Domestic Abuse (and Pets)
'Video thumbnail for Ep 2:  Concerned About Domestic Abuse? Clare's Law Can Help. #clareslaw #domesticabuseawareness'
Ep 2: Concerned About Domestic Abuse? Clare's Law Can H...
Ep 2: Concerned About Domestic Abuse? Clare's Law Can Help. #clareslaw #domesticabuseawareness

85 views · Jan 7, 2024

I was in a Domestic Abuse and violent relationship with a pet. I now want to bring awareness to you. Not every relationship is Domestic Abuse If in the early stages of a relationship, you'll be experiencing Love Bombing if your new partner is a narcissist. He or she may slip up - it's easy to ignore a sign because you are loved up and he / she is fantastic and ticks every single box. In fact, you won't believe your luck. In reality, your abuser will use tricks, manipulation, persuasion, and deception to make everyone believe he / she is genuine. You may be living with someone who has changed and it is abusive - it will get worse and you'll be too scared to leave. A large portion of men and women are killed when they try to leave. Find out now if your partner has a criminal record. Follow my Domestic Abuse playlist: Read my articles: #domesticviolence #animalabuse #clareslaw #domesticabuseawareness

'Video thumbnail for Ep 4: Domestic Abuse & Violence, and Love Bombing Is? #domesticabuseawareness #narcissism #petabuse'
Ep 4: Domestic Abuse & Violence, and Love Bombing Is? #d...
Ep 4: Domestic Abuse & Violence, and Love Bombing Is? #domesticabuseawareness #narcissism #petabuse

26 views · Jan 7, 2024

I've just started realising a series of #shorts about Domestic Abuse, including with animals. I hope to start podcasting in 2024 and have a website dedicated to this. What is Love Bombing? (information from "A love bomb refers to the form of emotional manipulation in which a person 'bombs' you with over-the-top amount of affection, flattery, gifts and praise early on in the relationship in order to win your attention for the purpose of being able to control you. " You have been chosen because they see a vulnerability in you. They want you to succumb to them. I experienced love bombing for 14 months - I owned my own home, and had a job and car. Nidas continue: "Then, when they feel like they really got the other person and they feel secure in the relationship, the abuser typically switches and becomes very difficult, abusive or manipulative." I sold my house, and after the exchange, he told me our relationship was over. I didn't beg but simply reminded him I cannot pull out. He reverted back to a loving and affection man. 3 weeks after i moved in, my house sale completed, the abuse started. I felt I had plummented into a dark void. My current website has a category for domestic abuse, violence and pets: Subscribe to my playlist and channel: What is Love Bombing: They are your perfect match regardless of your age. Ultimate affection and wanting to be with you all the time. Talk about love, the future and meeting your needs. You won't believe your luck! In reality, you have been selecting as the next victim. You are being manipulated right now. This is not reality. What is Domestic Abuse & Violence? Following the love bombing stage, controlling, coercive behaviour, emotional abuse, verbal abusive, subtle physical with in time, because violent begins. Domestic Abuse also includes financial control, sexual control, silent treatment to punish you when you have 'mis-behaved'. Coercive control includes your pet - it involve verbal abuse, physical and can result in death, including yours. It is dangerous to stand up to an abusive. #lovebombing #domesticviolence #domesticabuseandpets

'Video thumbnail for Ep1: Would You Know if Your New Relationship Will Become Abusive  #domesticviolence #abuse'
Ep1: Would You Know if Your New Relationship Will Become Abu...
Ep1: Would You Know if Your New Relationship Will Become Abusive #domesticviolence #abuse

10 views · Jan 7, 2024

Episode 1: I fled a Domestic Abuse relationship and now ready to help bring awareness. Not every relationship becomes a Domestic Abuse. But some do. Think about this: 1: Your new partner matches every single thing you like 2: He / she offers you the perfect, unbelieveable future 3: You move in and he / she changes for the worse 4: Read about Love Bombing 5: An abuser is often a Narcissist 6: A Narcissist is incapable of loving 7: You love pets? You have a strong bond with your own? Getting involved with a Narcissist can result in your pet's death ... and eventually yours ... if you don't commit suicide. Please subscribe and follow my Domestic Abuse & Pets playlist: Please visit my website for further articles:

'Video thumbnail for Ep 3: Domestic Abuse - Abusers Will Adopt Pets From a Rescue Centre For the Wrong Reason'
Ep 3: Domestic Abuse - Abusers Will Adopt Pets From a Rescue...
Ep 3: Domestic Abuse - Abusers Will Adopt Pets From a Rescue Centre For the Wrong Reason

22 views · Jan 7, 2024

Because an abuser, a narcissist, is charming, it will probably be easy to adopt a pet from a rescue centre if the centre's guidelines are met. At some point in 2024, my aim is to start podcasting. My domestic abuse articles: Domestic Abuse playlist: The abuser: 1: They use love of animals secretly against the victim - their aim is to control them. Meanwhile, the victim considers themselves lucky to have met someone who loves animals. 2: To control the victim, they threaten to harm the pets. The victim complies with demands to keep their pet safe. 3: They may surprise the victim with a gift - adopting a pet from you, a rescue centre. An abuser's aim is to exploit the victim's real love of animals - and they will harm or kill them The pet: 1: Ladder of Aggression - rescue centres will be aware of this. A dog, for example, displays signs of being unhappy in a situation until it peaks into biting. These animals, may end up in rescue and if not the right rescue, maybe misunderstood, going from phyiscal and verbal abuse to being put to sleep in a rescue centre because unable to rehome. 2: An animal will shut down, facing the wall, unable to cope with the constant abuse. Much like us when we reach the point - we often reach the point of suicide. Rescue centres - please bear that in mind. 3: Abuse and violence does get worse - he / she may kill the pet they adopted from you. They want to break the victim, exploit and manipulate. The victim must listen to the subtle threats about their pet. Yes, the abuser will pretend to care but watch what's happening around you. Rescue centres - you may never know a Domestic Abuser has adopted a pet. 4: Sometimes I read in the pet's adoption profile - .'No men' - perhaps the rescue centre is aware of the background. 5: Aggression - pets can only take so much. That the aggression comes from Domestic Abuse. I met a dog that actively protected the female owner from the male abuser. Since then, the dog has thank fully been adopted by a couple. The dog protects the new female owner but is gradually realising the husband is kind. 6: Cats, rabbits and other small furries may show aggression by biting and lashing out. Please share my playlist or this video with rescue centres. #domesticabuse #adoptapet #rescuecentres

'Video thumbnail for Ep 5: There IS Domestic Abuse Pet Fostering So YOU BOTH Can Leave   #domesticabuseawareness'
Ep 5: There IS Domestic Abuse Pet Fostering So YOU BOTH Can ...
Ep 5: There IS Domestic Abuse Pet Fostering So YOU BOTH Can Leave #domesticabuseawareness

976 views · Jan 7, 2024

On the homepage of my website, you'll see an image of me which I took during the relationship and not that long ago. Look at the stress in my face and the sadness in my eyes. Click on the box and it will take you to my Domestic Abuse articles - including refuge for pets. I've listed a breakdown of conditions. Only the rescue centre is in contact with the pet fostering and you. My purpose for these videos is to give support and hopefully prevent you from continuing with a relationship - however, I know how hard it is to leave. Fear, no where to go, loss of identity .... etc My home page: Pet Fostering article for UK (I have listed an organisation for the US) You'll see a more up-to-date picture of me shown on the sidebar of my website (I'm wearing a hat I just bought). Look at my smile!! Free and with family. I am still dark beneath my eyes because I am still dealing with the effect on my relationship. You'll find plenty of before images of others on Social Media then another taken a couple of years later and the difference is remarkable. Follow my channel and this playlist - interview coming for January 2024: #domesticviolence #lovebombing #domesticviolenceprevention #petfostering

'Video thumbnail for Ep 6: Why Do People Believe The Abuser And Not The Victim In Domestic Abuse?  #gaslightingawareness'
Ep 6: Why Do People Believe The Abuser And Not The Victim In...
Ep 6: Why Do People Believe The Abuser And Not The Victim In Domestic Abuse? #gaslightingawareness

74 views · Jan 7, 2024

There are lots of men and women who have left Domestic Abuse relationships and discovered the abuser has told people that they have been wronged. An abuser is an excellent manipulator and will fabricate. My therapist told me I had to put that aside. She is right. You know the truth and you will have a happier life. Follow my channel as I'll be publishing the first episode of a domestic abuse interview in January 2024:

'Video thumbnail for EP 7: Domestic Abuse Victims May Consider Suicide As The Only Way Out - I Did'
EP 7: Domestic Abuse Victims May Consider Suicide As The Onl...
EP 7: Domestic Abuse Victims May Consider Suicide As The Only Way Out - I Did

0 views · Jan 7, 2024

On the homepage of my website, you'll see an image of me not that long ago. I look stressed in the face, lost and sad in my eyes. At this point, I was destroyed. I didn't know who I was. I was lost. I just existed as best I could. Suicide was the only way out I knew - I was too scared to leave and too ashamed to tell my family how bad it was. Click on the image and it takes you to the first of my domestic abuse articles. Today, I am still dark beneath the eyes - recovery can be a long process. But I will get there and you can too. Yes, I have family and two close friends. I was allowed to speak to my two close friends as I'd told him they knew nothing. He would not allow me to speak to my sister. It is difficult to explain. Last week I made the first episode for a real life documentary interview video so please subscribe to my channel. #domesticabuseawareness #survivoursofdoemsticabuse

'Video thumbnail for EP 1: Domestic Abuse Awareness - What's it Like in the Early Stages of a Relationship?'
EP 1: Domestic Abuse Awareness - What's it Like in the E...
EP 1: Domestic Abuse Awareness - What's it Like in the Early Stages of a Relationship?

71 views · Jan 21, 2024

My shorts on my pet-related channel have been successful. Domestic abuse is pet-related too but I decided to start a new channel for Domestic Abuse & Violence Awareness. The first interview is live, which I hope will assist you in seeing the signs or stop you from making sacrifices connected to your assets. Watch the video: There are more interviews and #shorts to follow. This is not a witch hunt. Please subscribe to my channel. #domesticabuseawareness #lovebombing #domesticviolence #narcissism #petlover #verbalabuse

'Video thumbnail for EP 15: Domestic Abuse  - Can a Narcissist Love You?'
EP 15: Domestic Abuse - Can a Narcissist Love You?
EP 15: Domestic Abuse - Can a Narcissist Love You?

335 views · May 4, 2024

A narcissist does not have empathy. They pretend to have empathy and love bomb you first. Once they 'have you', they reveal the real person and intent. Further reading:

'Video thumbnail for EP 15: Domestic Abuse  - Can a Narcissist Love You?'
EP 15: Domestic Abuse - Can a Narcissist Love You?
EP 15: Domestic Abuse - Can a Narcissist Love You?

335 views · May 4, 2024

A narcissist does not have empathy. They pretend to have empathy and love bomb you first. Once they 'have you', they reveal the real person and intent. Further reading:

'Video thumbnail for EP 12: Domestic Abuse - Real Love is NEVER Abusive'
EP 12: Domestic Abuse - Real Love is NEVER Abusive
EP 12: Domestic Abuse - Real Love is NEVER Abusive

50 views · May 4, 2024

A Narcissist is incapable of love. Love bombing so you believe you have met a wonderful person and will have a fantastic future is their experience. In reality, you are their next supply, the one they aim to destroy, steal from, harm, causes mental anguish and fear. The narcissist fakes love, and uses covert manipulation - once you rely on them, the dark side reveals itself. If your partner has a criminal record, you can complete an application with the police to find out. Read more here: Follow my channel.

'Video thumbnail for EP 19: Part 1 - Domestic Abuse - Financial Help for Men & Women #afterdomesticabuse'
EP 19: Part 1 - Domestic Abuse - Financial Help for Men &...
EP 19: Part 1 - Domestic Abuse - Financial Help for Men & Women #afterdomesticabuse

38 views · May 4, 2024

Quote from Gov website: "Help available from the Department of Works and Pensions for people who are victims of Domestic Abuse & Violence." This #shorts relates to Jobseekers allowance. More information about various benefits:,Jobseeker's%20Allowance%20(%20JSA%20)%20and%20Employment%20and%20Support%20Allowance%20(%20ESA,needed%20to%20stabilise%20your%20life. Are you in a refuge? Call Refuge: 0808 2000 247 to discuss your rights regarding Government benefits.

'Video thumbnail for EP 19: Part 1 - Domestic Abuse - Financial Help for Men & Women #afterdomesticabuse'
EP 19: Part 1 - Domestic Abuse - Financial Help for Men &...
EP 19: Part 1 - Domestic Abuse - Financial Help for Men & Women #afterdomesticabuse

38 views · May 4, 2024

Quote from Gov website: "Help available from the Department of Works and Pensions for people who are victims of Domestic Abuse & Violence." This #shorts relates to Jobseekers allowance. More information about various benefits:,Jobseeker's%20Allowance%20(%20JSA%20)%20and%20Employment%20and%20Support%20Allowance%20(%20ESA,needed%20to%20stabilise%20your%20life. Are you in a refuge? Call Refuge: 0808 2000 247 to discuss your rights regarding Government benefits.