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How to Create and Customize a Watchlist on ThinkorSwim

2K views Dec 17, 2022

In today’s video we’ll learn how to create and customize a watchlist on ThinkorSwim. We’ll go through the process of creating a watchlist from scratch, pulling up past watchlists and customizing the columns to display the information we find most valuable. Creating a watchlist on ThinkorSwim is an incredibly easy process. I personally have several watchlists that are each focused on their own respective area. One watchlist is made to keep track of the index so I always know what’s happening with the overall market. Another is for stocks that I often sell options against. Finally, I always have dynamic watchlists which are simply scans searching for companies that meet my criteria. Once you’ve created a watchlist you can also edit the column headers to only display the information you find most valuable. This could things as simple as the last traded price, bid/ask, or volume. You could also include fundamental information like dividend yield or PE ratio. You could even add columns for studies like RSI, Implied volatility or VWAP.

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