3 FREE Options Scripts for ThinkorSwim | Quickly See Unusual Option Activity and Biggest Movers

1K views Dec 16, 2022

Today we'll be adding several custom options scripts which make a great addition to thinkorswim. This will include open interest vs volume, premium as percent of underlying, and an option percent change column. The open interest vs volume (OI / VOL) option script will display the difference in volume and open interest on each individual strike today. This can be used to quickly identify unusual option activity and those strikes which have significantly higher volume than is expected. The option premium percent of underlying script (%UNDERLYING) will display the option premium as a percentage of the underlying stock. It's very similar to Return on Risk (ROR) but can also be used for call options. The option percent change script will display how much the option contract has changed in value over a set time period. The script is set to 3 days, but can be adjusted to any time period you chose to measure.

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