How to Make a Shrimp Net Step-By-Step & Recommended Bait...
6K views · Jun 8, 2023 poppys-pets.com
About: Dave explains step-by-step how to make a shrimp net and demonstrates in the sea at Easington, East Yorkshire. Buy the bait storage bucket: (pump differs to the one in the video) https://amzn.to/2RTuokM Bucket only: https://amzn.to/3QrSH2k Alternative to the bucket and cheaper option: https://amzn.to/3QCii8e Oxygen to fit: https://amzn.to/3pdoKGX Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This is at no extra cost to you. #Easington #catchshrimp #makeashrimpnet

How to Dig For Bait Worms on the Humber River Bed, East York...
7K views · Jun 8, 2023 poppys-pets.com
Dave was a professional bait digger between '83 to '86. This is just a short video digging for worms at Spurn. Buy Dave's recommended Flat Tine Fork: https://amzn.to/3QHBGRQ . For beginners: What is a blowhole? the worm eats the mud and creates the blowhole What is a cast? the worm defecates which creates the sand worm cast . #eastyorkshire #withernsea #spurn #kilnsea #bait #spurnworm . Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associates, Poppys-Pets.com earns from qualifying purchases. This is at no extra cost to you.

Best Sea Bait Bucket with Oxygen. Watch: How to Make a Shrim...
4K views · Jun 8, 2023 poppys-pets.com
The SeaTech bait bucket with an oxygen compartment is recommended. Alternative bait oxygen pump: https://amzn.to/3vKEpBc Alternative live bait bucket: https://amzn.to/3P0IbNH Why not visit his playlist: Check out his How to Make a Shrimp Net video too https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrb7hyb8JPwp12n1JTo5adfMgw5lmiN8h About Dave: Dave Kay is a sea angling qualified casting instructor and professional bait digger. He was a tournament caster U.K.S.F. and his sea fishing knowledge extends from the 1970s. He narrates energetic, upbeat fishing videos on YouTube. You can hear his Withernsea Whale commentary at The Independent too. So please subscribe to his playlist and watch out for fishing tutorials and reviews. My new YouTube channel is Frugal Living: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGYoFK_xHvqknDxIl66H1cw Disclaimer: This video post contains Amazon Associate affiliate links. I earn a small commission on purchases. This is at no extra cost to you. #easington #seatech #seabait #shrimpnet #catchingshrimp #catchingbait

Testing the Depth Line Counter Gauge from the Beach for Cast...
30K views · Jun 8, 2023 poppys-pets.com
Review of the new line counter off the beach in Withernsea, East Yorkshire. Depth Line Counter options: Currently of out stock:https://amzn.to/3Cpo9tT Alternative Counter: https://amzn.to/3PyhRL7 . Fishing Playlist: Example of videos: How to make a shrimp net How to dig for bait worms https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrb7hyb8JPwp12n1JTo5adfMgw5lmiN8h Dave Kay is a sea-angling qualified casting instructor and professional bait digger. He was a tournament caster U.K.S.F. His sea fishing knowledge extends from the 1970s. He narrates energetic, upbeat fishing videos on YouTube. You can hear his Withernsea Whale commentary at The Independent too. So please subscribe to his playlist and watch out for fishing tutorials and reviews. My new YouTube channel is Frugal Living: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGYoFK_xHvqknDxIl66H1cw . Disclaimer: I am a participant in Amazon Associates and may receive a small commission for referring traffic. This is of no extra cost to you. #withernsea #depthlinecounter

Best Fork Position for Digging Worms. Filmed at Easington, n...
3K views · Jun 8, 2023 poppys-pets.com
This video shows you his preferred form position to dig for worms for bait. . His recommended Flat Tine Fork: https://amzn.to/339ZpTC . For beginners: What is a blowhole? the worm eats the mud and creates the blowhole What is a cast? the worm defecated, which creates the sandworm cast . #eastyorkshire #withernsea #baitworm #easington #bait #worm . Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, Poppys-Pets.com earns from qualifying purchases. This is at no extra cost to you.

Cast & Catch UK - How to Attach Killer Bait Unwashed Squ...
2K views · Jan 7, 2024 poppys-pets.com
About: Tutorial - attaching killer bait unwashed squid. Pully panel rig. 5oz lead. Casted 80 yards out. Result: 2 bites - two dogs (1 dog was a slack liner) !!!!! Other videos: Please check out Dave's other videos - more being uploaded April 2021 Poppy's Pet: Please subscribe, like and comment. Poppy's Pets website https://poppys-pets.com/ #withernsea #casting #killerbait #unwashedsquid #howtousefishbait #witherseaseafishing #davekay