10 Best VR (Virtual Reality) Apps for Strabismus and Lazy Eye
Are you ready? I've been using my Oculus Quest 2 for over a year now (and I had the Quest before that) and I have tried a ton of different games. These are my favorite games and apps that I use for vision therapy to help with my strabismus and amblyopia (lazy eye). If you don't have the quest yet, get one over here: https://www.oculus.com/referrals/link/143daniels/ Use my referral code for $30 of App Store credit! Equal Eyes: Specialized strabismus/amblyopia treatment, no subscription or doctor needed. Mention Melissa Daniels or code MDVR for a 10% refund after you activate your purchase. https://avalonweb.com.au/demo/ Vivid Vision: Specialized strabismus/amblyopia treatment available only through an optometrist. Learn more: https://strabismussolutions.com/an-honest-review-of-vivid-vision-a-strabismics-perspective/ Optics Trainer: Specialized strabismus/amblyopia treatment available only through an optometrist. Learn more https://strabismussolutions.com/optics-trainer-virtual-reality-home-program-review/ Gravity Sketch: Free, Paint in 3D https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/1587090851394426/ Nature Treks: $9.99 Explore a magical 3D world https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/2616537008386430/ Beat Saber: $29.99 Use Light sabers to break blocks to the beat https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/2448060205267927/