Coin Roll Hunting Pennies: What To Look For When Searching Penny Rolls

5K views Nov 11, 2024

Searching penny rolls is a fun hobby! I've been collecting coins for over 30 years, and it's STILL one of my favorite budget-friendly ways to find valuable pennies. (Almost doubled my money searching through this 1 roll of pennies alone!) I Bought: 1 roll of pennies for 50 cents I Found: AT LEAST 45 cents worth of pennies in this 1 roll In this video, I am showing you which old pennies, key date & semi-key date pennies, error pennies, and pennies with varieties you should be looking for in penny rolls. ➜LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order, actual timestamps below): The very first coin I ever found that got me involved in the hobby was a 1941 Lincoln wheat cent: Wheat pennies and their values: Best magnifier for inspecting coins: Why you should keep all pre-1983 pennies:

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