How Ladder Logic Works in the PLC | PLC Programming Basics | PLC Academy
Learn how How Ladder Logic Works in the PLC. This is key to a beginner’s understanding of PLC Programming. Here is the full ladder logic tutorial: From my ladder logic tutorial is here an animation of how it all works. It is very important to know how the ladder instructions work according to the PLC scan cycle. All PLC programmers has to know about this. Step-by-step this animation will show you how each input is scanned and stored in the PLC memory (input register). After that, it will show you how the ladder logic is executed in the PLC. Each instruction gives out an RLO (result of logic operation) to the next ladder instruction. At last the animation will show how the PLC sets its outputs. The outputs will be set as a result of the ladder logic. Here is the full ladder logic tutorial: For more information check out my related articles: PLC Scan time: Comment below with any additional questions you have. If you enjoyed this video from PLC Academy and want to see more like it, please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel. If you want to learn more about PLC Programming, I have FREE learning resources at: