We Just Want the SOL RING! MTG Lord of the Rings Collector Box Opening | #MTGxLOTR | Tapandsac.com
Will we be lucky for one day and open the One Ring? Or maybe just one of the exclusive, serialised Sol Rings? Ted and Edwin take on the eagerly anticipated Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Collector Booster box - these are spiking in price because everyone wants the precious! Big thanks to Hideout for providing the space. Their new location is at 803 King George's Ave, #02-190, Singapore 200803, with cleaner decor, bigger playing space, and now even closer to the MRT train station. Check them out! Singapore Premodern Society: https://www.facebook.com/groups/421663989944030 If you'd like to support Tap & Sac, there are a few ways! Subscribing and commenting are the best free and easy ways to help us! We also has a full-fledged website with great strategy articles and community stories at https://www.tapandsac.com so please give it a visit. Follow us on these channels to keep up to date on new content: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tapandsac Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tapandsac Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/tapandsac BioLink: https://bio.link/tapandsac LOTR belong to their respective owners.