'Video thumbnail for A review of NSR-GOLD investment platform #gold #nsr-gold #hyip #usdt'

A review of NSR-GOLD investment platform #gold #nsr-gold #hyip #usdt

visibility 9 views calendar_month Feb 9, 2024
publisher-humix skillhut.xyz

Northern Star Gold-Telegram channel: https://t.me/NorthernStarGold Northern Star Gold-Telegram Customer Service: https://t.me/Northern_Star_01 Registration link: https://nsr-gold.com/Kajg0b The Northern Star Gold investment platform uses the globally recognized cryptocurrency USDT as the company's settlement currency The minimum investment is 10 USDT - The minimum withdrawal amount is 1 USDT After the level expires, you can withdraw the principal you invest You can only withdraw cash once a day, you can withdraw money at any time within 24 hours Daily income distribution time is 00:00 Chicago time, USA (GMT-6) Level investment principal and income: Star 1: Invest 10 USDT, daily income 2 USDT Star 2: Invest 80 USDT, daily income 11.5 USDT

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