Active Trader on ThinkorSwim | Fastest Way to Trade In ThinkorSwim

9K views Dec 16, 2022

The absolute fastest way to trade within ThinkorSwim is through the Active Trader tool. This is an absolute must for those of you day traders or scalpers out there who need to go in and out of a position as fast as possible. It's also full of important information like level II data and a simplified volume profile. Today we'll go through the Active Trader tool step-by-step to make sure you all have a solid understanding of how it's used. We'll also go through the process of creating templates within Active Trader to allow you create more advanced orders. ➤ Open a tastyworks account: ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: ➤My Website: Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

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