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Quarter Roll Hunting 101 (List of QUARTERS to Look For!)

8K views Nov 13, 2024

Searching quarter rolls is a fun hobby! I've been collecting coins for over 30 years, and it's STILL one of my favorite budget-friendly ways to find valuable quarters. It’s called quarter roll hunting! In this video, we're searching for rare and valuable quarters in coin rolls. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, I’ve got some great tips for conducting your own quarter roll hunts. Plus, you'll learn about the most valuable and sought-after quarters that you can actually find in quarter rolls today! ============================ ➜ LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order, actual timestamps below): Clad quarters: https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/us-coins-made-of-alloys/ Silver quarters: https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/silver_quarters/ Pre-1965 silver quarters: https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/washington_quarters-2/ State quarters: https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/rare-state-quarters-to-look-for/

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