Manage Portfolio Risk on ThinkorSwim | Risk Profile & Beta Weighting

4K views Dec 16, 2022

Today we’ll learn how to manage portfolio risk within the ThinkorSwim platform using the risk profile page. I’ve actually talked about the tool in the past, but today we’ll learn how to use it to manage overall portfolio risk rather than just individual trades. The tool we’ll be discussing can be found in the analyze tab and specifically the risk/profile page. The most basic use of this tool, and what we discussed in the last video, is to see how the positions you hold or even hypothetical trades will play out over time. With the risk profile you can see how stock price, time decay, or even volatility changes will affect the positions you hold or are analyzing. The more advanced use of the tool is to manage portfolio risk and even beta weight it against an index. That way we can manage our entire portfolio, rather than micro managing each individual trade.

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