Arrested for Sixt Subscription Car Reported as Stolen | PissedConsumer

2K views Dec 5, 2023

Sixt rental review: "We had the car for litterally YEARS at this point so he calls it in stolen for one day billing dispute NEVER bothered to contact anyone about it, he reports it and a good friend of mine was arrested and charged with recieving stolen property and vehicle theft. He was in the process of moving to Vegas when this occured and so all of his personal belongings are in the vehicle he goes to jail and this was two months ago we had to bail him right out and wouldnt you know it since then we havent been able to get his stuff back from this company. His dad just passed and he had his dads ashes and personal things and his things all in the car. This company picked the car up in san bernadino and brought it bacj here packed and just give us the ryn around for two months now." 0:00 - Interview introduction 0:06 - Sixt Car mistakenly reported stolen; $60,000 loss 0:18 - Year-long rental due to corporate rate 0:42 - Move to Vegas; wrongful arrest 1:36 - Loss of property; company's inadequate response 3:17 - Considering lawsuit; feeling disrespected 4:30 - Similar incidents with others 5:07 - Call for company reforms 5:37 - Conclusion Read the full Sixt review on PissedConsumer: #OnlineReviews #PissedConsumer #sixt #sixtreview If you are a company representative and would like to get in touch with this consumer in order to resolve the issue, please let us know:

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