Pet Wellness UK_ Calm Your Cat. No Grain Dog & Puppy Tre...
4K views · Aug 20, 2022 poppys-pets.com
Pet Wellness UK for your cats and dogs. We were sent a big box of wellbeing goodies to review. The dog treats have been an absolute hit with our dog Teddy, local dogs and Romanian rescue dogs! ItchPet No Grain Dog & Puppy Treats and for all stages of life. Dog Treats dental, skin and coat: https://tidd.ly/3weiHWE Calming for cats: https://tidd.ly/3QSfQug

Tips and Aftercare of the Pet Microchip
2K views · Aug 30, 2022 poppys-pets.com
Three reasons why pet owners are not reunited with a lost pet: 1: After the implant, a pet owner has to register the chip with there own contact details 2: Owner's contact details are not uptodate 3: There aren't any back up contact details registered (family, friends, local vet, rescue back up) There are UK microchip databases that offer a free service of unlimited updates for contact details and offer a lost pet service. Do your research. You can transfer from your current provider to another. Your microchip cannot charge you to transfer. Check the microchip database is legitimate or face a fine - link in the video. Databases that are not Defra-Approved may be selling your data. Poppy's Pets has a column in an East Yorkshire newspaper too

Lamtwek Natural Foraging Snuffle Food Enrichment Mat - Sniff...
1K views · Aug 30, 2022 poppys-pets.com
Lamtwek Natural Foraging Snuffle Food Enrichment Mat - Sniff, Fun, Dog Puzzle Toys, Dog Brain Toy Natural foraging provides the following for a canine (especially a border collie): Enrichment Natural foraging Sniffing curiosity Stimulation Alleviate boredom Brain puzzle toy Food treat foraging Mental stimulation All Things Pets and earning cash to pay for pet-related bills: www.poppys-pets.com I have a pet column in an East Yorkshire newspaper too. Please visit my new YouTube channel called Frugal Living: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGYoFK_xHvqknDxIl66H1cw

Natural Calming Supplement for Cats. (VideoVet link in the D...
5K views · Apr 3, 2023 poppys-pets.com
Easy to use natural powder supplement for your anxious senior cat - daily dose with favourite treat. ItchPet sent Poppy's Pets a box of wellness products. Ideal for cats: 1: New to blindness 2: High Blood pressure 3: New to deafness 4: Blind and deaf and out of comfort zone 5: Relax during a drive to the vet 6: Relax during blood pressure test 7: New home 8: Seasonal noise Follow up video later in the year. Valerian Root Extract calming powder capsules as shown in this video: https://tidd.ly/3wF6kDf Lavender & Camomile calming treats for cats & dogs: https://tidd.ly/3ABGCkq Pheromone plug-in Diffuser https://tidd.ly/3Tljxea Alternative choices for cats, dogs, birds, rabbits: https://poppys-pets.com/best-cat-dog-horse-bird-rodent-birds-products/ VideoVet: Join VideoVet: https://tidd.ly/3KBRYt1 **If your pet is having an emergency, please contact your own vet urgently.*** Disclaimer: I may receive a small commission for referring traffic. This does not cost you any extra money.

The 15W Pet Heat Pad: Costs 2p per hour of Use (tested Oct 2...
5K views · Apr 3, 2023 poppys-pets.com
Looking for an affordable, effective way to keep your pet warm? Check out the 15W Pet Heat Pad! This heated bed is only 2p - 4p per hour (to be updated 2023) , so you can use it for a long time without spending a lot of money. In this video, we'll show you how to use the 15W low voltage Pet Heat Pad to warm your senior pet. It's easy to set up, and you can even use it to treat your pet for post-op, injuries, joint issues and cold winter nights. So don't wait any longer – buy the 15W Pet Heat Pad now and keep your pet happy and comfortable! And it will bring an animal's body temperature back up to 39 degrees Celsius. Buy it or read more: https://tidd.ly/3c4WyD7 August 2022: Costs 40p per 10 hours to run. 4p per hour October 2022: Costs 20p per 10 hours to run. 2p per hour (tested with only fridge freezer and chest freezer on. I cannot explain why it is less, only that perhaps my white goods used more electricity at the time of testing in August) Read more and buy the pet heat pad: Car adaptor: https://petremedy.co.uk/product/pet-heat-pad-car-adaptor/ April 2022 by Utility Warehouse: 39p per 10 hours usage August 2022 using UW display unit: 40p per 10 hours usage. October 2022 using UW display unit: 20p per 10 hours usage Next test January 2023 Use at home, in a crate (cable disconnects and can be threaded through crate / cage bars) in isolation, veterinary hospital, rescue centre. Post-operative heat pad by BSAVA (British Small Animal Veterinary Association) as it minimises perioperative hypothermia Spec: Low voltage 15 watts Cable 2.7m 3-pin UK plug Available as 2-pin European plug 16.5" x 15" 42cm x 38cm Wipes clean easily 12volt electronic adaptor plug Separate purchase: 12volt car adaptor plug for use while travelling, caravans, motor homes, boats. Review and test on an orthopaedic memory foam bed : https://youtu.be/ROMgkAIPHKA Interesting articles: Pet Remedy calming spray Feliway for cystitis Zyklene for stress https://poppys-pets.com/best-cat-dog-horse-bird-rodent-birds-products/ #heatpadforpets My new YouTube channel Frugal Living: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGYoFK_xHvqknDxIl66H1cw Disclaimer: The link for the pet heat pad is an affiliate link but is at no extra cost to you. I may receive commission for referring traffic. The pet heat pad was purchased for my 15 year old kitty.

KatKin's Trial Cat Food with Fresh Meats on the Menu! Ca...
4K views · Apr 3, 2023 poppys-pets.com
If your cat loves fresh meat, then ‘Green at heart ‘ KatKin is the food for your fluffball. I ordered the trial box for Tabitha. Learn more about KatKins: https://tidd.ly/3Yv52pt FSC certified materials: 1: Materials from forests. 2: Biodegradable & compostable liner insulated from sheep’s wool so use as a cosy soft cat mattress! The outer is 100% recyclable and use as a cat playground or bed house! 3: The ice bag is filled with water or refreeze for camping What’s INCLUDED - 100% Fresh Premium Meat: 1: From U.K. farms 2: One pouch serves 2 meals for one cat ( more for smaller kitten) 3: Food is Board Certified Veterinary Nutritionist 4: Premium ingredients we’d eat ourselves 5: Transparent ingredient labels 6: Steam cooked to keep nutrients 7: Fresh food which can be frozen 8: Option to warm up What’s NOT included: 1: Hidden ingredients 2: Animal derivatives & by products 3: Nutrients destroyed from cooking at high temperatures 4: No fillers or unknown ingredients 5: Sterilised so lasts years and found with detergents Learn more about KatKins: https://tidd.ly/3Yv52pt Cat Food Subscription Box - Which One is The Best? https://poppys-pets.com/cat-food-subscription-boxes-which-one-is-the-best/ I update UK Deals frequently: https://poppys-pets.com/uk-best-deals-discounts-freebies-earn-cash-trial-offers/ Other subscription boxes: https://poppys-pets.com/take-advantage-of-cat-food-trial-offers/

Pt 2: Republic of Cats - Get a Months Cat Food for Free. (My...
2K views · May 25, 2023 poppys-pets.com
Yes, it is true. You can get FREE cat food with Republic of Cats. A second delivery arrives for my elderly cat Tabitha in early June - free. Starting point: 1: Join and receive two weeks of food called the Taster Box for £2.50, which is the cheaper option as normally it costs between £5 to £10 http://republicofcats.refr.cc/lesleybonney 2: Republic of Cats Taster Box - See what's in the box. https://youtu.be/PR0wDg8NBrY 3: Watch the current video to find out how you get free cat food Articles at Poppy's Pets: A: Tried and Tested cat food subscription, easy repeat or as and when https://poppys-pets.com/cat-food-subscription-boxes-which-one-is-the-best/ B: 5 cat food retailers with food trials from £1 https://poppys-pets.com/take-advantage-of-cat-food-trial-offers/

Are You in a Domestic Abuse Relationship? (Real-Life Intervi...
4K views · Apr 3, 2023 poppys-pets.com
Since published this clip and a newspaper article, I have left a domestic abuse and violent relationship. I hadn't realised I was in this type of relationship. I fled with my cat. I can film and write freely now. Interview: https://youtu.be/m_jZqPa4SYQ?si=cZ9YGQZPOXcrG3fs TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/tag/petsindomesticabuse YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrb7hyb8JPwofteOpPf-B21ksR5pqsXkX&si=FrtGvgRkUGISIx7r Articles: https://poppys-pets.com/category/help-and-advice-for-cats-dogs-wildlife/domestic-abuse-and-violence/ Are you in a domestic abuse relationship? I've just left one. Are you concerned about where to take your pets if you're forced to leave your home? Pet fostering is an excellent option for you and your pets. https://poppys-pets.com/domestic-abuse-4-pet-charities-that-offer-foster-care-refuge-for-animals/ With pet fostering, you can safely keep your pets with one of 4 British pet charities while you're in an abusive relationship. This way, your pets will be safe whilst you have the support you need to get out of the abusive relationship. Become a Fosterer: Equally, If you're reading this and interested in pet fostering, please don't hesitate to contact one of the charities listed in my article below. They would love more foster parents so that more placements can be found for your pets suffering in abusive homes. https://poppys-pets.com/domestic-abuse-4-pet-charities-that-offer-foster-care-refuge-for-animals/ . Article was published in an East Yorkshire newspaper November 2021. The Links Group is for you, pet fostering and professionals: https://thelinksgroup.org.uk/pet-fostering #withernsea #domesticviolence #domesticabuse #domesticabuseandpets

What Is The 7-Second Rule? How to Stop Your Dog Burning Its...
2K views · Jun 8, 2023 poppys-pets.com
As temperatures increase, so do tarmac, concrete, artificial grass, and beach sand. Walking your dog on hot surfaces will burn paw pads. Imagine walking barefooted on hot coals. To test the ground, you need to apply one simple rule so please watch this brief video. It stars rescue dog Teddy. Teddy's other videos: Walking your dog in extreme heat (July 2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKVJ9F31MV4&t=4s What is the 7 Second Rule: https://youtu.be/FnTIDBz_Vjg North York Moors walk for elderly dogs: https://youtu.be/JPDNPL_jpIM Castleton, North York, for elderly dogs: https://youtu.be/iV78Yfk27Ps Winter walk in Whitby for old dogs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URouBDXrXQE His favourite dog friendly holiday cottage: https://youtu.be/KKJALLVdQVY

Extreme UK Heatwave 2022: Cats, Dogs, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, ...
9K views · Jun 8, 2023 poppys-pets.com
DOGS: Look out for these signs in your dog (including in the home): 1: dry nose 2: excessive panting 3: you can feel excessive heat from its back 4: red or purple gums 5: dry mouth 6: diarrhoea and / or vomiting 7: disorientation 8: collapse 9: coma 10: seizures 11: death is a high factor if the signs are ignored EMERGENCY - CALL YOUR VET CATS: Look out for these Heatstroke signs in your cat (including in the home): 1: panting open mouthed 2: breathing distress 3: disorientation 4: coma 5: muscle tremors 6: collapse 7: dark urine, very little or no urine expressed at all 8: bright red tongue 9: bright red or pale gums 10: unable to settle, pacing 11: drooling 12: vomiting 13: diarrhoea (may have blood in the stools) 14: death is a high factor if the signs are ignored EMERGENCY - CALL YOUR VET SMALL ANIMALS (ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs etc housed OUTSIDE at at great risk of heat stress) RABBITS & GUINEA PIGS: Both will hide illness so please look out for the signs 1: creating more saliva than usual 2: inactive 3: seizures 4: coma 5: flaring nostrils 6: laying stretched out on the hutch or cage floor 7: breathing is heavy and laboured 8: panting VETERINARY LIFE-SAVING TREATMENT: 1: your pet will be placed on a drip 2: your pet will be given cooling enemas 3: your pet will be given oxygen 4: your pet will need blood tests to assess whether heatstroke has caused vital organ damage 5: your pet will be prescribed medication 6: your pet will need ongoing check ups and treatment until your vet feels your pet is out of the danger zone 7: you will have a large vet bill 8: your pet may be to advanced with heatstroke and to end suffering be put to sleep 9: you will have a vet bill for euthanasia, (possible) crematorium bill, suffer emotional trauma from guilt and loss Teddy's other videos: Why risk killing your pet in extreme UK heat (July 2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKVJ9F31MV4&t=4s 7 Second Rule to avoid burning paw pads: https://youtu.be/FnTIDBz_Vjg North York Moors walk for elderly dogs: https://youtu.be/JPDNPL_jpIM Castleton, North York, for elderly dogs: https://youtu.be/iV78Yfk27Ps Winter walk in Whitby for old dogs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URouBDXrXQE

Example : Is Your Dog (border collie) Obsesses and Nipping a...
9K views · Jun 8, 2023 poppys-pets.com
About: Bertie is 7 months with the Notortourious Behaviour of a Border Collie ranking as number 1 on Google. An example of a Border Collie trait: light & shadow chasing. Notorious behaviour of a Border Collie https://poppys-pets.com/notorious-behaviour-of-a-border-collie-8wks-to-7mths/ Website: https://poppys-pets.com/ . #lightchasing #bordercollie #shadowchasing

Pet Cognitive Dysfunction (dementia): How Can You Help Your ...
7K views · Jun 8, 2023 poppys-pets.com
Signs of possible dementia in cats and dogs (cognitive dysfunction) are: 1: Out-of-character vocalisation 2: Unusual sleep patterns 3: Unable to remember house training 4: Disorientation 5: Unable to cope with interaction with other animals I used Aktivait for my 16 year old feline. Read more about Dementia in Cats and changes in the home: https://poppys-pets.com/ I paid £26.99 for a box of 60 for a cat. Prices April 2023: Cat £37.99 Medium / Large dogs £53.49 Small dogs £30.82 Visit VioVet https://tidd.ly/3mwt7LD VioVet have their own brand. Renew Me is for cats AND dogs at £29.99 (April 2023) for 60: https://tidd.ly/41jZzEa Quote from VetPlus: "A nutritional supplement to help maintain a healthy central nervous system & support brain functions." Read more or buy from Viovet: ** https://tidd.ly/3mwt7LD . Aktivait is used from experience which helped my 16-year-old cat remember to eat. . I would love you to visit Web: https://poppys-pets.com/ I write for a Yorkshire newspaper too. . Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poppys.pets22/ Website: https://poppys-pets.com/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/PoppysPets2021 #withernsea #felinedementia #dogdementia #catdementia #poppyspets #catmemoryloss #dogmemoryloss Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link from Awin. I only recommend products I have used or bought for my animals; all opinions expressed here are mine. I earn a commission if you purchase products from retailers after clicking on a link from this channel at no additional cost. Poppy’s Pets will only use affiliate links for products it feels may benefit you. #howto #helptohelp #withernsea

The Clippers: A Good Choice for Your Feline Friend
6K views · Apr 3, 2023 poppys-pets.com
Do not use human or dog clippers on a cat. A cat's fur has a different density. See what you think of these clippers before you buy. . Please also note that Tabitha has overgroomed leading to bald patches. Overgrooming can be a sign of stress from within the environment or health. Cat Clipper link - the design has changed: https://masterclip.co.uk/product-range/productgroup/cat-clippers 2 Year warranty. Chat to staff before purchase if you wish . Please like & subscribe to my channel. Poppy's Pets also has a column in a Yorkshire newspaper and its own website: www.poppys-pets.cm . . . . . #cattrimmers #catclippers #recommendedcatclipper #shavemattedcatfur #bestproducttoremovemattedcatfur

Quick Tip: Cats With Any Problems Urinate in Unusual Places ...
1K views · Sep 2, 2023 poppys-pets.com
Tabitha is 16 and suffers from nerves and stress, and since 2020 has bouts of cystitis. I do advise an initial veterinary consultation to diagnose Cystitis so other conditions can be ruled out. For example, blockages which can be fatal for male and female cats. You vet may want to express your cat's bladder but cats can stop themselves expressing urine. Your vet may suggest the syringe - unless an emergency, collect the urine at home. Tabitha cried from this which may be cry. This is why I collect the urine at home. Alternatively you could look at human bed aid but in all honesty, you'll need to rebuy and there is a sizing issue if for a cat. My choice is machine washable, re-usable and wipeable. Pet Health Care: If registered under this scheme, you use to be able to get a free bag of KatKor to collect the urine and a free annual test. Poppys Pets website for low cost alternatives and free vet care, calming products, and high blood pressure, vet prescriptions: https://poppys-pets.com/ Ideal for stressed cats - collect a urine sample at home for your vet to test: https://youtu.be/f_4sS7ealhA Feliway Cystease helps bladder stress and stops Cystitis. My new vet agreed (August 2023) to give Tabitha this daily supplement. https://youtu.be/GmLjvOFZrBM Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links of which I earn a few pennies - it will not cost you anymore money. Thumbnail card credit: Sabina Feldman on Pixabay

Act Fast: How to Find a Lost Hamster
877 views · Aug 14, 2023 poppys-pets.com
Has your hamster escaped from its cage? How will you find a small nocturnal creature in your home. When you notice an empty cage, don’t panic but you need to act fast because of dangers surrounding a vulnerable hamster.

What's in The Box? Adults & Senior Cat Food
677 views · Jan 7, 2024 poppys-pets.com
Update April 2024: Free 28 days of cat food with my referral link: https://share.republicofcats.com/q78fy22e Pause, cancel or continue monthly. ************ £2.50 Taster Box; http://republicofcats.refr.cc/lesleybonney Republic of Cats have linked with home delivery Stocked for human nosh that can be stored in the freezer. Get £15 off with my referral link: https://stockedfood.refr.cc/lesley Taster box contains 28 meals and the price ranges between £2.50 to £10 depending on whether you use a desktop or mobile and suitable for adults & seniors NOT kittens. Delivered to your door. Recipes can be tweaked. Fish pate suited Tabitha. Update November 2023: Taster Box £7.50 using desktop. 90% off using mobile. . NEW video May 2023: Get FREE food from Republic of Cats https://youtu.be/_Mh4C9x0Hqk . I opted for food without rice, barley, dairy, eggs, oats, and wheat. Incase you want to sign up for the Taster Box, please use my Referral Link http://republicofcats.refr.cc/lesleybonney for £2.50. (July 2022 - Tabitha now has fish only and no red meat) . Contents of the Taster Box: 3 boxes containing 5 cans of 85g of wet food Bag of 0.9kg of dry biscuits . Option to cancel your future subscriptions anytime, move forthcoming delivery dates, or change the plan. It is nutritious and fulfilling and loved by cats. Delivered to your door - no more carrying heavier cans and big bags of dry biscuits home. The Republic of Cats passport contains her menu and daily portions for the Ministry of Nutrition! . Part of Tails.com https://tidd.ly/336UZjy . Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link. I only recommend products I buy myself and my cat has experienced, and all opinions expressed are mine. I earn a commission if you purchase products from retailers after clicking on a link from our site, and it is at no additional cost to you. #withernsea #catsubscriptionfood #republicofcats #bestcatfood

Part 2: KatKins Winter 2023 - Saver Plan, In-house Panel &a...
6K views · Jan 7, 2024 poppys-pets.com
KatKins launched two perks in December 2023, which I've mentioned in the video: 1: Saver Plan - this isn't mentioned on the website. I have a subscription and was emailed the Saver Plan details; it's KatKins way of keeping prices down. https://tidd.ly/3NioqmQ 2: Refer a Friend gets you and your friend 50% off the next order each: https://katkin.mention-me.com/m/ol/rv7za-lesley-bonney 3: And there's the in-house panel ... My original video has over 1,100 views and gives you an idea about the subscription side: https://youtu.be/oOBw8c2Dv4c The usual two offers: 25% off your first two boxes: https://tidd.ly/3RzpXaM 20% off the first 14 days: https://tidd.ly/4abzWKD Scoop Health cat litter that tells you if your kitty is ill: https://tidd.ly/3RfcnYQ My website features lots of offers, freebies, cash incentives and product testing: https://poppys-pets.com/category/help-and-advice-for-cats-dogs-wildlife/raising-cash/ Don't forget to watch my videos about how I get products for free! Disclaimer: The links are affiliate links but products I recommend. It doesn't cost you any more money . I may earn a few pennies for referring you which helps maintain my website.

ItchPet Wellness - Calm Your Cat and Grain-Free Goodies For ...
1K views · Jan 7, 2024 poppys-pets.com
ItchPet is about wellness for our cats & dogs: https://tidd.ly/3JL5f1W Join VideoVet: https://tidd.ly/3KBRYt1 **If your pet is having an emergency, please contact your own vet urgently.*** Last week, ItchPet sent me a box filled with goodies to review. How exciting!! Love the idea of complementary, wellness, wellbeing pet food! The dog treats have been an absolute hit with our dog Teddy and local dogs so watch out for the video!! Included in the box are calming capsules with valerian root extract which will calm my 15 year cat Tabitha before her blood pressure sessions. The powder supplement has been designed to make your pet "look and feel fantastic 24/7" so watch out for the video for this too! What's in the box? 1: Calming capsules for cats - for stress and anxiety 2: 10 in 1 Ultimate Supplement - soft, glossy coat, no more itchy skin, soothes, relaxes muscles for zen-like vibes, loosens stiff joints & helps keeps bones strong, gut health so no more stinky farts, helps the immune system, eye health so bright eyed, brain development and growth 3: **Dog dental treats - NO GRAIN, tartar control, bacteria control, combat bad breath, fresh breath 4: **Dog skin & coat - NO GRAIN, glossy soft coat, healthy skin **dog treats for all life stages, and as training treats, give as many treats as you want, dog treats suitable for puppies too Read more at Itch Pet: https://tidd.ly/3JL5f1W Visit Poppy's Pets http://poppys-pets.com/ Disclaimer: I belong to Awin, an affiliate programme. This is an authentic video. The link included is an affiliate link and I may receive a small commission for any qualifying purchases. This will not cost you any extra.

ItchPet Wellness - Calm Your Cat and Grain-Free Goodies For ...
1K views · Jan 7, 2024 poppys-pets.com
ItchPet is about wellness for our cats & dogs: https://tidd.ly/3JL5f1W Join VideoVet: https://tidd.ly/3KBRYt1 **If your pet is having an emergency, please contact your own vet urgently.*** Last week, ItchPet sent me a box filled with goodies to review. How exciting!! Love the idea of complementary, wellness, wellbeing pet food! The dog treats have been an absolute hit with our dog Teddy and local dogs so watch out for the video!! Included in the box are calming capsules with valerian root extract which will calm my 15 year cat Tabitha before her blood pressure sessions. The powder supplement has been designed to make your pet "look and feel fantastic 24/7" so watch out for the video for this too! What's in the box? 1: Calming capsules for cats - for stress and anxiety 2: 10 in 1 Ultimate Supplement - soft, glossy coat, no more itchy skin, soothes, relaxes muscles for zen-like vibes, loosens stiff joints & helps keeps bones strong, gut health so no more stinky farts, helps the immune system, eye health so bright eyed, brain development and growth 3: **Dog dental treats - NO GRAIN, tartar control, bacteria control, combat bad breath, fresh breath 4: **Dog skin & coat - NO GRAIN, glossy soft coat, healthy skin **dog treats for all life stages, and as training treats, give as many treats as you want, dog treats suitable for puppies too Read more at Itch Pet: https://tidd.ly/3JL5f1W Visit Poppy's Pets http://poppys-pets.com/ Disclaimer: I belong to Awin, an affiliate programme. This is an authentic video. The link included is an affiliate link and I may receive a small commission for any qualifying purchases. This will not cost you any extra.

Pt 3: Republic of Cats Giveaway - FREE 2 WEEKS CAT FOOD Us...
111 views · Apr 15, 2024 poppys-pets.com
I'll monitor this but Republic of Cats are offering free cat food. The video explains that you are not in a contract and so can cancel anytime or continue. 2024: Free Taster Box for your cat: https://share.republicofcats.com/q78fy22e What's in the box? This was Tabitha's taster box in 2022 - you'll hear her purring - contents may differ slightly: https://youtu.be/PR0wDg8NBrY?si=D8uII8OHDgYvwIFD Get future boxes of Republic of Cats free too - I earned £140 which enabled me to order several boxes of cat food for £0.00: https://youtu.be/_Mh4C9x0Hqk?si=dtOTjyUUSheVPrji Offers & freebies playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrb7hyb8JPwr3xttC95LWnkOZQO1GiWzH&si=1IcvvhZQ6JOyUHop Cash incentives, freebies, swap products, cat food trial offers, & product testing: https://poppys-pets.com/category/help-and-advice-for-cats-dogs-wildlife/raising-cash/