How Michael Adjusted His CPA Study Routine to Pass His CPA Exams

223 views May 3, 2024

Free "CPA Study Hacks" training: #cpastudy #cpaexams #superfastcpa In this episode you'll hear an interview with Michael, a SuperfastCPA customer and now CPA, about how he adjusted his CPA study routine to overcome frustration and overwhelm and go on to pass his CPA exams. Like all the other interviews before this, I really like this interview. What I like about Michael's story is he kind of felt like for him personally in the beginning, that he just wouldn't be able to pass the exams once he started with the study process. He felt really overwhelmed with how much material there was and really struggled with coming up with a way, or an effective format of learning the material in an effective enough way to actually be able to pass the exams. And so he failed a few sections up front the first time, then at some point came across SuperfastCPA. And he is someone who, you know, a lot of our customers, they don't even really watch the Study Hacks videos. They just use the tools for the on the go study, which they're very effective for. That's what they're made for. And that's enough. That gives them enough. That's all they need. And then there there's another section of our customers that just really struggle with the study process itself. And that's kind of what our study strategies are for that you learn in those videos. And so, Michael, as someone, as I was talking with him, I could tell that he had spent a lot of time watching the videos because probably his biggest overall struggle in the beginning was just creating an effective daily process. And I think he'll kind of say that in his own words. And that is what, that's what our videos really helped him with, was crafting a daily process that finally worked. And once it clicked for him, he went from feeling overwhelmed and just kind of defeated in advance by the exams going from that to the opposite, where he felt confident, like he was in control. He just knew that passing was going to be a matter of time at that point. And he even describes kind of this idea I've talked about in the past where when you really get your study process grooved in and you just know that it's working and you know exactly what to do each day when you sit down to study, just knowing exactly what you're going to do, when you sit down to study... That just turns the study process from this awful thing that you dread, to something that you can almost look forward to, because you just know that day after day, as long as you do the daily process, now that you've got it figured out, you're going to pass your exams. And that's kind of the process that Michael talks through or describes. And you can just see the different light bulbs that came on for him as he kind of talks through the discoveries he made about what needed to change with his daily process. So, again, if you're going through the study process yourself or you're gearing up, you're about to start the study process - anywhere in between. You'll find this episode very valuable, very helpful in figuring out your own daily study process. Important Links: Don't have a review course yet? The best thing you can do is get a free trial from several courses and see which one YOU like the best. Get free trials from the top 3 courses here: Wiley CPAexcel: Roger CPA: Surgent CPA Review: Get our free guide "The Busy Candidate's Guide to Passing the CPA Exams Fast" and 500 Free MCQs here:

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