Coin Roll Hunting Nickels (What To Look For When Searching Nickel Rolls)
Searching nickel rolls is a fun hobby! As a collector of coins for 30+ years, nickel roll hunting is STILL one of my favorite budget-friendly ways to find valuable U.S. nickels. In this video, I am showing you which old nickels, you should be looking for in nickel rolls that you buy from a bank or grocery store. ============================ ➜ LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order, actual timestamps below): BUFFALO NICKELS and their values (1913-1938) https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/buffalo_nickels_value/ All JEFFERSON NICKELS and their values (1938 to present): https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/jefferson_nickels_war_nickels/ Silver WAR NICKELS and their values (1942-1945): https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/silver_nickels/ Best COIN LOUPE magnifier for inspecting coins: https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/best-coin-collecting-magnifiers/