Better Organize your Activity & Positions Tab on ThinkorSwim

5K views Dec 16, 2022

Today we’ll be going through a few different ways to better organize your activity and positions page within ThinkorSwim. These little adjustments will make it so much easier to monitor and manage all of your open positions especially as the size of your portfolio starts to grow. The simple changes will include adding groups to put certain asset classes together, adding info columns for those specific groups, and grouping options spreads together. Creating groups will allow you to put asset types or trade types together. In my case I'll be creating a group for futures, one for stock, and one for options. You could also choose to create groups for various types of trades like iron condors or verticals and keep them separate from your other positions. I'll then be adding data columns to each individual group that can provide me with additional information I find helpful. For the stock group I'll be adding percent change columns to track how much the stock is up or down for the week, month, and year. For the options group I'll be adding the greeks (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega). Finally, we'll be adjusting a setting in the platform to group options spreads together. This will then identify and group all the spreads in my account and display the total debit or credit for the entire spread. All of these adjustments will better organize your activity and positions tab on thinkorswim. ➤My Website: ➤ Open a tastyworks account: ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

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