'Video thumbnail for How To Clean Buried Coins Found In The Ground (While Metal Detecting, Etc.)'

How To Clean Buried Coins Found In The Ground (While Metal Detecting, Etc.)

691 views May 20, 2024

Wondering how to clean a dirty coin that you've found in the ground? Want to learn how to clean dirty coins WITHOUT vinegar, or baking soda, or any of the other harsh agents that can easily damage a coin's surface? Hoping to see how to clean dirty coins at home yourself, rather than paying a professional? In this video, I'm showing you how water and acetone can be used to clean buried coins that have caked on mud and dirt. Specifically, you will see how to clean old copper coins using these methods safely. Plus, I mention 2 of the top professional coin cleaning agencies that are the best at cleaning buried coins -- if your at-home method doesn't get the coin looking the way you'd like. So... how do you clean dirty coins fast? This video shows you exactly how to do it yourself! What do you soak dirty coins in? What liquid cleans coins the best? I show you exactly how to safely use acetone to clean buried coins that have a lot of mud and dirt on them. See how to clean coins that have been buried + Tips for cleaning buried coins yourself in the safest ways possible. WARNING: All DIY methods of coin cleaning will damage the coins! This video is for demonstration purposes only on coins that are only worth face value. ALL of our tips for cleaning coins safely can be found here: https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/cleaning_coins/ These are the reasons you should NOT clean coins and what you should do instead: https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/how-to-clean-coins/

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