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10-Minute Core and Glutes Workout at Home (No Equipment)

360 views Jun 7, 2024

How To Grow Your Glutes | 10 Min Glute and Core Workout Flow Looking to grow your glutes and strengthen your core with a quick and effective workout? Check out our "How To Grow Your Glutes | 10 Min Glute and Core Workout Flow no equipment" video! This workout routine is designed to help you build stronger glutes and a solid core without needing any equipment. Incorporate these exercises into your fitness routine to see amazing results! Here are some effective exercises to grow your glutes without any equipment: 1. **Glute Bridges** - Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. - Push through your heels to raise your hips off the floor until your body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders. - Squeeze your glutes at the top for 2 seconds before lowering back down. 2. **Squats** - Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. - Send hips back and bend knees to lower into a squat position with thighs parallel to the floor. - Keep your chest upright and knees behind your toes. - Push through your heels to return to standing. 3. **Lunges** - Take a big step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at 90 degrees. - Push back to starting position and repeat on the other side.

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