Spellslingers CHANDRA Red with Green Splash | Deck Tech & Gameplay | Magic MTG | tapandsac.com

8K views Aug 16, 2022

Deck tech and full match demo of a Chandra deck with a nice splash of green for big, beefy attackers who can also serve as blockers. Spellslingers for Mobile/PC is a spinoff from Magic the Gathering, featuring 16 favourite Planeswalkers as your hero. Play cards with similar keyword mechanics (Haste, Trample, Flying etc.) while adapting to a more simplified combat system. If you'd like to support Tap & Sac, there are a few ways! Subscribing and commenting are the best free and easy ways to help us! We will have new weekly content revolving around MTG Arena gameplay, and free pack giveaways! Tap & Sac also has a full-fledged website with great strategy articles and community stories at https://www.tapandsac.com so please give it a visit. Follow us on these channels to keep up to date on new content: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tapandsac Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tapandsac Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/tapandsac BioLink: https://bio.link/tapandsac