Webull Tutorials
'Video thumbnail for Webull Paper Trading Tutorial | Stock & Options'
Webull Paper Trading Tutorial | Stock & Options
Webull Paper Trading Tutorial | Stock & Options

3K views · Dec 19, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today we’ll learn how to paper trade using the Webull Mobile App. This can be done on both stock and options. Learning a new platform and especially a new strategy can be a bit nerve racking when you’re first getting started. Webull makes this easier by offering all their users the ability to paper trade. It’ll allow us to trade stock and options in realtime and get some practical experience without having to put our real money on the line. It’s essentially monopoly money but with the real stock market.

'Video thumbnail for How to Buy and Sell Stock on Webull Desktop'
How to Buy and Sell Stock on Webull Desktop
How to Buy and Sell Stock on Webull Desktop

4K views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today’s video we’ll learn how to buy and sell stock within Webull Desktop Platform. We’ll focus on the trade buttons, order entry gadget and briefly cover the active trader in Webull. Webull offers multiple different ways to place trades within their desktop platform. In today’s video we’ll focus on three of the most popular methods including the Trade Buttons, Order Entry and a brief overview of the Active Trader. You also have methods like right clicking on the chart and the watchlist. If you’re new to trading, or just switching brokers, it can be a bit overwhelming. Hopefully this video helps clear any of your confusion around trading stock on Webull.

'Video thumbnail for How to Trade Options on Webull Desktop'
How to Trade Options on Webull Desktop
How to Trade Options on Webull Desktop

2K views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today’s video we’ll be doing a step-by-step tutorial on how to trade options on the Webull Desktop Platform. This video will mainly focus on buying and selling single leg options, but we will touch on spreads as well. This video should answer all of your questions about buying and selling options on Webull. The platform offers the best customization I've seen so far, but definitely has its downsides. Trading options is something you shouldn't jump into without understanding all the risks. Be sure to learn as much as possible before you start jumping into it.

'Video thumbnail for How to Set Stop Loss and Take Profit in Webull | OCO Bracket Order'
How to Set Stop Loss and Take Profit in Webull | OCO Bracket...
How to Set Stop Loss and Take Profit in Webull | OCO Bracket Order

1K views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today’s video we’ll be going over how to create a stop loss and take profit order in Webull. This is also called an OCO bracket order or One Cancels Other order. The OCO bracket order simply allows you to place two orders simultaneously. The first order is intended to close the position if you're losing too much money and want to cut your losses. The second order is to take profit. Whichever order fills first will automatically cancel the second order. Hence the name, OCO (One Cancels Other). Within Webull you can create a bracket order on a position you already have open as well as a new position. Although Webull doesn't have as much customization available when it comes to advanced orders, it still offers a lot of potential.

'Video thumbnail for How to Trade Spreads on the Webull Desktop'
How to Trade Spreads on the Webull Desktop
How to Trade Spreads on the Webull Desktop

2K views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today’s video we’ll learn how to trade various different spreads on Webull. We’ll go step-by-step on how to place some of the most popular spreads like Verticals, Iron Condors, and Butterfly Spreads. Webull is not the most conducive platform for creating spreads. It seems like they still have a few kinks to work out, but we’ll be going through several examples to make sure you get the hang of it. We’ll go through the steps of trading vertical spreads, iron condors, and butterfly spreads on Webull’s desktop platform.

'Video thumbnail for Webull Desktop Tutorial for Beginners 2022 | Step-by-Step Tutorial'
Webull Desktop Tutorial for Beginners 2022 | Step-by-Step Tu...
Webull Desktop Tutorial for Beginners 2022 | Step-by-Step Tutorial

8K views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today's video we'll be doing a full tutorial of the Webull Desktop Application. We'll go through the entire platform step-by-step to make sure you're comfortable navigating, placing trades, and customizing the app. Webull is a great platform for new traders learning to trade stock, options and crypto. This tutorial will show you everything you could possibly need to know to get started trading on Webull. Throughout this video we discuss how to buy and sell stock, trade options, view charts, and some general customization. Webull also offers many of their own tutorial videos that you can access through the platform under the learning center.

'Video thumbnail for How to Place Trailing Stop Order on Webull Desktop | Webull Tutorial'
How to Place Trailing Stop Order on Webull Desktop | Webull ...
How to Place Trailing Stop Order on Webull Desktop | Webull Tutorial

5K views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today’s video we’ll learn how to place trailing stops on the Webull desktop app. First off, it’s a important to remember that a trailing stop is typically used to close you out of a position you already hold. Rather than using a typical stop order which requires you to set a specific price, you instead set a dollar or percentage amount you would want to get stopped out at instead. As the stock goes up in value, your stop moves up along with it. Trailing Stop A trailing stop order is an order that is entered with a stop parameter that creates a moving or "trailing" activation price. As a stock's price moves, the activation price for your order will move too – allowing potentially profitable trades to run, and may help protect against a sharp pullback.

'Video thumbnail for How to Place Trailing Stop Loss on Webull Mobile App'
How to Place Trailing Stop Loss on Webull Mobile App
How to Place Trailing Stop Loss on Webull Mobile App

166 views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today's video we'll learn how to place a trailing stop loss order on the Webull mobile app. These trailing stops are generally used to exit the position in the event the stock were to move against you. A trailing stop is an order type designed to lock in profits or limit losses as a trade moves favorably. Trailing stops only move if the price moves favorably. Once it moves to lock in a profit or reduce a loss, it does not move back in the other direction.

'Video thumbnail for How to Create a Watchlist on Webull Desktop'
How to Create a Watchlist on Webull Desktop
How to Create a Watchlist on Webull Desktop

921 views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today’s video we’ll learn how to create a watchlist on the Webull desktop platform. ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/151KXm How I Make My Videos: Camera: https://amzn.to/3BjqYJY Lens: https://amzn.to/3hGIOhX Light: https://amzn.to/3wGg5OF Microphone: https://amzn.to/3hGJT9C Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for How to Draw Trendlines on Webull Desktop'
How to Draw Trendlines on Webull Desktop
How to Draw Trendlines on Webull Desktop

2K views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today’s video we’ll learn how draw trendlines and support and resistance lines on the Webull desktop platform. Webull's drawing tools will allow you to draw trendlines, support and resistance lines, fibonacci's, text boxes, and various other drawing tools. Throughout this video we'll quickly cover each of these as well as how to edit their overall appearance.

'Video thumbnail for How to Add and Edit Studies on Webull Desktop'
How to Add and Edit Studies on Webull Desktop
How to Add and Edit Studies on Webull Desktop

5K views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today’s video we’ll learn how to add and customize studies on the Webull desktop platform. Throughout this video we'll go through how to add and customize the 50 day and 200 day simple moving average on webull. We'll also quickly add RSI, VWAP, and look through various other indicators. ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/151KXm How I Make My Videos: Camera: https://amzn.to/3BjqYJY Lens: https://amzn.to/3hGIOhX Light: https://amzn.to/3wGg5OF Microphone: https://amzn.to/3hGJT9C Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for How to Create Custom Stock Screener on Webull Desktop'
How to Create Custom Stock Screener on Webull Desktop
How to Create Custom Stock Screener on Webull Desktop

2K views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today’s video we’ll learn how to create a custom screener on the Webull desktop platform. For those not already familiar with what a screener is, it’s simply a way to filter through the thousands of companies out there in the world to find those stocks you're actually interested in trading. Although Webull is not the most advanced platform when it comes to scanning, it can be used to greatly assist you. It can be used to scan for fundamental criteria like PE, Dividend Yield and Return on Equity. It can also filter for basic stock criteria like stock price, volume of shares traded, and % change.

'Video thumbnail for Webull Mobile App Tutorial for Beginners 2023 | Step-by-Step Guide to Trade on Webull'
Webull Mobile App Tutorial for Beginners 2023 | Step-by-Step...
Webull Mobile App Tutorial for Beginners 2023 | Step-by-Step Guide to Trade on Webull

404 views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today’s video we do a full demo of the Webull mobile app. We cover everything you’ll need to know to get started trading on the app. Everything from how to place a trade, customize charts and view balances. The Webull mobile app is a simple app that takes minimal practice to get comfortable with. Although I still prefer to do most of my trading from the Desktop application of Webull, the Webull app is an excellent alternative. For those of you switching from Robinhood, this app will take some time getting used to, but it’s well worth the time to learn. You’re going to be able to easily access Level II data, view studies and indicators on your charts and trade options and crypto far more easily. If you’re an options trader this is also the app for you. When viewing the option chain you can add any metric you find important when picking your strikes. Whether that be any of the greeks (delta, gamma, theta, vega), volume, probability OTM, or many more. It will also allow you to place more complex options spreads like Iron Condors or butterfly spreads far more quickly.

'Video thumbnail for How to Set Stop Loss and Take Profit on Webull Mobile App | OCO Bracket Order'
How to Set Stop Loss and Take Profit on Webull Mobile App | ...
How to Set Stop Loss and Take Profit on Webull Mobile App | OCO Bracket Order

12 views · Dec 17, 2022 shortthestrike.com

In today’s video we’ll go through the process of setting up a stop loss and take profit order on the Webull Mobile App. You may also know this as a OCO bracket order or One cancels the other order. You’ll use this as a simple way to automate some of your trading. Creating an order ticket to close your position if the stock goes against you while simultaneously having another order out to close the position if it ever hits your profit target. Whichever order fills first, the other order is automatically cancelled. ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/151KXm How I Make My Videos: Camera: https://amzn.to/3BjqYJY Lens: https://amzn.to/3hGIOhX Light: https://amzn.to/3wGg5OF Microphone: https://amzn.to/3hGJT9C Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for Webull Tutorial for ABSOLUTE beginners 2022 | Step-by-Step Tutorial'
Webull Tutorial for ABSOLUTE beginners 2022 | Step-by-Step T...
Webull Tutorial for ABSOLUTE beginners 2022 | Step-by-Step Tutorial

3K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

https://a.webull.com/8ksaoiDnnHrFKov1rn Today we’ll be doing a full tutorial of the Webull desktop platform for absolute beginners. Webull doesn't have all the features or tools like more advanced platforms out there, however it is incredibly customizable and user friendly. Webull can be an excellent option if you're interested in trading stock, options or crypto. Timestamps 0:00 Intro 0:35 General Navigation 3:10 Change Color Scheme 3:50 Stocks Page 5:44 How to Buy & Sell Stock 13:30 Charting 14:29 Adding Moving Average 17:21 Option Chain Explained 20:30 How to Trade Options 22:57 Create Custom Layout 24:56 Create a Watchlist 27:13 Outro ➤My Website: https://shortthestrike.com/ ➤ Open a tastyworks account: https://start.tastyworks.com/#/login?referralCode=PKSKCFVD2J ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/151KXm Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for Trade Fast Using Price Ladder and Active Trade on Webull'
Trade Fast Using Price Ladder and Active Trade on Webull
Trade Fast Using Price Ladder and Active Trade on Webull

8K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Webull link (6 FREE STOCKS) https://a.webull.com/8ksaoiDnnHrFKov1rn The absolute fastest way to trade within Webull is through the Price Ladder and Active Trade tool. For those of you day traders or scalpers out there, these two tools are pretty much a necessity. The tool itself isn’t that complicated, but we’ll go through all the steps on how to use and customize it for your trading. The price ladder within Webull can be used to quickly place limit orders and stops, whereas the active trader is more customizable. The active trade tool can also include things like bracket orders, market orders, and tool to manage open positions. Timestamps 0:00 Intro 0:30 Price Ladder 7:04 Active Trade 8:44 Bracket Orders 13:41 Outro ➤My Website: https://shortthestrike.com/ ➤ Open a tastyworks account: https://start.tastyworks.com/#/login?referralCode=PKSKCFVD2J ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/151KXm Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for How to Place Bracket Orders on Options on Webull'
How to Place Bracket Orders on Options on Webull
How to Place Bracket Orders on Options on Webull

2K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Webull link for 6 free stocks: https://a.webull.com/8ksaoiDnnHrFKov1rn Today we’ll be learning how to place bracket orders on options within Webull. These are orders that automatically go out to close your option for a set profit target or stop you out before you lose too much money. Within Webull these are known as take profit, stop loss orders but its all the same thing. Only recently did webull begin offering this within their desktop platform. We’ll be specifically going over how to place these bracket orders within the order entry tool and the active trader tool. ➤My Website: https://shortthestrike.com/ ➤ Open a tastyworks account: https://start.tastyworks.com/#/login?referralCode=PKSKCFVD2J ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/151KXm Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for Fastest Way to Trade Options in Webull (Day Trading Layout)'
Fastest Way to Trade Options in Webull (Day Trading Layout)
Fastest Way to Trade Options in Webull (Day Trading Layout)

1K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today we'll be learning the fastest way's to trade options on the Webull Desktop platform. Without a doubt, the absolute fastest way to trade within Webull is through the Price Ladder and Active Trader tool. For those of you day traders or scalpers out there, these two tools are pretty much a necessity. We'll need to make a few customizations to tailor them to options, but this can speed up your trades dramatically. Timestamps 0:00 Intro 1:00 Adding Tools to Webull 3:27 Price Ladder 8:23 Active Trade 10:10 Custom Trade Buttons 17:47 Multi Option Layout 19:57 Outro ➤My Website: https://shortthestrike.com/ ➤ Open a tastyworks account: https://start.tastyworks.com/#/login?referralCode=PKSKCFVD2J ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/151KXm Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for How to Set Take Profit and Stop Loss on Webull Desktop (Bracket Order)'
How to Set Take Profit and Stop Loss on Webull Desktop (Brac...
How to Set Take Profit and Stop Loss on Webull Desktop (Bracket Order)

3K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today we'll learn how to create take profit and stop loss orders within Webull. This is also known as an OCO bracket order, or one cancels other. Timestamps 0:00 Intro 0:33 Bracket Order via Order Entry 5:26 How to Adjust Orders 6:17 Active Trade 6:38 Creating Bracket Button 10:50 Outro ➤My Website: https://shortthestrike.com/ ➤ Open a tastyworks account: https://start.tastyworks.com/#/login?referralCode=PKSKCFVD2J ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/151KXm Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for Webull Order Types Explained (Market, Limit, Stop, Trailing Stop, Brackets)'
Webull Order Types Explained (Market, Limit, Stop, Trailing ...
Webull Order Types Explained (Market, Limit, Stop, Trailing Stop, Brackets)

4K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today will be quick video covering all the different order types available at Webull and how they can be used. Market Order A market order indicates you want the immediate execution of an order for a stated number of shares at the next available price without any other restrictions. This means your order will seek execution once it is received by the market (as long as the security is trading). Limit Order A limit order indicates the highest price you are willing to pay for a security, or the lowest price you are willing to accept to sell a security. Your order will be executed at your designated price or better. This helps protect your order from sudden volatility, but it also means you will only buy or sell the security if it reaches the price you're seeking. Stop Order Stop orders can help you to limit your potential loss in an investment or to lock in profits. By setting an activation price below the market, if you are selling, you may be able to limit a potential loss should the stock price fall. Similarly, if you take a short position, you may be able to limit a potential loss if the stock price rises by placing a buy-stop order. Trailing Stop A trailing stop order is an order that is entered with a stop parameter that creates a moving or "trailing" activation price. As a stock's price moves, the activation price for your order will move too – allowing potentially profitable trades to run, and may help protect against a sharp pullback. Bracket Order This order type will allow you to place both a profit taking order and stop loss order in advance. This is known to most as an OCO bracket order, or one cancels other order. ➤My Website: https://shortthestrike.com/ ➤ Open a tastyworks account: https://start.tastyworks.com/#/login?referralCode=PKSKCFVD2J ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/151KXm Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for How to Set Take Profit and Stop Loss on Webull Mobile App'
How to Set Take Profit and Stop Loss on Webull Mobile App
How to Set Take Profit and Stop Loss on Webull Mobile App

401 views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Bracket orders, or take profit stop loss orders are an amazing way to automate some of your trading. They allow us to set orders in advance to take profit if the stock goes up while also protecting us to the downside if things go wrong. But how do we actually do this within Webull? Today we'll go through the entire process of creating bracket orders, or take profit and stop loss orders within the Webull Mobile App. We'll be specifically creating the bracket on a brand new position.

'Video thumbnail for How to Place Stops on Options in Webull'
How to Place Stops on Options in Webull
How to Place Stops on Options in Webull

3K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

The use of Stops can be an amazing way to protect a position and close you out before taking on too great of losses. But how do we actually place stop on options within Webull? That’s exactly what we’re going to learn in todays video and go through the entire process of placing stops on options step by step. We'll do this on both a brand new position in the order entry tool, we'll setup a button on the active trader, and go through how to place a stop on an open position.

'Video thumbnail for How to Place Stops on Options in Webull Mobile App'
How to Place Stops on Options in Webull Mobile App
How to Place Stops on Options in Webull Mobile App

4 views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today we'll learn how to place stops on options within the Webull Mobile App. The use of stops can be a great way to protect a position and automate some of your trading ahead of time. But how do we actually place stops on options within Webull? Today we cover how to place a stop on an open option contract as well as a part of a brand new options trade.

'Video thumbnail for Webull Active Trader Tutorial | Step-by-Step Tutorial'
Webull Active Trader Tutorial | Step-by-Step Tutorial
Webull Active Trader Tutorial | Step-by-Step Tutorial

16K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

If you’re looking for a quick way to trade in and out of your stock and options positions, that is exactly what we’ll be learning in todays videos. Covering one of those tools that make the entire trading process so much quicker. Within Webull the tool we’ll be discussing today is called the Active trader. The active trader tool can be used to trade in and out of your stock or options, or create bracket orders to automatically place a stop loss and profit taking order.

'Video thumbnail for Webull Price Ladder | Step-by-Step Tutorial'
Webull Price Ladder | Step-by-Step Tutorial
Webull Price Ladder | Step-by-Step Tutorial

1K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today we'll learn how to use the price ladder within Webull to place trades. We'll cover the entire tool step-by-step. Fast trade execution is obviously important for a lot of traders out there. You want to be able to get in and out of the trade as fast as possible, but whats the best way to do that within Webull? That’s exactly what we’ll going over in todays video, covering one of those tools that make the entire process so much quicker. Within Webull the tool we’ll be discussing is called the price ladder, but you may also know it as the DOM, or depth of market. This tool will display level II data, volume, and allow you to place trades very quickly. ➤My Website: https://shortthestrike.com/ ➤ Open a tastyworks account: https://start.tastyworks.com/#/login?referralCode=PKSKCFVD2J ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/151KXm Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for How to Read Level 2 Data in Webull | Level 2 and Time & Sales'
How to Read Level 2 Data in Webull | Level 2 and Time & ...
How to Read Level 2 Data in Webull | Level 2 and Time & Sales

4K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today we’ll be quickly covering Level II and Time & Sale within the Webull platform. These two tools will let us get a better look at a stocks liquidity and supply and demand in real time. Level 2 is essentially the order book. It’s simply a list of all the open orders out there to buy and sell the stock right now. Time and sales on the other hand is a list of all the trades that have already filled and the prices they filled at.

'Video thumbnail for How to Set Stop Losses on Webull | Stop, Stop Limit, Trailing Stop'
How to Set Stop Losses on Webull | Stop, Stop Limit, Trailin...
How to Set Stop Losses on Webull | Stop, Stop Limit, Trailing Stop

4K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today we’ll do a full step by step tutorial on how to place stop loss orders within webull. We'll cover how to place a stop on a position you already hold, as a part of a brand new trade, and how you can do all this much quicker using the active trader tool. We'll also discuss the differences between a stop, stop limit, and trailing stop order.

'Video thumbnail for How to Set Stop Losses on Webull | Stop, Stop Limit, Trailing Stop'
How to Set Stop Losses on Webull | Stop, Stop Limit, Trailin...
How to Set Stop Losses on Webull | Stop, Stop Limit, Trailing Stop

6K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today we’ll do a full step by step tutorial on how to place stop loss orders within webull. We'll cover how to place a stop on a position you already hold, as a part of a brand new trade, and how you can do all this much quicker using the active trader tool. We'll also discuss the differences between a stop, stop limit, and trailing stop order.

'Video thumbnail for Webull App Tutorial for ABSOLUTE Beginners | What You Must Know About Webull'
Webull App Tutorial for ABSOLUTE Beginners | What You Must K...
Webull App Tutorial for ABSOLUTE Beginners | What You Must Know About Webull

300 views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Webull Link (UP TO 12 FREE STOCKS): https://a.webull.com/KJLaoiDnnHrFKovdOg Today we’ll be diving into the Webull investing app to learn all the most important tools you’ll need to know when first getting started. -------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT THE CHANNEL (& get something back) 👇 TradingView (Best charts in the game) https://www.tradingview.com/?offer_id=10&aff_id=30508 Tastyworks (Great for options traders) https://start.tastyworks.com/#/login?referralCode=PKSKCFVD2J Webull (UP TO 12 FREE STOCKS) https://a.webull.com/KJLaoiDnnHrFKovdOg MY WEBSITE (Work in progress) https://shortthestrike.com -------------------------------------------------- Today we’ll be diving into the Webull investing app to learn all the most important tools you’ll need to know when first getting started. That’ll include how to buy and sell stock, manage your positions, customize charts, and even how to trade options. Webull is a great place for brand new investors or traders looking to get started. The app is very user friendly and offers stock, etfs, options, and crypto trading. Timestamps 0:00 Intro to Webull App 0:59 Account & Balances 6:23 Customize Charts 8:00 How to Buy Stock 12:47 How to Edit Orders 14:14 How to Close Positions 16:33 Options Chain Explained 18:57 How to Trade Options 23:04 Adjust App Color 24:02 Outro -------------------------------------------------- You should not treat any opinion expressed on this YouTube channel as a specific inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy, but only as an expression of opinion. Opinions expressed are based upon information considered reliable, but this YouTube channel does not warrant its completeness or accuracy, and it should not be relied upon as such. This YouTube channel is not under any obligation to update or correct any information provided in these videos or their descriptions. Statements and opinions are subject to change without notice. Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for Trading Options on Webull for Beginners (Step-by-Step Tutorial)'
Trading Options on Webull for Beginners (Step-by-Step Tutori...
Trading Options on Webull for Beginners (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

6K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today we'll learn how to trade options on the Webull Desktop platform. Options are an amazing tool and can be used in so many different ways. Whether it be generate income, hedge risk, or bet on direction. You can be as conservative or as insanely risky as you want, and everything in between. Since there are a ton of different strategies and ways to use them, options can be a bit confusing when you’re first getting started. Today we’ll go over a quick introduction to what options are, a few of the most popular strategies out there, and how to actually trade them within Webull.

'Video thumbnail for Webull App Tutorial for ABSOLUTE Beginners | What You Must Know About Webull'
Webull App Tutorial for ABSOLUTE Beginners | What You Must K...
Webull App Tutorial for ABSOLUTE Beginners | What You Must Know About Webull

154 views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today we’ll be diving into the Webull investing app to learn all the most important tools you’ll need to know when first getting started. We’ll be diving into the Webull investing app to learn all the most important tools you’ll need to know when first getting started. That’ll include how to buy and sell stock, manage your positions, customize charts, and even how to trade options. Webull is a great place for brand new investors or traders looking to get started. The app is very user friendly and offers stock, etfs, options, and crypto trading.

'Video thumbnail for Trading Options on Webull for Beginners (Step-by-Step Tutorial)'
Trading Options on Webull for Beginners (Step-by-Step Tutori...
Trading Options on Webull for Beginners (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

4K views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Webull Link (UP TO 12 FREE STOCKS): https://a.webull.com/KJLaoiDnnHrFKovdOg Today we'll learn how to trade options on the Webull Desktop platform. Options are an amazing tool and can be used in so many different ways. Whether it be generate income, hedge risk, or bet on direction. You can be as conservative or as insanely risky as you want, and everything in between. Since there are a ton of different strategies and ways to use them, options can be a bit confusing when you’re first getting started. We’ll go over a quick introduction to what options are, a few of the most popular strategies out there, and how to actually trade them within Webull.

'Video thumbnail for Webull Paper Trading Tutorial | Stock & Options'
Webull Paper Trading Tutorial | Stock & Options
Webull Paper Trading Tutorial | Stock & Options

21 views · Dec 16, 2022 shortthestrike.com

Today we’ll learn how to paper trade using the Webull Mobile App. This can be done on both stock and options. Learning a new platform and especially a new strategy can be a bit nerve racking when you’re first getting started. Webull makes this easier by offering all their users the ability to paper trade. It’ll allow us to trade stock and options in realtime and get some practical experience without having to put our real money on the line. It’s essentially monopoly money but with the real stock market.