Video Three: Step 3 - Where To Get Worms & Feeding Your Compost Worms - CHALLENGE

99 views May 4, 2024

Remember: Never overfeed worms after placing them into their new environment. We look at right and wrong foods to feed your new composting worms, and I suggest where you can buy discounted fresh food too. If single, once the worms have settled, ask a friend or two to save food scraps to boost your bin. Facebook or NextDoor app is ideal if searching for composting worms locally. Let me know if a post on social media works. Please follow my channel - next step: Where to store your worm bin and how to stop it flooding The Worm Gang - Ferme Du Moutta - Episode 2 and overfeeding composting caused worm death in my new worm bin: Alternatively, you can buy composting worms. £2.50 off at Wiggly Wigglers but the composting worms are quite expensive. Start with 50g of Red Wigglers / Tiger Worms to keep costs low: Brand: Yorkshire Worms on Amazon: WormCity on Amazon: Yorkshire Worms on Etsy - free shipping: Yorkshire Worms - 50g: You prefer to actually buy a complete starter kit (worms, coir bedding, worm food chow) but it does cost £24:

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