Just HOW MANY Collector Boxes to Find the JEWELED LOTUS? | Box Opening Magic MTG #CMM | Tap & Sac
The fabled Jeweled Lotus (actually good in the #EDH format) was finally reprinted in Commander Masters. But with over 400 cards in the set and only 4 packs per Collector Box, how hard is it to open one? We do the test so you don't have to! There's also giveaway for 2 Commander Masters Draft Booster packs..! Watch the video see how your can win :) This video was filmed at local game store Hideout: https://www.hideout-online.com #MTGCMM #EDH #EDHDraft #Commander #BoxOpening If you'd like to support Tap & Sac, there are a few ways! Subscribing and commenting are the best free and easy ways to help us! We will have new weekly content revolving around MTG Arena gameplay, and free pack giveaways! Tap & Sac also has a full-fledged website with great strategy articles and community stories at https://www.tapandsac.com so please give it a visit. Follow us on these channels to keep up to date on new content: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tapandsac Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tapandsac Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/tapandsac BioLink: https://bio.link/tapandsac