How to Trade Options on Robinhood for Beginners 2022
In today’s video we’ll be learning how to trade options on the Robinhood Mobile app. We’ll go over several different examples to make sure you get the hang of it. Specifically, going through the steps of buy and selling calls and puts, vertical spreads, and iron condors. Timestamps 0:00 Intro 1:02 Strategy Explainer 2:25 Buying Call Options 7:13 Buying Put Options 11:05 Selling Options 14:48 Viewing Greeks 16:16 Creating an Option Spread 16:34 Vertical Spread 20:21 Iron Condor That should be enough to get you off to good start and get you comfortable trading options within Robinhood. If you have any questions for me, feel free to leave them down below. Also, if you’re looking for other tutorials, be sure to check out the other videos on my channel. ➤ Open a tastyworks account: https://start.tastyworks.com/#/login?referralCode=PKSKCFVD2J ➤ Start Investing with M1 Finance: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/151KXm