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ThinkorSwim Web Advanced Order Types Explained

3K views Jan 2, 2023

In this video we'll learn about the advanced orders available within the thinkorswim web app. That will include OCO, 1st triggers sequence, and blast all orders. Advanced orders are one of the simplest forms of automation and a way to place multiple orders all at the same time. 1st Triggers Sequence: The first order entered in the Order Entry screen triggers a series of up to seven more orders that are not filled until the next order in the queue is filled. 1st Triggers OCO: The first order in the Order Entry screen triggers an OCO order (“one cancels other”—see below). For example, first buy 100 shares of stock. When the order is filled, it triggers an OCO for your profit stop and stop-loss. 1st Triggers All: The first order in the Order Entry screen triggers up to seven more orders to be submitted simultaneously, each independent of the others.

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