Manage Your Risk on ThinkorSwim | Risk Profile Page for Beginners
Today we’ll go through a few of the methods available within thinkorswim to manage risk. Specifically focusing on the risk profile tool available within the platform. The most basic use of this tool is to see how the positions you hold or even hypothetical trades will play out over time. So you could see how stock price, time decay, or even volatility changes will effect the positions you hold or are analyzing. It’s not going to tell you what trades to do, or give you recommendations or anything like that, but it is super useful. The more advanced use of the tool is to manage portfolio risk and even beta weight it against an index. So that way we can manage everything all at once, and manage risk as needed. But check out the next video I make on managing portfolio risk to learn more on that, since I think we need to start with the basics first.