SuperfastCPA Reviews: From Military Mechanic to CPA
CPA study while mountain biking? Re-writing the textbook by hand? Free CPA Study Workshop: In this episode you'll hear John's CPA study experience, and how his study process evolved as he kept making breakthroughs. John used the Gleim CPA Review testbank along with the SuperfastCPA study tools such as our review notes, audio notes, and quizzes. We cover all parts of the study process and all kinds of CPA exam study tips in this interview, and John also has some great insights on mindset and how to stay motivated. Don't miss this interview! 00:00 - Introduction 02:12 - Exams timeline 05:05 - From the military to accounting 07:51 - Starting the study process 08:39 - Re-writing the textbook by hand 09:29 - "There has to be a better way..." 10:31 - Looking for a better way 11:10 - Finding SuperfastCPA 11:33 - "I was sold right away" 12:26 - "I never read the textbook again after that" 13:07 - Using quizzes + MCQs 13:34 - "I got a better score, while studying less..." 14:19 - CPA study + mountain biking? 16:35 - What John spent 85% of his time on