SuperfastCPA Reviews: How Patricia Passed Her CPA Exams

241 views May 3, 2024

In this SuperfastCPA reviews episode, you’ll hear how Patricia managed to pass her CPA exams while working full-time, and having 3 kids at home doing online school during Covid lockdowns in 2020. She has a ton of great CPA exam tips & insights to share that will help you know how to study for the CPA exams effectively, and how to pass the CPA exams. This episode covers how to pass the CPA exams while working full-time, how to pass the CPA exams with kids, how Patricia use the SuperfastCPA review notes, the SuperfastCPA audio notes, and most of all, the SuperfastCPA quizzes. She also discusses how she used Roger CPA as her main review course. IMPORTANT LINKS: - Learn "Strategic CPA Study" here: - Enter the SFCPA Podcast Giveaway: - More SuperfastCPA reviews episodes: EPISODE TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Episode Teaser 02:07 Introduction 06:29 How Patricia Got on the CPA Path 09:12 How Patricia Started the CPA Study Process 12:21 How Patricia Found SuperfastCPA 13:26 A Day in Patricia's Study Process 14:49 Emails Between Patricia and Nate Early On 16:52 Breakthroughs in Patricia's Study Process 18:57 How Patricia Studied with 3 Kids During Covid Lockdown 20:17 How Patricia Made Her Kids Listen to CPA Audios

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