Equal Eyes in Virtual Reality 2: Try These Tips for Stereopsis and Strabismus
Jun 8, 2023
If you have strabismus and are in vision therapy or have graduated and are looking to maintain progress with virtual reality, Equal Eyes is a great app and is perfect for you! Make sure to check with your optometrist first, and this isn't just a disclaimer for legal reasons, I TRULY believe that it could be detrimental without the help of a specialist, with your OD's approval, it can help you take your vision to the next level! To find a vision therapy office near you, go to https://strabismussolutions.com/findvt/ To get the Equal Eyes app, use the code MDVR for 10% of at https://avalonweb.com.au/ For other free resources: https://learn.strabismussolutions.com
#Assistive Technology
# Eye Exams & Optometry
# Laser Vision Correction
# Other
# Reference
# Virtual Reality Devices
# Vision Care