Doctor Who MTG Collector Box Opening! Can We Get a Serialized Card?Magic TCG |

1K views Jan 26, 2024

Are you ready to see the doctor for your pack cracking addiction? We've got the perfect antidote for you, with this Collector Booster box opening that will definitely make you wish you can time travel! Can we open our very 1st serialized MTG card with this #UniversesBeyond set? We're also doing giveaways to two viewers in the video, watch it to find out how to win! (It's easy, just sub and comment). Congrats to the winners - @ChrisPeng and @nazagato - from our previous video who each win a Wilds of Eldraine Draft Booster pack! #DrWho @MTGxDoctorWho #DoctorWho If you'd like to support Tap & Sac, there are a few ways! 🎫Subscribing and commenting are the best free and easy ways to help us! We will have new weekly content revolving around MTG Arena gameplay, and free pack giveaways! 💻Tap & Sac also has a full-fledged website with great strategy articles and community stories at so please give it a visit. 🎴Check out our decklists on Moxfield: 🫱Follow us social media: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: BioLink:

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  # Collectible Card Games
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