Part 1_Vax Steam Fresh Combi Classic S86-SF-CC Steam Mop Rev...
2K views · Aug 18, 2022 poppys-pets.com
Overview of the Vax Steam Fresh Combi Classic S86-SF-CC Steam Mop Pros and Cons What it offers as a functioning Vax Steamer How it works Watch it steaming. I recommend the Vax Steam Mop: https://amzn.to/3C8x4Q8. Here's an alternative because of the cost of living (Aug 22): Battery operated Powermop - currently costs £22: https://amzn.to/3QRSrt7 Watch our video showing you its effectiveness: https://youtu.be/2A7iJcH5Yxg

How to Remove limescale easily from your pet's stainless...
1K views · Jun 8, 2023 poppys-pets.com
This is a quick and easy way to clean and remove limescale from your cat or dog's stainless steel water bowl without endless scrubbing. 🧽 Really, you do not have to do a thing! . You just need two household products that cost under £1 each but which can be used again and again. . This method will keep your bowls hygienically clean. Please check out my videos: 🐾Memory loss in cats and dogs 🐾Cast & Catch UK with funnyman Dave Kay 🐾Border collie articles 🐾Feliway Cystease to help calm and ease bladder cystitis 🐾Bissell Ready Clean 🐾Carpet Cleaner to remove pet soiling stains. . Visit our Cast & Catch UK playlist. . Web: https://poppys-pets.com/ . Disclaimer: This video or linked articles do not give any veterinary medical advice. Please remember to rinse the bowl before filling with fresh water and giving to your pet. #withernsea #removinglimescale #howto #poppyspets #petwaterbowl #howtoclean #howtoremove #limescale #catwaterbowl #dogwaterbowl

BISSELL ReadyClean Carpet Cleaner 54K25 Review & Best Cl...
26K views · Jun 8, 2023 poppys-pets.com
The BISSELL ReadyClean is still going strong and I've recently discovered a professional cleaning solution that quickly removes soot, pet stains, muddy paw, and boot prints. Watch the Video (April 2023): https://youtu.be/aaWzaSNsQZU Buy the product from the Dirtbusters store on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3AaCkRb Although BISSELL's shop on Amazon is out of stock and the upgraded version is the ProHeat 2X Revolution. Read more on BISSELL's shop 2X Revolution: https://amzn.to/3SY8CXs My website: https://poppys-pets.com/ Watch the Video for the VAX Classic Combi S86 Steam Mop and lower priced alternatives: https://youtu.be/TlPurrtQnuY A working review of The BISSELL ReadyClean Carpet Washer 54K25. Includes an easy tip to remove pet fur from the Removeable Nozzle. I also reviewed this product as it is excellent for cleaning pet accidents (eg: poopy bum dragging, cystitis blood and urinating in odd places). . Happy cleaning! The Extras: Please also watch the video because I ordered this product from Argos (with the Vax Steam Mop) for £99.99 but was given it free. This was not for the purpose of this review. You can do this, other goods or dining, and from stores that include House of Fraser, Homebase, Amazon, Currys, Pizza Hut and more. Update April 2023: I am currently building up rewards to buy more white goods next year. Related articles, video & Links: 1: BISSELL written review: https://poppys-pets.com/easy-to-use-bissell-carpet-washer-effective-pet-marking-removal/ Social Media & website: Web: https://poppys-pets.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poppys.pets22 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/poppyspets2021 Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link. I only recommend products I use myself and all opinions expressed are my own. I earn commissions if you purchase from retailers after clicking on a link from our site at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate LLP, we earn from qualifying purchases. #poppyspets #bissellcarpetcleaner #carpetcleanerreviews #reviews

Best Solution to Quick Clean Muddy Dog Paw & Kid's B...
4K views · Jan 7, 2024 poppys-pets.com
Demonstration & overview of the lightweight Flash Power Mop Starter Kit . Prices vary so keep check for deals at Wilko and supermarkets., or order from Amazon: https://amzn.to/3QRSrt7 which includes the Powermop, batteries, spray and pads. Ideal for a quick clean for muddy paws, footprints and general cleaning. . The cleaning solution sprays from the two front corners of the base, and the rubber hinges protect your skirting when you are cleaning tricky corners with the swivel head. . BISSELL ReadyClean Carpet Cleaner 54K25 Review & Best Cleaner for Pet Stains on Your Carpet https://youtu.be/Ab6Q9mVgD9E . Vax Steam Fresh Combi Classic S86-SF-CC Steam Mop Review. See how pet stains removed. Vax Mop https://youtu.be/TlPurrtQnuY . Use on: Tiles Hardfloor Laminate . What is the Flash PowerMop good at removing: Grease Dirty paw marks A child's dirty boot marks Mud Grime . Starter pack includes mop, 5 or 10 absorbing pads (depends on option), cleaning solution and batteries . Places to buy: The Range starter kit https://tidd.ly/3nQIIqH Amazon: 10 pads, 500ml cleaning solution, batteries - https://amzn.to/3tzlQjg Wilko: 5 pads, scented solution and 4 AA batteries - https://tidd.ly/3tKMjL5 Home Bargain: as above and on offer - https://bit.ly/3GzSrJr B&M : as above - https://bit.ly/33EFPC5 . Daily Mail April 2021 - based on 7,300 Amazon shoppers: ‘Flash Power Mop is backed by over 7,300 Amazon shoppers who've left praised-filled reviews, hailing it the 'best invention ever' and a 'game-changer' for cleaning hardwood, tile, and laminate flooring’ . Places to buy Flash Power Mop accessories: Wilko: 1 box of 16 Flash Sea Minerals Cleaning Solution Refill 1.25l - https://tidd.ly/3Gz31Aj Wilko: Replacement large box of absorbent pads - https://tidd.ly/3fIJDFz Amazon: 4 boxes of 16 Absorbing Pads - https://amzn.to/3tzlQjg . Visit www.poppys-pets.com . To Assemble: 1: The silver handle comes in two parts. Simply slot together until it clicks 2: The silver then slots in the base beside the solution bay 3: Anita shows you in the video where the battery compartment is, fitting the solution and attaching the absorbing pad . Disclaimer: This post contains some affiliate links. I only recommend products either I have used or my family. All opinions expressed are our own. If you purchase products from retailers after clicking on a link from our channel, it will be of no additional cost to you.

Best Solution to Quick Clean Muddy Dog Paw & Kid's B...
4K views · Jan 7, 2024 poppys-pets.com
Demonstration & overview of the lightweight Flash Power Mop Starter Kit . Prices vary so keep check for deals at Wilko and supermarkets., or order from Amazon: https://amzn.to/3QRSrt7 which includes the Powermop, batteries, spray and pads. Ideal for a quick clean for muddy paws, footprints and general cleaning. . The cleaning solution sprays from the two front corners of the base, and the rubber hinges protect your skirting when you are cleaning tricky corners with the swivel head. . BISSELL ReadyClean Carpet Cleaner 54K25 Review & Best Cleaner for Pet Stains on Your Carpet https://youtu.be/Ab6Q9mVgD9E . Vax Steam Fresh Combi Classic S86-SF-CC Steam Mop Review. See how pet stains removed. Vax Mop https://youtu.be/TlPurrtQnuY . Use on: Tiles Hardfloor Laminate . What is the Flash PowerMop good at removing: Grease Dirty paw marks A child's dirty boot marks Mud Grime . Starter pack includes mop, 5 or 10 absorbing pads (depends on option), cleaning solution and batteries . Places to buy: The Range starter kit https://tidd.ly/3nQIIqH Amazon: 10 pads, 500ml cleaning solution, batteries - https://amzn.to/3tzlQjg Wilko: 5 pads, scented solution and 4 AA batteries - https://tidd.ly/3tKMjL5 Home Bargain: as above and on offer - https://bit.ly/3GzSrJr B&M : as above - https://bit.ly/33EFPC5 . Daily Mail April 2021 - based on 7,300 Amazon shoppers: ‘Flash Power Mop is backed by over 7,300 Amazon shoppers who've left praised-filled reviews, hailing it the 'best invention ever' and a 'game-changer' for cleaning hardwood, tile, and laminate flooring’ . Places to buy Flash Power Mop accessories: Wilko: 1 box of 16 Flash Sea Minerals Cleaning Solution Refill 1.25l - https://tidd.ly/3Gz31Aj Wilko: Replacement large box of absorbent pads - https://tidd.ly/3fIJDFz Amazon: 4 boxes of 16 Absorbing Pads - https://amzn.to/3tzlQjg . Visit www.poppys-pets.com . To Assemble: 1: The silver handle comes in two parts. Simply slot together until it clicks 2: The silver then slots in the base beside the solution bay 3: Anita shows you in the video where the battery compartment is, fitting the solution and attaching the absorbing pad . Disclaimer: This post contains some affiliate links. I only recommend products either I have used or my family. All opinions expressed are our own. If you purchase products from retailers after clicking on a link from our channel, it will be of no additional cost to you.