Green Living: Worm Composting & Bokashi
'Video thumbnail for Video 1: Starting a Wormery With a Ferme Du Moutta WormBox '
Video 1: Starting a Wormery With a Ferme Du Moutta WormBox
Video 1: Starting a Wormery With a Ferme Du Moutta WormBox

1K views · Apr 4, 2023

Are you new to worm composting? This is my Ferme Du Moutta worm composter and my amateur wormery journey. I am learning as I go and would love you to follow Poppy's Pets and this playlist. Since making this video, I've read that bell peppers are toxic (but conflicting advice elsewhere says bell peppers are safe for worms), and I've discovered other mistakes that may have caused 4 worms to die - please watch my other videos, subscribe, comment about your journey (professional advice welcome). More information is on my website under the category Little Creatures. WormBox Shop: 2 trays, or 3 trays or 4 trays, or with optional top planter: 2 Tray WormBox with 250g of worms and coir bedding: Additional trays : What can composting worms eat: Yorkshire Worms shop: Buy your worms or complete starter kit: I am writing articles with related content and links. The first is starting the wormery with the Ferme Du Moutta, and the next will be DIY worm composters, food favoured by worms etc. Please visit: Disclaimer: The links above are affiliate links and I may receive a few pence for referring traffic, but it is at no extra expense to you. My worms come from Yorkshire Worms and I have the WormBox, hence recommended.

'Video thumbnail for Video 2: A Few Compost Worms Died in the 1st Month - Is String of Pearls the Cause? (WormBox Ferme Du Moutta)'
Video 2: A Few Compost Worms Died in the 1st Month - Is Stri...
Video 2: A Few Compost Worms Died in the 1st Month - Is String of Pearls the Cause? (WormBox Ferme Du Moutta)

1K views · Apr 4, 2023

I am new to worm composting and have already made mistakes. Four worms died, and although unconfirmed, it is possible they died from protein poison, otherwise called Sour Crop or String of Pearls. You will see worms looking unhealthy in this video, even in death. The cause is that foods fed to the worms may consist of protein levels that are too high, so important to strike a balance with calcium-rich food. Crushed eggshells are food that provides worms with calcium. My wormery is the Ferme Du Moutta / WormBox. Visit my website for starter packs and where I bought my composting worms. Shop Buy your own wormery: Buy your worms or starter kit: Follow the playlist for Amateur Wormery Journey: Visit Poppy's Pets website for wormery and other pet-related articles: Disclaimer: Some of the above are affiliate links, from which I may receive pennies for referring you. Anything mentioned are what I use too. You are not charged any extra.

'Video thumbnail for Video 3: Composting Wormery Mistakes - Learn From My Errors  With the Ferme Du Moutta WormBox'
Video 3: Composting Wormery Mistakes - Learn From My Errors ...
Video 3: Composting Wormery Mistakes - Learn From My Errors With the Ferme Du Moutta WormBox

10K views · Apr 4, 2023

I am learning by mistakes and would love to hear about your journey. Here are my mistakes: 1: Moisture - I did not give my worms enough and have since added more and the worms are happier 2: Air and oxygen - every few days I turn the soil 3: Bell pepper - I removed the red bell pepper as I read these peppers were toxic then later read the vegetable is safe to give to worms. It's best to remove the seeds to prevent germination though. Update April 2023: I have since included bell pepper in my worms' diet. 4: Potato - again, I read potatoes are toxic then found another website that said worms can eat in moderation. Update April 2023: I have reintroduced potato into their diet 5: Crushed egg shells - in video 2, I show your deceased worms and too much protein as the possible cause. Crushed eggshells help a worms digestive system and provide calcium to balance the protein. 6: Smaller food - worms have small mouths to cut food up into tiny pieces. Shop Buy your own wormery: Buy your worms or starter kit: Follow the playlist for Amateur Wormery Journey: Visit Poppy's Pets website for wormery and other pet-related articles: Wormery articles at Poppy's Pets (other types of wormeries coming soon): Amateur Wormery Journey You Tube Playlist: Disclaimer: A selection of links are affiliate links - these do not cost you any money. I may receive pennies for referring traffic. Products are what I use.

'Video thumbnail for Video 5: Making Food Easier for Composting Worms to Eat  - Quick & Easy (Credit below)'
Video 5: Making Food Easier for Composting Worms to Eat - Q...
Video 5: Making Food Easier for Composting Worms to Eat - Quick & Easy (Credit below)

2K views · May 25, 2023

Credit to Anne for her suggestion. Blending safe food for your worms helps them digest food more quickly, especially as worms do not have teeth. Food can be stored in the freezer but ensure once thawed it reaches room temperature before feeding to your worms. I paid £15 from Argos for the Cookworks set but has increased to £28! You can buy the chopper only from Argos for £18 but suggest looking around.. Microbes: I am learning about this - but from what I understand, many microbes live in a worm's gut, which helps break the food down because blending it becomes a faster process. Microbes reproduce and live ones appear with any castings (although right now unsure what a microbe looks like until I look at Google!) You might find finer castings because of feeding worms blended food, which is positive too. Buy a starter pack (bedding, worms and food) from Worm City store: Recommended worm farms: Mini, DIY ... Visit My worm far - Ferme Du Moutta & with worms and bedding (research what is best for you): Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links but only to products I recommend. If you buy anything I get a small commission which helps me pay for my website. Affiliate links do not cost you any more cash. #peterborough

'Video thumbnail for Video 4: General Wormery Update PLUS Get an Exclusive Sneak Peek of Baby Eggs!'
Video 4: General Wormery Update PLUS Get an Exclusive Sneak ...
Video 4: General Wormery Update PLUS Get an Exclusive Sneak Peek of Baby Eggs!

5K views · Apr 14, 2023

It's a general update about the wormery, what I removed to prevent blockage and too much moisture. I mention food I have added too, plus a BABY SURPRISE! Please watch to see the eggs. And did all my worms survive a 3 hour car journey? My next task: 1: To prevent death, I am removing some food. However, my worms do look healthy. Two points to remember when maintaining a healthy wormery: a) If hardly any food in the food waste tray, top it up with new food waste b) If the food waste tray is full, leave your worms to chomp through it I added more food before they chomped their way through the existing. Please subscribe for video 5! Amateur Wormery Journey playlist on YouTube: Articles about wormies: a) Getting started b) Maintaining a healthy wormery d) DIY wormeries, Mini tub wormery, stacked system wormery

'Video thumbnail for Video 7:  First Worm Casting Harvest '
Video 7: First Worm Casting Harvest
Video 7: First Worm Casting Harvest

7K views · Sep 2, 2023

I was so excited to start harvesting for vermicompost / 'black gold' as a result of the decomposition of food by The Worm Gang - I've been worm composting since February and have learnt so much, but still more to learn. US: Urban Worm Company - UK: UK: Yorkshire Worms - Green Living - Sieve 1: the holes are not quite the right size but it works ad cost under £3 Sieve 2: not shown in this video, but I have another to try from B&M for £2 Disclaimer: This video contains affiliate links which means I earn a few pennies for my recommendations. This is of no extra cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for Video 6:  The Ferme Du Moutta WormBox - The Other Place Where Worms Gather'
Video 6: The Ferme Du Moutta WormBox - The Other Place Wher...
Video 6: The Ferme Du Moutta WormBox - The Other Place Where Worms Gather

1K views · Sep 2, 2023

I have a Ferme Du Moutta, a stacking system wormery, and I love it. But one aspect of it is annoying and as I'm very compassionate about my composting worms, I am always rescuing them. I'd love to hear about your experience with the Ferme Du Moutta US: Urban Worm Company - UK: UK: Yorkshire Worms - Green Living - Disclaimer: This post contains an Amazon affiliate link. I may receive a few pennies for referring traffic and it will not cost you anything more.

'Video thumbnail for Video 8: Create Your Own Worm Composting Nursery and Why I Started One'
Video 8: Create Your Own Worm Composting Nursery and Why I S...
Video 8: Create Your Own Worm Composting Nursery and Why I Started One

1K views · Sep 2, 2023

Welcome to my channel! The Worm Gang playlist is about sustainable practices and reducing food waste. It's easy to start and set up a worm farm and it can be created and used at home. It teaches children about green living and can be fun too! Traditional composting methods give you nutrient-rich fertiliser to condition indoor and outdoor plants. It's a step-by-step process .... As a token of my appreciate for watching and sharing my video, here is a £2.50 reward coupon from Wiggly Wigglers: US: Urban Worm Company - UK: UK: Yorkshire Worms - Green Living - Domestic Pets, Equine, Help & Advice, Small Pets, Product Guide & Lost Pet Help Disclaimer: This video contains affiliate links which I earn a few pennies for recommendations. This is of no extra cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for Video 9: The Great Worm Farm Flood From Weather Conditions'
Video 9: The Great Worm Farm Flood From Weather Conditions
Video 9: The Great Worm Farm Flood From Weather Conditions

4K views · Sep 2, 2023

The UK has suffered from a rainy season, sometimes torrential. My worm farm sat outside. It has ventilation holes to the side and nothing on the top and base. US: Urban Worm Company - UK: UK: Yorkshire Worms - Green Living - Green living at Poppy's Pets: Get £2.50 off your first order at Wiggly Worms: Disclaimer: There are some affiliate links on this post. I receive a few pennies on any purchases and it is of no extra cost to you. #wormfarming #worms

'Video thumbnail for Video 10: Getting Rid of White Pot Worms, Fruit Flies & Rancid Stench in Your Worm Farm.'
Video 10: Getting Rid of White Pot Worms, Fruit Flies & ...
Video 10: Getting Rid of White Pot Worms, Fruit Flies & Rancid Stench in Your Worm Farm.

128 views · Sep 2, 2023

Fruit Flies: One way to get rid of fruit flies is not to add any more fruit to your worm bin, and feed them veggies instead. But if you do, then lime can help which you add every two weeks. Pot (white) Worms: Who mistook these for baby worms? It's an easy mistake. Pot worms enjoy living in a home filled with organic matter and a worm farm is perfect for an organic feast. Mine appeared in the tea collection tray of my French wormery (Ferme Du Moutta Worm Box and because they like wetter conditions, this tray is ideal for them. This is where I placed the pellets. Its worth noting that if pot worms appear then your composting aren't faring well in a changed condition in the bin. If you watched video 9, you'll see a pot worm. Overall, lime is good to have to hand for a number of reasons including keeping your bin smelling fresh. Lime is perfect as it changes the pH balance in your bin. US: Urban Worm Company - UK: UK: Yorkshire Worms - Green Living - Etsy: Starter 10 litre sustainable wormery, includes bedding and worms for Under £30 Green living at Poppy's Pets: Get £2.50 off your first order at Wiggly Worms: Disclaimer: There are some affiliate links on this post. I receive a few pennies on any purchases and it is of no extra cost to you. #wormfarming #worms

'Video thumbnail for Episode 1: Assembling a Bokashi Bucket & My Recommended Bucket Duo for Under £40'
Episode 1: Assembling a Bokashi Bucket & My Recommended ...
Episode 1: Assembling a Bokashi Bucket & My Recommended Bucket Duo for Under £40

2K views · Nov 12, 2023

It's so easy to assemble! If you are unsure before you buy, watch my video. Follow my channel and Bokashi playlist ... there's more to come! If you love Green Living, you might be interested in my articles about Bokashi and worm composting. Buy the bins from Gardening Naturally at Etsy: Buy the bins from Gardening Naturally's shop on Amazon: Disclaimer: The links are affiliate links but a product I have personally used. I may earn a few pennies for any purchases, but it will not cost you anything.

'Video thumbnail for Video 11:  October Update - See Visibly How Much Food Waste Has Converting to Castings'
Video 11: October Update - See Visibly How Much Food Waste ...
Video 11: October Update - See Visibly How Much Food Waste Has Converting to Castings

390 views · Nov 12, 2023

Thought I’d start uploading monthly updates on my bin. It’s taken between Jan/Feb to get liquid and now I have bottles - the plants are thriving!! It’s amazing how these little creatures munch through the food too. I’ve started a Bokashi playlist too, another method of using food waste. Use cooked food, left over pet food and waste your worms can’t eat and convert into fertiliser. Buy Bokashi £39.99 for 2 bins plus bran: First Bokashi video: Buy WormBox Ferme du Moutta : Green Living: I’d love you to subscribe to my channel. Thankyou for watching. Disclaimer : The links provided are affiliated but products I’ve used. I earn a few pennies for referring you but is at no extra cost to you.

'Video thumbnail for Video 13:  Feeding Your Worms Their Favourite Food - Making Use of Your Halloween Pumpkin'
Video 13: Feeding Your Worms Their Favourite Food - Making ...
Video 13: Feeding Your Worms Their Favourite Food - Making Use of Your Halloween Pumpkin

4K views · Nov 12, 2023

For those that pumpkin pick and get into the spooky Halloween trick-a-treat fun, you'll have a pumpkin to discard the day after October 31st. Pumpkin is a composting worm's favourite but feed in moderation. Pumpkin contains about 80% water content - yes, i've added the pumpkin into the feeding tray without absorbent carbon materials (newspaper, loo rolls inners) but for their next feed of pumpkin and other food waste I will add carbon materials to absorb the water content. It's important not to let the bedding etc become too moist. Please follow Poppy's Pets - my video contain a variety of pet-related videos and a playlist for Not Just Pets. Don't forget to add worm and bokashi products to your Christmas list: £2.50 off Wiggly Wigglers (includes bokashi) Buy a starter kit (worms, bedding , feed) From Worm Box - Fermu du Moutta - 2 trays - prices vary so check all sellers: Buy Tiger Worms: Food caddy: Worm bin plans: Bokashi playlist: My website: Future ideas: 1: I am going to try a comparison between the Ferme du Moutta and a plastic tub and run the two. I 2: Worm bin embedded in the garden 3: Kids fun - two (temporary) jam jar to compare compost worms and earthworms and food habits. These will be kept in darkness with fabric top and returned to their rightful place after a short period of time 4: Smaller worm bin Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links but only to my recommended products. I may earn a few pennies for referring you - it does not cost you any more money. Anything I earn pays for my website.

'Video thumbnail for Video 12:  What To Do With Food Your Worms Cannot Eat? How to Compost the Toxic Foods.'
Video 12: What To Do With Food Your Worms Cannot Eat? How t...
Video 12: What To Do With Food Your Worms Cannot Eat? How to Compost the Toxic Foods.

467 views · Nov 12, 2023

Composting worms eat a wild range of food scraps - fresh veg and fruits, eggshells, paper, cardboard, etc. But there are certain foods that are toxic so do you fill your council bin or try another type of composting in addition to worm composting to great more plant food? Why not run a worm bin alongside Bokashi? Buy a Ferme Du Moutta: 32l worm bin (2 trays) Or a starter 10l worm bin, worms and bedding: Buy a duo bokashi bins £39.99: Green Living: Bokashi playlist: £2.50 off at Wiggley Worms: Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links at no extra cost to you. I earn a few pennies for referring traffic. #bokashi #wormcomposting

'Video thumbnail for Episode 2: Starting Your Own Bokashi Bin With Food & Bran, and Draining Your First Liquid'
Episode 2: Starting Your Own Bokashi Bin With Food & Bra...
Episode 2: Starting Your Own Bokashi Bin With Food & Bran, and Draining Your First Liquid

5K views · Nov 12, 2023

This video gives you an idea of food types you can add to your Bokashi bin. In fact, you can add anything except liquid. I run a worm composting bin alongside the bokashi so any food I cannot give to my worms, I top up the Bokashi. Bran is full of micro-organisims that will help ferment food waste and stop foul odours. The liquid can be drained off as you fill the bucket. Dilute before giving to plants. With Bokashi liquid you can use it neat to clean drains or sinks too - I'll be testing this in a later video Buy the Bokashi Bins in my video: Green Living: Worm Composting playlist: Get £2.50 off Bokashi & Worm Composting at Wiggley Worms: Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link - this does not cost you any more money. If you buy a product I will earn pennies for referring you.

'Video thumbnail for Video 15: Insulating Any Worm Bin for the Winter including The Ferme Du Moutta'
Video 15: Insulating Any Worm Bin for the Winter including T...
Video 15: Insulating Any Worm Bin for the Winter including The Ferme Du Moutta

695 views · Jan 7, 2024

Composting worms will not survive in temperatures below 4 degrees Celsius. In some parts of the UK, the temperature will dip lower so now is the time to consider keeping them warm. It's worth noting that worms will continue activity in the bin but will slow down with temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius. 1: Storing your worm bin: Shed Garage Outbuilding Sheltered corner of the garden 2: Keep your worm bin off cold floor: The Ferme du Moutta has wheels so is off the floor. If your worm bin doesn't, then consider standing it on polystyrene, bricks or wooden blocks. 3: Storing a worm bin outside. My bin was outside last Winter, even when the temperatures reached 4 degrees Celsius. Worms will burrow and move to the central interior or middle trays. My worms inside the Ferme du Moutta survived but the odd escapee froze and I found them on the cold ground next morning. If outside, consider wrapping the exterior with old carpet or bubble wrap but DO NOT block ventilation holes. Some layer the interior with an old jumper - try your local charity shop. Stuff with cardboard and / or straw. The Worm Gang : Bokashi series: The Ferme du Moutta: Green Living including lower priced worm bin options: Follow my channel for other videos for Bokashi composting, old pet health care, doggy walks, freebies and Not About Pets playlist. Coming 2024: 1: Temporary jam jar wormery 2: Cost of living wormery in a plastic tub with newspaper Disclaimer: The Ferme Du Moutta is a affiliate link and I earn a few pennies from referring you. It does not cost you any more money.

'Video thumbnail for Video 14:  November Update - The Worms Have a Never-Ending Appetite Still - Ferme Du Moutta'
Video 14: November Update - The Worms Have a Never-Ending A...
Video 14: November Update - The Worms Have a Never-Ending Appetite Still - Ferme Du Moutta

675 views · Jan 7, 2024

I thought I'd share with you how The Worm Gang are progressing now it's Autumn / Winter. Please subscribe and take a peek at my Bokashi videos. Instead of sending foods to landfill that the worms can't eat, I make use of my new Bokashi bin. the good news is - the juice cleans drains and prevents algae build up in your septic tank. Bokashi series : The Worm Gang playlist: Green Living including different lower-priced worm bins: plans:

'Video thumbnail for Episode 3: The 3 Week Fermentation Process Ends -  Has It Worked?  Next, Outdoor Compost Bin'
Episode 3: The 3 Week Fermentation Process Ends - Has It Wo...
Episode 3: The 3 Week Fermentation Process Ends - Has It Worked? Next, Outdoor Compost Bin

501 views · Jan 7, 2024

My first Bokashi bin is full and was set aside for 3 weeks to continue its fermentation process. Now it's time to take a look to see if the contents are healthy and then empty the contents into my temporary outdoor compost bin. Visit my website which includes Green Living and Starter Bokashi article: Follow my Bokashi playlist: My bins are available at Etsy: There are several funky Bokashi bins available at Etsy, but from Finland so carriage applies. Use the link above and search 'bokashi bins'. Follow my Worm Gang playlist: Follow my channel for sea fishing, domestic pets & health help, raising cash, freebies etc - all from experience:£2.50 off at Wiggling Wigglers

'Video thumbnail for Video 16:  Types of Composting Worms in my Ferme Du Moutta / Worm Box'
Video 16: Types of Composting Worms in my Ferme Du Moutta /...
Video 16: Types of Composting Worms in my Ferme Du Moutta / Worm Box

323 views · Jan 7, 2024

Composting worms suit the French wormery or a DIY wormery. In this video, I thought I'd look at the types of worms I have, which were bought for me as a gift along with the French wormery. if you know different, please comment. I started my wormery around February 2023 and by April they were reproducing. As the video shows, they continue to reproduce during the Winter months in the UK, giving birth in a few weeks. To prevent overcrowding, I'll be starting a large DIY bin which I'm calling the cost of living bin. Buy the Ferme du Moutta with worms, bin and bedding: Buy a Mini 10ltr Worm Bin from Urban Worm - ideal for newbies : Follow Poppy's Pets if you love worm composting or thinking of starting: Follow Poppy's Pets if you think worms are yuck and still want to compost food scraps: Follow Poppy's Pets if you have domestic pets and want to know more about helping them, especially the old, poorly ones, and need to raise cash or find free food to further help them: Get discount: £2.50 off at Wiggly Wigglers: Green Living: Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links but only to products I recommend. It does not cost you anything but does earn me a few pennies.

'Video thumbnail for Episode 4: Why Has my Bokashi Content Turned Green?'
Episode 4: Why Has my Bokashi Content Turned Green?
Episode 4: Why Has my Bokashi Content Turned Green?

324 views · Jan 7, 2024

What you need is white mould as this means your Bokashi bin is healthy. Please subscribe for a step-by-step process of Bokashi composting. You'll produce fertiliser for indoor and outdoor plants, and sink unblocker too! You can Bokashi compost even if you live in a flat, use the fertiliser and donate the contents to your local allotment. Get £2.50 off with Wiggly Wigglers (they are offering a free caddy too): Or buy from Gardening Naturally from Etsy: Or buy a single Bokashi bin but this one is more expensive: Visit my Worm Composting playlist: If looking for a product to unblock the toilet instead of Bokashi liquid, then try this homemade tool: My channel has various content related to pet health, green living, domestic abuse, places to visit and not just about pets.

'Video thumbnail for Quick Tip: Has Your Over Ripe Soft Fruit Got Fruit Flies?'
Quick Tip: Has Your Over Ripe Soft Fruit Got Fruit Flies?
Quick Tip: Has Your Over Ripe Soft Fruit Got Fruit Flies?

8K views · Jan 7, 2024

Sometimes we do not eat fruit quick enough and soft fruits seem to generate fruit flies. Here is a cheap way to stop them. Visit Poppy's Pets for other hacks: . #withernsea #homemaderecipe #homemadesolutions #fruitflies #stopfruitflies #howto #rotten

'Video thumbnail for Video 22: April 2024 Update - Worm Bin Stacking Compost Bin. #wormcomposting'
Video 22: April 2024 Update - Worm Bin Stacking Compost Bin....
Video 22: April 2024 Update - Worm Bin Stacking Compost Bin. #wormcomposting

62 views · May 4, 2024

The rain has been relentless in the UK so this month we are looking at how the worm bin is doing. 1: In videos 20 & 21 I emptied the working tray but didn't sieve for castings. Watch and see why. 2: In video 7 I use a sieve and the content achieved is amazing and perfect for feeding plants or using as potting compost for new growth. 3: In video 19 it's housekeeping time for my French wormery #shorts : Burrowing compost worms: Christmas: by Step Worm Bin playlist: Rain direction can cause worm bins to flood: Gousto - recipes and ingredients delivered to your door - I always add the offcuts of veg to my worm bin and as show in my Step by Step worm bin, I recycle the paper contents and ice bags. As a single person, I order 3 meals a week. Each meal is for 2 people, giving me 6 meals. April 2024: get 65% off your first order: Box prices: