Stop Pulling: Walking A Jack Russell Terrier Correctly (Luna and I Break It Down)

676 views Oct 24, 2022

#jackrussellterrier,#walkingjackrussellterrier,#jackrussell,#terrierowner,#walkingjackrussellterrieronleash In this video, I break down everything you need to know about walking your Jack Russell Terrier. This includes teaching your Jack Russell Terrier not to pull on the lead or leash. I also cover my recommended gear that you will need to make walking your Jack Russell Terrier that much easier. Lastly, I give you some footage of my 3-year-old son walking my Jack Russell Terrier in addition to myself walking my Jack Russell Terrier. Please like, subscribe, and hit the notification button if you are a Jack Russell Terrier fan and enjoyed this video. Luna, Rowan, and I appreciate you stopping by and hope to continue providing valuable content to you in the future. Lastly, do not forget to check out Here is the related blog post for this video which breaks down training techniques to teach your Jack Russell Terrier to walk on a lead correctly.
