amazon:

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Coins With Baking Soda (Especially Copper Pennies!)'
How To Clean Coins With Baking Soda (Especially Copper Penni...
How To Clean Coins With Baking Soda (Especially Copper Pennies!)

2K views · May 20, 2024

Wondering how to clean old coins with baking soda? In this video, you'll see exactly how to remove the tarnish (or patina) from coins that have become discolored or are unappealing to your eye. See the steps for cleaning coins with baking soda -- specifically, when cleaning copper coins with baking soda. WARNING: all DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins! This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value. If you're thinking of cleaning coins with Baking Soda... you'll want to watch this video FIRST and THEN read our helpful tips for cleaning coins safely at home yourself: All of our tips for CLEANING COINS SAFELY are here: These are the REASONS YOU SHOULD NOT CLEAN COINS (and what you should do instead): Here's a list of ALL THE WAYS people are cleaning coins today: This is HOW YOU CAN TELL if a coin has been cleaned: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Coins With Baking Soda 00:17 - Baking Soda Is An Abrasive Cleaning Agent 00:37 - How To Clean A U.S. Penny Coin Using Baking Soda 00:54 - Reasons To NOT Clean Coins At Home Yourself 01:15 - Why Baking Soda Works At Lightening A Coin's Color 01:36 - Soaking vs. Rubbing Baking Soda On Coins 01:57 - Step 1: Pour Baking Soda Into A Cup 02:11 - Step 2: Add Water To The Cup 02:20 - Step 3: Swish The Baking Soda & Water Inside The Cup 02:25 - Step 4: Place Coin Inside The Cup Of Baking Soda & Water 02:28 - Step 5: Swish All Contents Inside The Cup & Let Set A Minute 02:40 - IMPORTANT: Why Cleaning A Coin Reduces Its Value 03:14 - Step 6: Pour The Cup's Contents Onto A Paper Towel 03:21 - Step 7: Place Some Wet Baking Soda On Top Of The Coin 03:27 - Step 8: Rub Baking Soda Into The Coin's Front Crevices 04:46 - Step 9: Rub Baking Soda Into The Coin's Back Crevices 05:00 - Step 10: Rinse The Coin In Cold Water (NOT Hot!) 05:47 - Step 11: Pat Dry The Coin Using A Soft, White Cloth 05:57 - END RESULT: After Cleaning A Coin With Baking Soda ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coincleaning #coins #coincollecting ============================ ►RELATED QUESTIONS I've been asked: Q: Does baking soda damage silver coins? A: Yes, in the same way that using ANY cleaning agent on coins strips away the very top layer of metal on the outside of the coin... cleaning silver coins with baking soda will remove the patina (natural coloring) and lower their value. Q: How do you clean old coins with vinegar and baking soda? A: (video) Q: How do you clean coins without damaging them? A: (video) Q: How to clean coins at home yourself? (video) A: Q: What is the easiest way to clean coins? A: (video)

'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Coins Found Metal Detecting (Old & Modern Dirty, Buried Coins)'
How To Clean Coins Found Metal Detecting (Old & Modern D...
How To Clean Coins Found Metal Detecting (Old & Modern Dirty, Buried Coins)

138 views · May 20, 2024

Want to clean coins that you found with a metal detector? Here's how to clean old coins as well as modern coins, silver coins as well as copper coins, and any other coins you've found in the dirt WITHOUT damaging them! NOTE: All DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins to some small degree. This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value. If you're thinking of cleaning coins found with a metal detector, you'll want to watch this video FIRST and then read our helpful tips for cleaning coins safely at home yourself... All of our tips for CLEANING COINS SAFELY are here: These are the REASONS YOU SHOULD NOT CLEAN COINS (and what you should do instead): Here's a list of ALL THE WAYS people are cleaning coins today: This is HOW YOU CAN TELL if a coin has been cleaned: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:00 - How To Clean Coins Found Metal Detecting 00:25 - NOTE: Cleaning Coins Can Ruin Them If You're Not Careful 01:06 - Coins Found With A Metal Detector: 2 Pennies, 1 Nickel 01:28 - #1: The Safest Most Conservative Way To Clean Metal Detector Coins 02:23 - #2: How To Clean Corroded Coins Found Metal Detecting 04:44 - #3: How To Find A Professional To Clean Valuable Coins For You 05:44 - #4: Other DIY Methods For Cleaning Coins At Home Yourself 06:39 - Summary ============================ SUBSCRIBE to get more COIN TIPS: 🔔 HIT THE BELL next to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video! ============================ ABOUT The Fun Times Guide To U.S. Coins: We help you identify U.S. coins worth money! Our coin collecting videos and articles will help you get your questions about coins answered quickly... and accurately. Interested in coin collecting on a budget? You're in the right place! Even if you don't collect coins & you just want to know specific coin values or how to keep coins safe... START HERE: Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. ABOUT Josh: I’m the Coin Editor at I began collecting coins when I was 11 years old. Today, I collect and study U.S. coins made during the 20th century. I enjoy sharing my favorite coin collecting tips and coin collecting basics with those who are just getting started in this exciting coin collecting hobby! ★ American Numismatic Association (ANA) - member ★ Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) - member and Coin Journalist award winner ★ Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine) - editor ★ Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (book) - author Let's CONNECT: Pinterest: Twitter: #coincleaning #coins #coincollecting ============================ ►RELATED QUESTIONS I've been asked: Q: How do you clean coins that have been buried in dirt? A: See how to clean them yourself at home in this video: Q: How to clean corroded coins? A: See how to clean them yourself in this article: Q: What is “verdigris” that's mentioned in this video? A: Verdigris is a bright blue-green formation (or patina) that forms on bronze and copper coins. Verdigris is caused by atmospheric oxidation – due to oxygen, moisture, and other pollutants coming in contact with the metal. Q: Where to send coins for professional help with coin grading, appraising coin values, or coin cleaning? A: These : THE BOTTOM LINE: How do you clean dug up coins like those found while using a metal detector? There are only 2 methods for cleaning old dirty and corroded coins found metal detecting without damaging them. We discuss those methods at length in this video!

'Video thumbnail for Coin Roll Hunting Nickels (What To Look For When Searching Nickel Rolls)'
Coin Roll Hunting Nickels (What To Look For When Searching N...
Coin Roll Hunting Nickels (What To Look For When Searching Nickel Rolls)

947 views · Oct 11, 2024

Searching nickel rolls is a fun hobby! As a collector of coins for 30+ years, nickel roll hunting is STILL one of my favorite budget-friendly ways to find valuable U.S. nickels. In this video, I am showing you which old nickels, you should be looking for in nickel rolls that you buy from a bank or grocery store. ============================ ➜ LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order, actual timestamps below): BUFFALO NICKELS and their values (1913-1938) All JEFFERSON NICKELS and their values (1938 to present): Silver WAR NICKELS and their values (1942-1945): Best COIN LOUPE magnifier for inspecting coins: Coin VARIETIES & ERRORS explained: 1964 NICKEL value: LIBERTY NICKEL values (1883-1912): Examples of PATINA (and how you can tell if a coin has been cleaned): DARK COLORED COINS explained: Coins WORTH MORE THAN FACE VALUE that you can find in circulation today: 1939-D NICKEL value: 1950-D NICKEL value: Visiting MONTICELLO (Thomas Jefferson’s Home In Virginia): ✅ MY OTHER ARTICLES ON THE TOPIC OF NICKEL ROLL HUNTING: PUBLISHED ARTICLE that corresponds with this video (What To Look For When Searching Rolls Of Nickels): Here's HOW & WHERE TO BUY nickel rolls: A list of the coins you’re MOST LIKELY TO FIND in coin rolls + My tips for LOOKING THRU COIN ROLLS for valuable coins: ============================ 🔔 ARE YOU SUBSCRIBED TO MY COIN VIDEOS? I really hope so :-D The U.S. Coins Guide Real People. Real Experiences. Real Helpful. Let's Connect on Pinterest: ============================ ⚡TIMESTAMPS FROM THE VIDEO⚡ 00:09 - Why We're Doing This Video 00:16 - We Bought 1 Roll Of Nickels For $2.00 00:28 - Nickel Coin Rolls: What To Expect 00:42 - The Nickels We're Looking For 01:00 - Buffalo Nickels (1913-1938) 01:03 - Any Nickels Before Jefferson Nickels (Which Debuted In 1938) 01:56 - War Nickels (1942-1945) 03:26 - Reasons To Use A Coin Loupe Or Magnifying Glass 03:36 - Varieties & Errors Explained 05:07 - 1964 Nickel 05:23 - 1907 Liberty Nickel 05:41 - Reminiscing About A 1891 Coin With Patina 06:37 - Patina Examples 06:44 - Dark Colored Coins 08:11 - 1985 Nickel Value 08:53 - Coins You Can Find In Circulation Today 09:01 - List Of U.S. Nickels To Look For In Coin Rolls 10:40 - Visiting Monticello, Thomas Jefferson’s Home In Virginia 11:46 - Coin Designer Jamie Franki’s Nickels (Forward-Facing Jefferson) 11:55 - Coin Designer Felix Schlag’s Nickels (Side Profile Of Jefferson) #coinrollhunting #coincollectinghobby #uscoins #coinrollsearch #nickels #coinvalues #coinrolls #coinrollhunt