Opening 65 PACKS of HELVAULT UNSEALED! How Many Mythics? | Magic MTG Spellslingers |

12K views Nov 12, 2022

After a long, long wait, the new expansion Helvault Unsealed is finally here! The set has 160 cards, including a ton of iconic Magic characters like Avacyn and Thalia transported over. We saved up 65 packs over the last month just so we can acquire more of the new cards. The question is, how many Mythics can we pull in 65 packs? We're currently doing a 500-sub giveaway! Just subscribe and comment on this video and someone will walk away with Dragonshield Matte sleeves! If you'd like to support Tap & Sac, there are a few ways! Subscribing and commenting are the best free and easy ways to help us! We will have new weekly content revolving around MTG Arena gameplay, and free pack giveaways! Tap & Sac also has a full-fledged website with great strategy articles and community stories at so please give it a visit. Follow us on these channels to keep up to date on new content: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: BioLink: Music kindly provided by Incompetech:

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