Luna The Jack Russell Terrier Attempts To Eat The Thanksgiving Turkey (And Has A Lot To Say)!

15K views Oct 14, 2022

Enter to win the Ultimate Terrier Prize Pack 👉 #funnyjackrussellterriervideo, #funnydogvideo, #funnydogvideothanksgiving Hey everyone, happy Thanksgiving a few days early. Just as a heads up, our normal video will still be out this Sunday and it's a must-not-miss! In this video, we will have our funny dog, Luna (the Jack Russell Terrier) being hilarious and getting into some trouble eating the thanksgiving turkey. We are hoping you guys are enjoying this funny dog video style of video and hope to keep putting some out like this. Be sure to share with someone you think may get a laugh from this as well and happy thanksgiving from Luna and I to your family! Make sure to like and subscribe! 🐶Check Out The Terrier Owner Gift Shop/ Store Directly Below (Link) 👉 🐶😀Don't Forget to Subscribe🏮🐶 👉 🐶😀Check Out The Blog🏮🐶 👉

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