Hei hei! Welcome to Norway with Pål (now on Patreon)
Check out my Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/norwaywithpal/ For years I’ve been sharing my passion for Norway with curious followers from all over the world. I post on my Facebook page and Instagram and I have this YouTube channel where I post videos all about Norway. I also have my Norway with Pål website where I post articles about food, language and travel advice for Norway. This is something I do on the side whenever I find time between tour guiding and other work. Up to now I have been doing this for free, purely for the fun of it; I really enjoy all the interactions I have had with many of you! By starting a Patreon account I want to take Norway with Pål a step further and offer you something more. I would like to spend even more time sharing the natural beauty, the history, and the culture of Norway. I would like to spend more time sharing my guiding knowledge and my expert travel advice. This way, you can make the most of your own travels to my beautiful country. Or if you’re not able to travel just now, I invite you to explore Norway virtually, with me as your guide. To help make this possible, I’m inviting you to become a patron of mine. Doing so, you will be directly supporting my work at Norway with Pål and making it possible for me to put even more time into sharing Norway with you. On Patreon I can offer you exclusive access to behind-the-scenes photos and videos from my life here in Norway. I'll cover things such as Norwegian food, history, language, art, traditions, travel and so on. Creating this content takes time. Patreon is a service that makes it possible for you to support the creators that you love. I hope I can be one of them. So, join me and let’s explore Norway together. Tusen takk! Thanks a lot! Pål Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/norwaywithpal/ =============================