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5 Types of Trades in ThinkorSwim

516 views Jan 17, 2023

In this video we'll learn the 5 most popular ways to buy and sell stock within thinkorswim. -------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT THE CHANNEL (& get something back) 👇 TradingView (Best charts in the game) https://www.tradingview.com/?aff_id=30508 Tastyworks (Great for options traders) https://start.tastyworks.com/#/login?referralCode=PKSKCFVD2J Webull (UP TO 12 FREE STOCKS) https://a.webull.com/KJLaoiDnnHrFKovdOg MY WEBSITE (Work in progress) https://shortthestrike.com/place-trades-in-thinkorswim/ -------------------------------------------------- Thinkorswim is one of the best trading platforms available and offers literally dozens of different ways to buy or sell stock. In this video, we'll learn five of the most popular trading methods within thinkorswim. This will include the active trader, the trade buttons, and placing the trades directly on the chart itself.