Jack Russell Terriers (Giving Luna A Bath Vlog Episode 2)
Oct 14, 2022
Enter to win the Ultimate Terrier Prize Pack 👉 https://www.terrierowner.com/ultimate-terrier-owner-prize-pack/ #terrierowner, #jackrussellterrier, #jackrussellterriergrooming, #lunagetsabath In this video, I will be giving Luna (my Jack Russell Terrier) a bath and demonstrating the best practices you should follow when giving your Jack Russell Terrier a bath at your home. Welcome to episode 2 of our new Jack Russell Terrier weekly vlog. Thanks for watching. Make sure to like and subscribe! 🐶Check Out The Terrier Owner Gift Shop/ Store Directly Below (Link) 👉https://terrierownershop.com 🐶😀Don't Forget to Subscribe🏮🐶 👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSj1k59xjIxxMTGrw3SLAVA 🐶😀Check Out The Blog🏮🐶 👉https://terrierowner.com/
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